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  1. sarabi

    Disneyworld 3 weeks after gallbladder removal - help!

    Hi everyone. I just wanted to let you all know I returned from my trip yesterday and all was well. I avoided Everest, Rock N Roller Coaster, Tower of Terror, and Mission Space. I did try Kilamanjaro Safari with no issues and I think that was the roughest ride I was on. As I said, I was with a...
  2. sarabi

    Pepper Market at CSR

    I just got back from Coronado Springs, and although I didn't try the breakfast/lunch buffet, I was pleased to note there were still other less expensive a la cart options at the pool bar and at Rix Cafe during breakfast and lunch. Rix has sweet rolls, fruit, cereals and sandwiches (and a...
  3. sarabi

    Pepper Market at CSR

    Count me among many not happy about this. We were unable to get the DDP because we are doing a land/sea package. $14 is wayyyy too much for a sweet roll and some coffeee (which is about what I eat for breakfast). Looks like we'll be finding out breakfast and lunches in the parks rather than...
  4. sarabi

    Disneyworld 3 weeks after gallbladder removal - help!

    Hi Everyone. I just wanted to thank all of you for your awesome advice. I'm a week and a day away from my trip and I'm feeling more like myself again. To answer a few questions: I had mine out laproscopically two weeks ago to this day. I'm in my early 30s too, and as I look, I see one wound...
  5. sarabi

    Disneyworld 3 weeks after gallbladder removal - help!

    Are you kidding???? That's the best news I've had in a long time!
  6. sarabi

    Disneyworld 3 weeks after gallbladder removal - help!

    Yikes. I'm so sorry you were unable to handle much. I hope you are feeling better now and have been able to get back.
  7. sarabi

    Disneyworld 3 weeks after gallbladder removal - help!

    The doctor is completely aware of my vacation plans and has said nothing about restricting rides, though he said I may want to "build up" just like I do with food, to whatever is comfortable. My doctors actually make it sound like now that I'm a week out from surgery, I should be completely...
  8. sarabi

    Disneyworld 3 weeks after gallbladder removal - help!

    Hi Everyone! My land/sea WDW trip is fast approaching, and I just had gallbladder surgery a week ago. I'll be in WDW exactly 3 weeks from the day I had surgery. I've never been sick in my adult life before, so I'm a little nervous about everything, but of course, don't want to cancel the...
  9. sarabi

    The point in a trip I get depressed...

    I get super sad when I'm seeing the Tree of Life for the last time which is usually the second to last day of our trip (MK is the last day). That park (DAK) feels like home to me and leaving it is sad.
  10. sarabi

    Dinner and a Movie

    Oh how I wish I had thought of this! What a great idea! I can spend a lot of time putting together menus for you but unfortunately I am at work. A few things that struck me in passing, though: Pooh - obviously you must have honey on everything. Honey Loaf, honey butter with rolls, honey...
  11. sarabi

    how much is too much??

    Wow. Ok #1 - totallly looking forward to the blog. Will you post on this site? I hope? #2 - yes, get to KSC if possible and other sites in Florida. The space center is really neat. Seaworld is fun too. If you're up for it, please enjoy it. #3 - I think the multiple resorts is a great...
  12. sarabi

    Do Disney cast members ever comment on Universal items of clothing?

    Have you ever heard the argument against showboating when making a touchdown? I think there's a coach that said it to his team - "Act like you deserved it" when they scored a point, rather than dancing around and acting like it was some sort of lucky act of God. When I did a CP in '99 I was...
  13. sarabi

    The great "stroller" conspiracy.

    You know, I actually wouldn't doubt there was some genetic change. There's more ADD being diagnosed these days too, but that argument is sufficient for another thread and I won't discuss it anymore here. Allow me to rephrase. *I * feel I need that stuff to keep myself sane by keeping the...
  14. sarabi

    What Was Your Most Memorable Moment In WDW?

    I was in the first week of my College Program and hurricane Floyd was coming the next day and scheduled to pass right over Orlando. I am from the Midwest and we don't have hurricanes, so I was scared. Anyway, I left MK that night and went to the TTC to catch the bus to the CP housing when I...
  15. sarabi

    The great "stroller" conspiracy.

    I'm wondering if the OP has small children. Kids need a lot of stuff to come with them (diapers, wipes, bottles, snacks (preferably in a cooler), toys to keep them amused in lines, first aid stuff... etc etc). I agree that strollers two abreast are totally annoying, and I agree the...
  16. sarabi

    Highs and Lows in Disney: My Mouseketeer's Second trip to the World (1/18 - 1/30)

    I just wanted to say I love your trip reports. Your daughter is 3 months older than mine if she was 19 mos in Jan, and I love seeing how much fun you guys have at WDW. I'm so sorry you were sick on this trip! It shouldn't be allowed for Moms to get sick at WDW! I'm so looking forward to your...
  17. sarabi

    Soarin Music

    Huuuuuuge Apollo 13 fan here, and yes, I noticed it. I own the soundtrack and can't help but notice it. I was really pleased they included it. I think the music they are playing captures the character of Soarin' really well.
  18. sarabi

    wheres 'your' spot in the parks?

    DAK - the path behind the tree of life right before the bridge to Africa (the lesser known path). There's a waterfall back there that catches the light just right.
  19. sarabi

    Ideas for a nice quiet dinner

    On my last trip, we ate at Cali Grill, Coral Reef, and Flying Fish (among others). Of them all, Coral Reef seemed the quietest. I don't remember if Flying Fish was quiet or not, but I remember enjoying it more than Cali Grill, which says a lot. I felt the food, atmosphere, and service were better.
  20. sarabi

    happy trip with a sad ending

    Oh, that's awful! I feel so bad for you! I would write a journal about your trip so that you have something else for memories. Maybe reading the journal will help you remember the pictures you took with your own eyes. In the meantime, don't lose all hope. We've lost things at Disney and...
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