11/06/05 - Appears MGM name is staying put......


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:

guess JHM has some egg on his face. :lol: (http://www.jimhillmedia.com/article.php?id=1726)

:( You know, I find plenty to argue with at JHM myself, but this is hardly a good example. Here's the relevant quote from the article you just cited:

Now some folks are saying that the reason that this portion of the arch has been left blank for the past few weeks is because the Walt Disney Company really is getting ready to remove the "MGM" name from the studio theme park. While still others are suggesting that this area on the arch is being left blank because ... Well ... In the wake of that series of hurricanes that recently passed through Central Florida, WDW's maintenance staff has more pressing matters to take care of. And that -- when they finally get a free moment -- they'll put the Disney-MGM name back up on the studio archway.

Me personally? I don't know what exactly is going on with the MGM renaming thing.
Then what follows is some aimless speculation about how much work would be involved if the MGM name WAS removed.

Mecha Figment

New Member
psuchad said:
Maybe Disney is buying MGM along with Pixar? Really nobody knows until it happens. Disney is a business and it is important to keep corporate secrets and nobody except Disney should know their strategies.

Sony just bought MGM so thats not happening anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
Slowjack said:
:( You know, I find plenty to argue with at JHM myself, but this is hardly a good example. Here's the relevant quote from the article you just cited:

Then what follows is some aimless speculation about how much work would be involved if the MGM name WAS removed.

Yeah, I am not sure from that article where he really went out on a limb to say anything that you could even come close to saying is wrong. I understand you may not like and respect the guy, but the example wasn't there.

Thats not fair ... he gets it right sometimes. If you make enough wild guesses, some of them are bound to be close to right eventually.

Heck, even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Active Member
mkt said:
Disney is buying Pixar???!?!?!?!?!?


"Steve Jobs, the chairman and CEO of Pixar Animation Studios, would be open to a sale of the company at the right price, according to a published report. <!--startclickprintexclude--><!--endclickprintexclude--> The New York Times reports Jobs, who owns about 50 percent of Pixar, would want a strong premium to its current $5.9 billion market capitalization to consider a sale, but he would be open to an offer from its long-time partner,Walt Disney Co. The paper attributed Jobs' willingness to consider a sale to "two people with knowledge of the talks" now taking place between Disney and Pixar about possibly extending their partnership.

<!--startclickprintexclude--><!--endclickprintexclude--> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var clickExpire = "-1"; //--> </script> But the paper reports that in talks about a new version of their partnership, Disney CEO Robert Iger has yet to make an offer to acquire Pixar. The paper reports that Disney is hoping that its new animated feature, "Chicken Little," due in theaters this weekend, will give it greater leverage in talks with Pixar."


New Member
Thrawn said:
Thats not fair ... he gets it right sometimes. :lookaroun If you make enough wild guesses, some of them are bound to be close to right eventually.

And if you put enough monkeys in a room and give them enough time they'll write then next great novel.



Active Member
Thrawn said:
Thats not fair ... he gets it right sometimes. :lookaroun If you make enough wild guesses, some of them are bound to be close to right eventually.

Every once in a while a blind squirrel finds a nut...


New Member
Actually, the article was written by Jeff Lange and not by Jim Hill and nowhere does he say that MGM is being removed from the park. He simply reports the rumors and asks the question, but it's obvious that he doesn't believe it.


New Member
Here's my take on it.... I've just returned from my trip to WDW this year and on a particularly wet evening I stayed in my hotel room (Pop Century) and turned to watch one of the 15 or 17 Disney channels on the television. One of them, aptly named Your Future Disney Vacation Channel, was describing again ad nauseum the various parks, but when it got to Disney/MGM, it was called Disney Studios and nothing more. It referred to the park as Disney Studios a number of times and at no time was MGM ever mentioned. However, the other channels that describe the parks today was indeed still calling it Disney-MGM, so I can only infer that this change is indeed coming soon.


Premium Member
If I had a nickel for each time Disney themselves referred to the park as Disney Studios in the past 5 years, I'd have a ____load of nickels.


Account Suspended
Bytowner said:
Here's my take on it.... I've just returned from my trip to WDW this year and on a particularly wet evening I stayed in my hotel room (Pop Century) and turned to watch one of the 15 or 17 Disney channels on the television. One of them, aptly named Your Future Disney Vacation Channel, was describing again ad nauseum the various parks, but when it got to Disney/MGM, it was called Disney Studios and nothing more. It referred to the park as Disney Studios a number of times and at no time was MGM ever mentioned. However, the other channels that describe the parks today was indeed still calling it Disney-MGM, so I can only infer that this change is indeed coming soon.

They can't use the MGM name in certain promotional materials. Thats why the MGM is often blurred out on planning DVDs. Using it to describe the current park, however, isn't against the contract terms.


Well-Known Member
Mecha Figment said:
This being said with Disney already going foward with a Toy Story 3 with out Pixars involvment.

Please don't mention Toy Story 3. From what I've heard so far it sounds rather... lame.


Beta Return
SkipKid said:
Please don't mention Toy Story 3. From what I've heard so far it sounds rather... lame.

Well, unless Disney has learned how to animate in CGI, I'm not really interested in seeing Toy Story 3, hand drawn! The first two were so impressive in CG that it would absolutely ruin it if were animated.

Is this a straight-to-DVD mess like their others, or are they going for actual box office sales with this one?

Mecha Figment

New Member
um.. your kidding right.. disney has far shown their abilities to animate CGI

you have Dinosaur.. and chicken Little. Now true that Dinosaur blending live action with CGI but still i believe they showed they have the ability.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
I swear that Disney outsourced the animation in Chicken Little to a British Firm

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