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    I've been to both the Luaus, Disney's and Seaworld's. I enjoyed both of them very much. I think the one at Disney is more geared towards kids then the one at Seaworld. When I went, there weren't a lot of younger kids. We were placed at a table with other people, so I don't know if this would...
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    Digital Cameras in Airport X-rays

    Thanks again Dave!
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    Digital Cameras in Airport X-rays

    I was wondering if anyone knew where the best place is to put a digital camera and its memory card so it won't get ruined in the airport x-ray machines. Thanks in advance!!
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    Happy Easter!

    Is anyone celebrating Orthodox Easter other than me???
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    Happy Easter!

    Sorry, maybe I should of put Happy Orthodox Easter!!
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    Happy Easter!

    Hey Everyone!! Just wanted to say Happy Easter to all!! :)
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    House of Mouse!

    I think that sounds like a cute idea but I enjoy the Sci-Fi drive in. Maybe they could keep the Sci-Fi and make a whole new place for the House of Mouse??
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    Haunted Mansion movie

    Does anyone know what the movie is going to be like?? I hope it's good...I really like the ride
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    Aerosmith/KISS tour!

    My brother is soo lucky!! He's going with his bestfriend and they got free tickets and great seats!! I'm so jealous!!!! :(
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    Happy Easter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy Easter Everyone! I'm lucky....not only is this Easter but next week is also Easter for me....I'm Greek so I get two!!! :D
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    Dinner Shows

    I have also been to all three....The HDD was great for laughs and the Luau was also fun...I love to go to Medievel Times....the atmosphere of it is really feel like your back in Medievel times....I agree with EmeraldDolphin....if you are going with little may be a bit...
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    Haunted Mansion movie

    you really think it will suck HMGhost13 ?? how come??
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    The Kennedy Space Center

    I went a few years ago and I thought it was great!! I is a big part of history and I thought that it was important for me to see!! I'm sure you'll have a great time....oh and if they still have the space dots (sometimes called dippin dots) try it! It's the best ice cream!:slurp:
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    I love Cocoa Beach.....I always HAVE to go into the Ron Jon's Surf Shop....if u do decide to go to Cocoa make sure u stop by Ron Jon's....:)
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    Restaurants outside of WDW

    I LOVE Medieval Times...It has such a great atmosphere......the food isn't...terrible...but it wasn't the best do go for the show... If your looking for just a nice lunch, I love Johnny Rockets....Its the cutest little 50's diner and the staff dances and it's got the BEST...
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    You've seen the anti-war rally's...

    Im SICK of snow... I live in CT and what is up with the 80 degree days then the next day is 18 with snow? ok..little weird.... and I dont want to be stuck in school in June! That's taking away from my WDW time!! :mad:
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    Down in the Dumps

    I'm sorry to hear about your loss and also that the Lab is sick :( I also know how it feels to lose a pet. I had a Collie and he was my best friend. We were both the same age and I had had him for as long as I can remember. We pretty much grew up together. I know that putting together an...
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    Whos been on a cruise....

    Hey Disneydudette!! Don't worry about the whole sea sickness thing....not many people get sick on cruises.....if you do get sick..try green apples...I've been on two cruises and on my first we did hit pretty big swells I got pretty sick but I still dragged myself to dinner...when our...
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    Easter Candy

    I love the peanut butter eggs....the duck sweet tarts and also the robins eggs!!!! I also like peeps...the best way to eat them is to put them in the microwave and watch them get really big and then get all sticky tryin to eat them! :D :D
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    Discovery cove??

    Thinking of going to Discovery Cove? Don't think..DO IT! I went three times and I swam with Rascal all three. When I went the second time he came over and sat in my lap. His trainer looked at me and said "Wow, Rascal likes you!!" I told her I had swam with him before, she said "No wonder...
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