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  1. audiotinker

    Take the scents of the Magic Kingdom home with you

    I am geeked beyond all reason! Mickey waffle???!!! Awesome. The only thing better would be "The Land" ride smell. :)
  2. audiotinker

    Crane up behind France Pavilion

    Anyone catch wind of what "new" items will be on the menu? Since they have been putting more vegan friendly options on their menus, I'm hoping that there will be ONE vegan option for us. I so miss going there and getting pastries. At least we can have the pretzel at Kringla, which is oh so very...
  3. audiotinker

    Princess Merida meet 'n greet

    AHahaha!:lol: Agreed. Also, that's funny!
  4. audiotinker

    Princess Merida meet 'n greet

    I'm assuming that she isn't Scottish... I don't understand why they never have the people that portray the characters come from the place where the actual character is from. That would be so much better and not look/sound as cheesy. There must be someone that works there with a Scottish accent...
  5. audiotinker

    Steve Davison hints at 2 new projects

    I'm not sure why you find it "incoherent" haha. :veryconfu I do agree with the "scale" but only on the level that I find the globe pics to be hard to see at times. Otherwise I think it's absolutely amazing and makes me cry every time. Yes, he did say they had some "contractual agreements", with...
  6. audiotinker

    Steve Davison hints at 2 new projects

    My money is on a Fantasmic make-over for WOC. We were there in Feb. and my family was invited to watch the Illuminations from the dock (YAAAAAY!!!!) and we asked about how much longer the show would go on and he said as of now, indefinitely. They have contractual agreements into the future for...
  7. audiotinker

    Starbucks coming to Disney parks

    Now, if they could just put a Starbucks drive through on the TTA.... :p
  8. audiotinker

    Starbucks coming to Disney parks

    :eek: Can it be????? No more Nescafe?????? No more CRAPaccino's?????? YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! *pinch :sohappy:
  9. audiotinker

    No "free dinning" rumor

    Wow, I completely agree with you. Me and my husband are very adventurous eaters, but my family is not at all. We've eaten at probably half or more of the restaurants in the parks in the 14 years we've been going and there are some places that are still virtually untouched by this issue, thank...
  10. audiotinker

    No "free dinning" rumor

    The dining has been getting more expensive every year, we haven't always used the DDP. I doubt you are making up that much of a difference considering the prices of almost everything around the parks, including tickets, are up... probably because of the economy, the FE, and all of the...
  11. audiotinker

    No "free dinning" rumor

    I understand the thinking behind why people hate the DDP, but for us it just saves us so much money every time we go. In addition to that, we are a couple that likes to have all of the dining essentially paid for before we go. It just gives you that "Aaah" feeling when you see the bill, your...
  12. audiotinker

    Snow White to Close Thursday, May 31

    Completely agree. Tangled would be a nice addition (I really hope they do something good with that) and I feel like I'm the only person in the WORLD who loves P&TF!!! I mean... it's great! The music is great! Guess I'm the only one that wants to see more of that. The showboat jubilee is awesome...
  13. audiotinker

    Snow White to Close Thursday, May 31

    I personally was hoping for a Tangled or Princess and the Frog version. Hard to believe they are scrapping the whole ride for a m&g. What sense does that make? We don't need that area to be as crazy as Pixar place. It's nuts-o over there. We just got back on Sat. and you couldn't even walk...
  14. audiotinker

    Pepper Market at Coronado Springs Resort to test a buffet-only breakfast and lunch

    Understandably the price was a bit high, but then you were able to choose from so many different options and not have to settle for whatever they thought would be good on a buffet. Now, that being said, Crystal Palace buffet IMHO is super-cala-frickin'-licious! :slurp: They do have some good...
  15. audiotinker

    Thanks, yes!

    Thanks, yes!
  16. audiotinker

    Pepper Market at Coronado Springs Resort to test a buffet-only breakfast and lunch

    Does anyone else agree that this is a HORRIBLE :hammer: idea?!!! Part of what made it so unique and yummy by the way was the fact that you had so many choices and it was all made fresh for you. This is a terrible, no good, very bad idea... :brick:
  17. audiotinker

    Any Talking Characters News?

    Anyone know how it works? I love it!
  18. audiotinker

    Rumor: Old Virgin Store to Be Turned Into Mini-mall

    I thought they were putting in an ESPN Zone? Of course, this is probably just another rumor. I personally thought VMS was the greatest. Music is still VERY pertinent especially from a musicians standpoint. Granted, iTunes is a mecca, but at least adapt VMS to an iTunes or mp3 centric cd/record...
  19. audiotinker

    Re-looking at the Country Bears

    While you have a point, not everyone has to like everything, I've said it before and I'll say it again, CBJ is just not something IMHO that should stick around forever. I personally can't stand it and it weirds me out, but if I were speaking to people who absolutely loved it I would say to them...
  20. audiotinker

    Re-looking at the Country Bears

    People will not agree with me here, but I'm not a fan. I think its terrible. One of the worst "rides" at DW. That being said, I'm sure it was fantastic in its day, but I've said this before and I'll say it again, I don't understand why its still around! I've seen it a few times and I've always...
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