Trip Report 10 days goes too fast in Disney World! July Trip Report

So.. I debated back and forth on whether or not I should write a trip report! Bringing back all my Disney memories is bittersweet, I wish I was still there! However, I do not want to forget anything about my wonderful, amazing trip so here goes! Hope you enjoy :)

I went to Disney from July 14-23, got stuck in Orlando so we didn't really leave until the 24th, with my best friend. This is my fourth trip to Disney and this was her probably 14th, haha. We had never been on vacation together, but we are inseparable at home, so we knew we'd have no problems!! I'm an Ariel lover, Disney World obsessed fan, who comes on these forums WAY TOO MUCH :) My name's Nicole and the girl with the brown hair is my best friend! :) Her favorite princess is Aurora, and is pretty upset there isn't a sleeping beauty ride, or show, or really anything in Disney World! We had tons of plans, we wanted to do the cupcake challenge, where you eat a different cupcake everyday, we wanted to drink around the world, we had a ton of things on our must do lists. Disney here we come!

Day One:

Our flight to Disney was at 6:00 AM from Newark so we had to be at the airport around 4 AM! We TRIED to go to sleep early, but all our adrenaline and excitement made that impossible! Finally around 10 PM we fell asleep, and set our alarms for 3:15 AM to go to the airport. When my alarm went off, I was a little cranky and wondered why we picked such an early flight, but then the excitement of going to Disney World crept up, and I was fully awake.


I'm the blonde!

Our flight there was super fast, and we arrived at 8:40 AM. We planned this right! We'd have a full day!! Off it was to find the magical express, did I mention, my friend and I are directionally challenged.
We went all the way downstairs and saw a bunch of Disney cruise buses only to find out we were on the wrong side of the airport, the magical express in on the B side just so everyone knows :) Back up the stairs and off to the other side we went.

We found the magical express area right away, and since it was early, it wasn't crowded at all! I remember when I went to Disney in November the lines being super long, but the lines were really short when we arrived! We hopped right on the bus, and we were off! Driving through the Walt Disney World sign gave me goosebumps, I could not believe I was really here! My level of excitement increased with each big purple sign with Mickey ears on top we passed.


Stop one was Old Key West Resort, stop two was Saratoga Springs, and stop three was our new home, Port Orleans French Quarter! I had never stayed here before, but just seeing the signs saying "Welcome Home" made me all teary-eyed. I'm such a Disney sap.

We checked in immediately, there was no lines at all, and since I had done the online check in, our room was ready! We were in building 4, room 4309, near the bus stop and food court. We had a garden view, and the room was so pretty! We couldn't have asked for a better room!

We quickly unpacked our carry-ons since our luggage hadn't arrived yet, and then began exploring! We each packed all our headwear in our carry-ons, so for our very first day we decided to wear matching minnie-ears. While we unpacked, we watched Stacey! What kind of Disney trip is it if you don't watch her must dos! Unt pretzel, unt beer!

We walked along the Sassagoula River, checked out the pool area, and checked out the food court. This resort is BEAUTIFUL. It's small and easy to get around, and the landscapers were even the friendliest people. They offered to take our picture in front of the fountain. Thanks again!

After we made our way full circle around our resort, it was off to Magic Kingdom! It was around 1130 AM when we hopped on the first Disney bus to the parks! Hearing the themed music, where the horns are blaring to welcome you to the Magic Kingdom, made me instantly emotional! We put our key to world card up to the new Mickey turnstiles, watched Mickey light up green, and were inside! AHHHH!!!

We hurriedly picked up our photopass and continued on. That first walk down main street is still a blur in my mind. As soon as I saw that castle, I realized I was truly here, my happiest place on earth. The tears started welling up in my eyes, I could not believe it! After months of visiting these forums and looking at everyone's pictures, it was finally my turn! I was so happy and overwhelmed and then BAM the "move it, shake it, celebrate it" parade started going on. I swear it's like they were celebrating our arrival :) We both were laughing and dancing, and waving at every character that passed by. It was the best entrance I've ever had.

We couldn't decide what we wanted to do first, we had no plan! So we started wandering! We took as many photopass pictures and we could, and then decided to head to new fantasyland. We both had last visited in 2011, so we were excited! On the way, we saw a Tiana, and there wasn't a line, so we had to meet her right away! She was extremely nice, and really pretty!

New fantasyland did not live up to my expectations, I guess because the huge mine train is in the middle of everything. It kind of takes away from the whole immersive experience. I think I may have rathered they open everything up at once, instead of in stages. Don't get me wrong, all the detailing in this area of the park is one the reasons I love Disney World so much.. they truly go that extra mile.
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Pluto snuck up behind us! He was too cute!

I was really adamant on giving him a hug!

The table next to us was a really nice family who offered to take photos of us together. Our waiter even took some for us as well. I love kind people!

This picture is a real winner because Pluto put his whiskers right over my friend's face! I still crack up looking at it!

I was like a kid in a candy store this whole dinner. I love Chef Mickey's. The atmosphere is so upbeat and fun. Even someone with the toughest exterior will crack when taken here. It brings out the inner child in us all!

I loved twirling my napkin! I had become pro since Hoop-de-Doo! Minnie was right at our table twirling with us, and I accidentally hit her in the face! I was twirling with such passion that I just whacked her straight in the head with my napkin. I'm so sorry Minnie!! I felt so bad!!!! My friend could not stop laughing she had tears rolling down her cheeks.

After our vigorous arm workout, it was time for real food! I got a baked potato, mashed potatoes (you can never have enough carbs) broccoli and cheese, corn bread, a roll, chicken, some tortellini, and a Mickey ravioli. I will eat anything if it's in the shape of a MIckey!

We stuffed our faces and had a visitor! Goofy was here! He was incredibly tall!

Went back up for a third plate.. I'm like a black hole! I got some turkey, some roast beef, and more mashed potatoes! And I visited the kid's section for a slice of pizza! Everything was really good, I wish I had room for more!

I was seriously smitten with Mickey the whole dinner and followed him with my eyes where ever he went. I don't know why Mickey does that to me! I guess because it all started with a mouse! I took some paparazzi style photos of my main man.

We ate pretty slowly, so we got to partake in another round of napkin twirling! This time, I watched out for passing characters!



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I honestly think I get way too much enjoyment out of twirling my napkin. I might just have to start doing this whenever I am in a restaurant.

Look, I spotted Donald with his hat! I knew something was missing!

Clearly, I'm way too into this.

Look at the cutie!

I got a little up close and person with Donald when he had his hat on!

I was sooooooooo full that this was all I could manage for dessert. I know, it's nothing and I am kicking myself now!

The restaurant was clearing out, and we had been sitting for awhile.. but I didn't want to leave without meeting Minnie. I think she was mad at me for whacking her in the face earlier, that she didn't wanna come back to our table! My friend kept telling me to give up, but I wanted to keep waiting!

She finally came! Oh Minnie, I'm so sorry! She blew us kisses, so I don't think she was holding a grudge. She loved my necklace, it's a silver Mickey mouse. I was ecstatic she came over.

It was a usual night at Disney for us, we were stuffed and were debating what to do. Go back to the hotel? No way! Magic Kingdom was open until one am, so back into our favorite theme park we went!

We got inside just in time for Wishes! YAYYYYYY!! I got teary-eyed and emotional. My friend and I swayed back and forth and sang to one another.

After Wishes, the masses were leaving! What are they doing?! The park was open until one! There was no way were were leaving! The night was young. :) We watched people pile out for awhile.

I'm never going home!

The night was ours!


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My dad collects antique clocks, so I had to take a photo with the clock on Main Steet!

My friend needed a photo as well so she posed with the mailbox. Haha!

Everyone was still filing out!

We heard the castle projection show, Celebrate the Magic, would be starting soon, so we waited. I got this really great shot of my friend and it looks like she's throwing up a fireball! :)

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to capture really anything on my camera but let me just tell you WOW. This show is just WOWWW! I still can't get over how they do all the scenes, and how realistic it all is! It blows my mind. Watch a video of it on youtube if you get a chance. You have to see this show to believe it! The little mermaid part was my favorite. We keep ooh-ing and ahh-ing to everything. It was so amazing. I want to watch it again and again. Encore!

After the show, we took way too many photopass pictures. I think we got ourselves in front of the castle with every color possible.

We tried to switch up our poses!

We then headed over to Splash Mountain. We chatted in line with a girl who was from Florida and came to Disney by herself just to go on the rides. She said she liked going alone, she gets to do exactly what she wants! We talked throughout the line, and it made it go faster. We were on one of the last logs, because Splash Mountain doesn't run during Extra Magic Hours. They told us the closing of the ride takes longer than others, so it wouldn't be open all night. Thank goodness we made the line!

I'm not sure what happened to my picture of this time down the mountain, but I don't have it. :( It as awesome, it always is. I like riding Splash at night. It's so cool to see everything lit up when you are coming over the main hill! We looked for the broken chicken, but there really isn't one! All the animatronics were in full working order! If anyone can ever point out the broken one to me, I'd be delighted!

We watched Philarmagic again before heading back to Main Street. The castle was glowing a pretty purple!

We goofed around for a bit, and admired all the statues. I never really took the time out to appreciate them, and I'm glad I did that night. By taking the parks at a slower pace, you really notice all the intimidate details. I love 10 days trips. :) I wish I could take them more often!


New Member
I'm finally all caught up! Loving your trip report, I'll be at POFQ in 42 days so I'm really enjoying your photos of the room!

I also just wanted to say I think your tiaras and hats are amazing, especially the way you coordinate your outfits to the parks and restaurants, and to ask where you got your amazing Ariel tshirt?


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I'm finally all caught up! Loving your trip report, I'll be at POFQ in 42 days so I'm really enjoying your photos of the room!

I also just wanted to say I think your tiaras and hats are amazing, especially the way you coordinate your outfits to the parks and restaurants, and to ask where you got your amazing Ariel tshirt?

Thank you so much for following along! I have so much headwear for Disney, it's crazy! I can never grow up because I want to always wear it!

I got my Ariel shirt off the Hot Topic website, they have a whole Disney line. And have so much fun on your trip! I'm jealous!


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Love all your castle pics! You definitely got your money's worth with photopass. I love Splash at night. When you top that hill and all you see is lights, ugh. I love it.

Splash at night it the absolute best. And we took so many photopass pictures.. it was worth it! Now it's hard deciding which ones to print out!


Active Member
I'm in love with your trip report. I check in everyday looking for new posts. I went with one of my good friends when I was in college (before the husband and the kiddos). One of the best trips I have ever taken. I love how you guys are carefree and enjoy everything. Characters are not just for the little ones. I can't wait to read more.


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I'm in love with your trip report. I check in everyday looking for new posts. I went with one of my good friends when I was in college (before the husband and the kiddos). One of the best trips I have ever taken. I love how you guys are carefree and enjoy everything. Characters are not just for the little ones. I can't wait to read more.

Thank you so much for following along! The trips with friends are amazing experiences! I hope everyone can have a trip like this at least once!


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The park was really starting to empty out, it was pretty strange being there with no people! I tried for multiple times to get a jumping picture. My friend eventually succeeded in snapping one! The remaining few that were there probably thought we had lost our mind!

We came to the sad realization that this would be the last time we would be in Magic Kingdom for the trip. We both got pretty emotional! Why do good things have to end? Magic Kingdom was like our "home park". We can came here the most! Whether it be to just walk around, grab a bite to eat, or stop by before dinner, we had become so familiar with everything. What was I going to do without those horns sounding as we approached in our bus. I kept trying to push the thought to the back of my mind. I didn't want this fact to ruin the last two days I had in Disney. And I still had 2 whole days left! Our vacation wasn't over just yet! We did a lot of shopping in the emporium, and then we headed out of the gates. It's not good-bye, it's see ya real soon.

Took a photo with our movie poster. I liked Lone Ranger!

The CM who took our photo was all excited because the flash made it look like there was a blaring sun in between the actors. It does look kind of cool!

Good-bye my love! Until we meet again. Thanks for all the memories. You truly are the happiest place on earth.

Day 9

We didn't go to sleep the night before until 1:30 AM, but we were still up and ready for rope drop at Hollywood Studios. Who needs sleep?

Here I am looking mighty cranky.

Here we come! I hate that stage! I never saw MGM without the hat, so I can't agree with the hat-haters just yet. But the stage when not in use just looked blah! We never saw any monsters on it, I think we had bad timing!

We headed right down Sunset Boulevard to get on one of my favorites!

My friend and I had spent all last summer having twilight zone marathons, and we both loved this ride! Rod Sterling would be proud. The Tower of Terror is one of the greatest. It is one of the top! From the themeing, to the CM's attitudes, to the drops, it's just something I can never tire of. I remember before I ever went to Disney being so confused about this elevator ride. For some reason I always pictured an actual elevator and you would just go down 13 stories. I was really naive!

We walked right on! There was no wait!

We screamed our heads off as we traveled into another dimension. A dimension of sound, a dimension of sight... LOL you get the picture!

We quickly grabbed a fast pass and noticed there was no line still, so on we went again! Hollywood, 1939. Amidst the the glitz and the glitter.. We moved up a row! The couple behind us was so cute, their kids were teenagers and too afraid to go on, so they went on themselves! Props to them!

2 times in a matter of 20 minutes?! We were excited for our day. :)


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We were able to get fast passes for Rock 'n' Roller Coaster, although they were for a few hours later. Hey, ya take what you can get!

Our first fastpass for Tower of Terror were ready to use, so we went on for a third time! It really pays to get there early! Having done two days here, we were successfully able to get on Toy Story Mania and Tower of Terror with no waits. Make a plan people :)

This time we got front row! Ahh my favorite! I love putting your hands up and having your butt lift up off the seat. I tried so hard to keep them up the whole time! We were sceaming so loudly! I felt bad for everyone riding with us! The photopass lady working the desk couldn't believe we were back again. You must really love this ride! she told us. We sure do!

And this elevator travels directly to.... The Twilight Zone!

We worked up quite an appetite with all that screaming so we decided to get some breakfast. And by breakfast I mean cupcakes. This is a healthy option, right?! We didn't succeed in eating one everyday, but we still wanted to try more! It's just so hard when you are so full all the time! There are too many to choose from. We went to Starring Rolls and took our pick!

My friend got the peanut butter chocolate one, and I got the butterfinger. I wasn't expecting it to have a white cream filling! It sort of tasted like the Hostess cream filling. RIP Hostess. We sampled each others, they are too delicious for words! I also got a bagel, and a caramel iced coffee. My friend got a pastry as well. I don't know what we were thinking. We could barely finish it all!

Looking at these pictures makes me want to cry because I want a bite so bad. It was so freaking good.
This was the best breakfast I'd ever had. A woman who saw what we purchased came over and wanted to see us cut our cupcakes in half, she was debating on which one to buy. She was too cute and was so excited for us while we were eating. I never did find out which one she bought!

I know now why they call it Starring Rolls; you'll have a few more rolls in your stomach after your done eating! Or you may have to be rolled away! I'm such a comedian.

We ventured off into the Animation building after our hearty breakfast.

We were going to learn how to draw!

On the way, I stopped and bought this dinglehopper hairbrush. I am the little mermaid after all!

Soon it was time for our class, I was so nervous!

We got to draw Chip.. and learned how he's different from Dale. He has a little black nose. We tried to follow along the best we could.

Now don't laugh, but this is my Chip. I think he looks more like Bugs Bunny. LOL The guy next to me was cracking up at him.. I guess he looks just like the cartoon! Disney, you can hire me!

My friend's was a little better. But only a little.

You get to keep your drawing when your done. Now who wouldn't want to hang that thing up? Mine is still rolled up... poor Chip. I am just not that skilled. LOL

Here's my friends again! She cheated, I think. :)



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After our lesson in animation, it was time to hitch a ride with Aerosmith.

I was born to be a rock star.

My friend absolutely dreads this ride and was so afraid the whole time. She hates going upside down but I convinced her to just do it one time for me! I love when they countdown 3..2..1... and you never know which number you are going to take off on! I love this coaster, and the Aerosmith music blasting in the background just amps up your adrenaline.

After our ride, it was getting really hot out, so we decided to head back to our resort. We stopped for photos, because well.. do you know me by now!?

The photopass lady wanted us to jump, I got pictures jumping in every park except Epcot! Ahh I gotta go back. This picture cracks me up. We look like such tools!

Stopped by the monsters topiary to take a few pics. I wish I could go to Monsters University!

Hollywood Studios was getting crowded, and it was still really nice out, so we decided we would try to get to the pool. The second to last day and we would finally make it! There's just never enough time in a Disney day!

My friend snapped some photos of me walking back to the room. Help! I'm being stalked!

There's no place like home!

We arrived to our friends hanging out. They get into such mischief when we're away!


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