A question for all you cast members.....


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Original Poster
Does working at Disney ruin your concepts and ideas of Disney? I am curious b/c after all of these layoffs and stuff (and getting my MBA n possibly PhD) I want to apply and work at Disney and I was just curious.

Does it help you appreciate Disney more or does working there sort of suck the magic right out of it? I used to LOVE the movies, but then after working at 2 theaters it kinda killed it for me (knowing all the in's and outs), and it's just not the same as being blissfully ignorant


I for one, love WDW even more since being a cast member. For me, it was an opportunity to make magic for others, and I relish every moment of it.

But it hasn't been all good. My eyes have been opened to many, many things that must be changed. Many cast members are not treated by management with dignity, and there are HUGE changes needed in the upper management of the parks.

Other than that I love working there, especially since I've had the pleasure of working two of the most iconic attractions in SSE and the Jungle Cruise.


New Member
Original Poster
I for one, love WDW even more since being a cast member. For me, it was an opportunity to make magic for others, and I relish every moment of it.

But it hasn't been all good. My eyes have been opened to many, many things that must be changed. Many cast members are not treated by management with dignity, and there are HUGE changes needed in the upper management of the parks.

Other than that I love working there, especially since I've had the pleasure of working two of the most iconic attractions in SSE and the Jungle Cruise.

Isn't the point of promiting from within the fact that the people at the top know how the people at the bottom feel and thus know how to treat them properly????


Isn't the point of promiting from within the fact that the people at the top know how the people at the bottom feel and thus know how to treat them properly????

Unfortunately, most of the ones who get promoted are power hungry, and their new position gives them a holier-than-thou attitude.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I for one, love WDW even more since being a cast member. For me, it was an opportunity to make magic for others, and I relish every moment of it.

But it hasn't been all good. My eyes have been opened to many, many things that must be changed. Many cast members are not treated by management with dignity, and there are HUGE changes needed in the upper management of the parks.

Other than that I love working there, especially since I've had the pleasure of working two of the most iconic attractions in SSE and the Jungle Cruise.

^^Yeah that - agreeed 110%

Unfortunately, most of the ones who get promoted are power hungry, and their new position gives them a holier-than-thou attitude.

^^That too, unfortunately :(


New Member
You do luck out sometimes though, I have a manager who isn't afraid to get her hands dirty! She's the best.
After you work there though you start to notice how awful other places run their business, haha!:lol: I can't stand going somewhere and seeing five different employees pull out there cell phone in front of me. I know it happens at disney too, but not that much.

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
At this point of what I've read there's not much different in upper mgt in any place. I work for an office supply store, and many times I try to avoid upper mgt when they come into the store. Some reasons for here are at least, that some of them never worked the floor so they have no idea of what it's like to do the job they are trying to tell you how to do, basically they have no clue. So most time they talk down to you, when my mgr's start to do that I just walk away, had one ask me why I did that and my answer was that if I deserved to be talked to like that I will take it, but, if I don't deserve that I just walk away. I wouldn't let my father talk to me like that what makes you think that I'll let you?


You do luck out sometimes though, I have a manager who isn't afraid to get her hands dirty! She's the best.
After you work there though you start to notice how awful other places run their business, haha!:lol: I can't stand going somewhere and seeing five different employees pull out there cell phone in front of me. I know it happens at disney too, but not that much.

Oh, there are good managers. I started over in Epcot Attractions: Future World East, and those guys were great.

MK...well not so much.

And I agree that I get p'oed when I go to places with bad employees now.:lol:
I cant speak from experience, but I know two people that are former Disney CM's. And I have asked them the exact same question you did and they both answered Yes.

Im sure thats not hte case for everyone, but it seems like most people say the magic is ruined. And really, is that surprising? You could take that for pretty much any company. Looking from the outside in, things may look great but once you get into the inner workings theres always something that you are not going to like.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Mostly everywhere you work, your managers are going to be idiots. But its kind of like that statement that ish rolls down hills...

There is always some good managers, but for the most part they are usually lazy morons who sit in an office and try to make decisions on things in a field they know nothing about.


Well-Known Member
THere are good supervisors and bad supervisors in any work environment. That's just people. Unfortunately, some supervisors easily forget the simplest principle of all: treat your people as you would want to be treated. It's just that simple.

This is an interesting question. When we had our lunch with an Imagineer last May I asked him that exact question. Working for the company behind the scenes for so many years, knowing what it took to go from and idea to a finished product, and just being in the environment on a regular basis does it desensitize a person to the magic or is the feeling still there somehow? Before he ever said a word I had the answer. It was in his eyes. You could see him take that question in, appreciate it, process it, and feel it sitting there at that table. It was really cool. He said that he does still go to the parks as a guest and brings his now older teenage son. If a park is crowded or something he said he won't stay. But he does still go as a guest and, at times, gets the same goosebumps he used to even when he's looking at something he worked on and spends time thinking about the time & efforts in that particular project. He seemed more nostalgic towards the China Pavilion and Epcot in general. I imagine was because the construction of that park and the work in that pavilion were his jumping off point with WDI. It was truly fascinating.

Next time you're at WDW spend time engaging random CMs in conversation if you can. I've noticed if we take time to show interest in these under-appreciated souls more often than not it brings a smile to their face. Or my personal fav is to find the most mundane, ordinary CM and ask to take a picture with them. I can't tell you how many faces I've watched go from no expression/just passing time to really smiling and genuinely happy when we do this. It's fun!


Next time you're at WDW spend time engaging random CMs in conversation if you can. I've noticed if we take time to show interest in these under-appreciated souls more often than not it brings a smile to their face. Or my personal fav is to find the most mundane, ordinary CM and ask to take a picture with them. I can't tell you how many faces I've watched go from no expression/just passing time to really smiling and genuinely happy when we do this. It's fun!

:sohappy: This is my favorite. When guests would just come up and start a conversation. I would start convos with people in line, but it is always better when they start asking you questions.


Well-Known Member
Though I have not been a CM (though both my wife and I talk about doing just that when we decide that our current working lives are going to come to a close) I have heard from CMs who love it and others who it tainted it for them.

I think it really depends on the individual and what they let ruin things for them. For me, I don't think it could ruin it...


New Member
Yes and no, and what you take from it depends on you.

I know that's not a great answer, but it's the truthful answer.

Expect to work hard. Expect to work. Expect it to be work and to have all the related feelings about going to work even if it's at Disney. Expect to have bad days and not want to go some days, just like any other job.

Just know that it's not like any other job... for better and worse.


Well-Known Member
Mostly everywhere you work, your managers are going to be idiots. But its kind of like that statement that ish rolls down hills...

There is always some good managers, but for the most part they are usually lazy morons who sit in an office and try to make decisions on things in a field they know nothing about.
Well that is somewhat narrow minded.

Have you ever considered, just for a moment, that the decisions they have to make may have more sides than what you can see?

As someone who is currently straddling "line work" and management, it is interesting to see both a reaction to a decisions and also all the factors that go into making that decision.


Well-Known Member
Well that is somewhat narrow minded.

Have you ever considered, just for a moment, that the decisions they have to make may have more sides than what you can see?

As someone who is currently straddling "line work" and management, it is interesting to see both a reaction to a decisions and also all the factors that go into making that decision.

Being a manager myself (no not for Disney) I agree with you 100%

One of the things that I think ANYBODY in business should read is NASA's 100 rules for project management. I have some of them highlighted and on my wall. Among those are

Rule #66 - Don't assume you know why senior management has done something. If you feel you need to know, ask. You get some amazing answers that will astonish you.


Rule #68 - Remember, the boss has the right to make decisions. Even if you think they are wrong, tell the boss what you think but if he still wants it done his way; do it his way and do your best to make sure the outcome is successful.


Rule #69 - Never ask management to make a decision you can make. Assume you have the authority to make decisions unless you know there is a document that states unequivocally that you can't.



While I am not a fan of most of the upper WDW management, I was mostly talking about those directly over the front line cast members. I understand that they have to make tough decisions, but for the most part they treat the cast like crap. They can make the tough decisions, but they can treat us with a heck of a lot more dignity.


I was a CM back in 2004 and to me it was one of the best and worst jobs i ever had. What i mean by that is im a Disney Nut ... i live and breath Disney ... i would have gave my left arm to have been a CM and i still would to go back.... but also its a job like every other one. You wake up.. go there ..hate being there.. get off of work change clothes then run around the park having a great time lol. To get back to ur question, I believe that working there made me a stronger believer in Disney Magic. Yeah the managers can suck (but all job managers do) the guest can get on ur nerves, but when u stop and look at it... they treat their employees like crap so they can give the best to the guest... and if that means "I" as a CM have to suffer a little to make a little kids day magical then i will do it. I enjoyed ever minute of working there and one day i plan on going back. It was like being a member of the best club in the world ....The Mickey Mouse Club.... spreading magic to as many people as possible .... there are not to many jobs u can say that about!!!


Active Member
I agree with OGMIckey that is one of the best & worst jobs at the same time. I work in costuming, so I am never interacting with park guests. The guests I deal with are the performers. I get to hear their stories about something a little kid said to them & things like that. I work at Fantasmic & at the end of every show while Sorcerer Mickey is up at the top of the mountain, I get a feeling like "I'm making someone's vacation because I showed up to work today." My managers are great for the most part. There are many days that while Im standing at the costume issue counter Im thinking how much I hate it, but then I go home for a few hours & Im back at the park with my friends. My program isnt over till May but Im already wanting to come back & do the program again.

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