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    Monorail to be wrapped once again

    Guys I hate to break it to you but Disney Owns Marvel, and also its a freakin monorail, do you really think that they are going to change it just because a handful of you dont like it. They wont. Kids happen to like super heroes, and last time i checked there were alot of kids that go to WDW. So...
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    Are these "Hidden Gems" still there?

    The dance lessons sounds are still there as well as the ropes at indiana jones.
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    Many first timers have decide not to return after being at WDW between XMAS & NY?

    I agree, as a cast member i have had a number of first time guests tell me that they are never returning to the parks, because they are told that they cant stand here and a re constantly being hit with strollers and balloons. I simply tell them if you come back after the holidays you will see...
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    My Feelings on Holiday Crowds as a Cast Member

    Working Main St I agree with all of these
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