waiting for October pricing..


Well-Known Member
We are just about under our 6 month window for some reservations and yet there is no October pricing as of yet.. and i am concerned.. No deals at all right now.. and there are 9 of us going.. why is the pricing so late?


Well-Known Member
Do you mean there are no discounts as of yet? Because all resorts have been priced for all of 2024 (and I think even 2025 at this point. Here’s a link to a third party site that lists them by resort:

October is a popular time for the WDW parks. Lots of people prefer the somewhat cooler weather and the Halloween decor. Many schools have a Fall Break in October. I have taken 4 teens to Orlando the past two Octobers for Fall Break. Parks were busy both years and no discounts were offered until the very end of October (which didn’t work with our Fall Break dates sadly)
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Well-Known Member
What pricing do you mean? I’m booked for October already.

MNSSHP tickets aren’t out yet, but I’ll add those once they’re released. No discounts are out for that time of year but hopefully if one is released and it’s during my dates of stay I’ll be able to add it.
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Well-Known Member
With 9 people your options for rooms may be harder as time goes on depending on what you are booking. Weve gotten our October booking in so we dont miss out. As soon as the MNSSHP dates are released we will be jumping in to book those tickets. Ive been to the event a couple of times but DS has never been.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
we are waiting and hoping for some discounts.. and right now there are none... and we have ap's and have disney+ .. so we are looking for anything..
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Well-Known Member
I would definitely check out this website because they're usually up on most of the Disney discounts etc. Hope this helps:
That's the same website listed above but WDW Magic also lists available discounts within minutes of being published right here on the main page!

Also, @Kingdom Konsultant is an amazing travel agency who sponsors this site and has a phenomenal team who are also active members here. They would be happy to plan a trip and constantly look for the best deals for you so you can just sit back and relax and count the days until your trip! 😊
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
over a month later and still no pricing for discounts at hotels.. we are supposed to be there oct 11.. this is becoming a problem..
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