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  1. C

    New Countries Being Added to Epcot?

    Sorry NO, on the “there's no room left for counties”. Some slots were left as "buffers" only because they did not “sell” all the slots and did not want all the countries piled up on one side of the park. There have always been 19 pads (12 of which are used and 7 remain). In fact, the Africa...
  2. C

    Wild Tiki Room Rumor

    Bringing back the classics would be a pretty good way of keeping the costs down. Use the old plans and get right to construction (after a cursory code review and update), and keeping a lot of rides down for long referbs will move workers off the payrolls. We can paint one of each car gold...
  3. C

    Birnbaum 2009: Space Mountain closed in 2009

    I think you could downgrade SM as well since it does not measure up the it's E-Ticket worthy counterparts in the other parks who are all upgraded to the new standard, and take the 6 to 10 other delete attractions and you could say the park is 2/3s to 1/2 of it's former glory, and 1/4 of the DL...
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    Birnbaum 2009: Space Mountain closed in 2009

    No kidding, just when you think they can't remove anything else without replacement, they want to remove the TL theater to add a more parking spaces for managment. With all the deleted attractions, you wouldn't think they needed more managers.... LOL.
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    Pixie Hollow

    All that money they saved on WDW's version can be used to put in the new parking spaces in TL. LOL.
  6. C

    WWYC? Tomorrowland Stitch Dance a parking lot?

    Just when I thought they couldn't remove any more attractions from MK without replacing them, they find another. Lets remove the Tiki Room next and put in a fountain, or no, better yet a talking garbage can and a DVC sales center. If we take out space mountain's track, we could extend Goof's...
  7. C

    Four Parks: One Stale World?

    I think MK is pretty stale. It's at -2 E-Tickets in 16 years (20K and Space Mountain (which simply does not qualify any longer), and frankly down (deleted and not replaced) 6 to 10 other attractions as well depending on how you want to count. No other park on the planet has gotten away with...
  8. C

    Space Mountain

    I say fully gut it, and put 1 longer track in there (cheaper than 2 shorter ones). The R&D has been done on most of the effects and sound tech already, so this should not be that gigantic a budget. If all those smaller parks can afford new coasters, it's rediculous to say Disney can't. In...
  9. C

    When are they going to announce a true e-ticket?

    AGREED! The most stale park there is. The only reason it's number 1 (and it's slipping vs last year, TDL gained quite a bit) is all the hard tickets which spin the turnstile a second time in the same day. It really deserves better...
  10. C

    When are they going to announce a true e-ticket?

    The subs in DCA are certainly an E-Ticket... Regardless, Pooh's Playful Plop certainly is not. So we are still at -1.
  11. C

    Pirates of the Caribbean closed in June for refurb

    AGREED! The amount of people making lame excuses why WDW should be poorly kept and updated is rediculous. WDW is the cash cow that paid for all those foreign parks, it's time it gets some lovin'. Thank God we are starting to see a turnaround. Now if MK can get it's missing E-Ticket back (the...
  12. C

    When are they going to announce a true e-ticket?

    Perhaps what the OP is refering to is the next Mountain as opposed to E-Ticket. I think MK is long overdue on it's next Mountain, the last being splash back in 1992. And considering MK is at "negative one" E-Tickets since that debockle of deleting 20K, it's past due on another Mountain...
  13. C

    Fingerprinting going away at gate?

    A big reason tickets are not transferable is that the 10th day on the ticket costs less than the 1st day. To have tickets transferable the daily price would need to be set equally. Disney won't do this because they are rewarding / encouraging you to stay for more days with the temptation of a...
  14. C

    RUMOR: Free parking coming to WDW

    We are not saying they will take away these staff, only the ones in the toll booths.
  15. C

    RUMOR: Free parking coming to WDW

    They do, but they are still short on staff. They are constantly getting staff to take extra shifts, offering hiring bonuses, etc. But, adding a "new park" (even a smaller boutique park with 4000 staff for example) and a new land at AK (say another 500) it will be difficult to accomedate while...
  16. C

    RUMOR: Free parking coming to WDW

    Remember, there is a rumored new "park" (Night Kingdom) and a new land (Bestlie Kingdomme) coming and staff is pretty thin as it is, so they will need to reallocate staff. Universal will be poaching staff as well to handle the bigger crowds Potterland will cause to shift to IoA. The Parking...
  17. C

    Monorail Blue

    I thought the monorains were supposed to be getting replaced with new ones? So why modify the old ones?
  18. C

    October 1st Announcements

    Frustrates me to no end, while I understand marketing it... WDW grows so slowly compared to the others park vs park. MK has had negative growth since 1992 (the last time it got an E-Ticket) and has lost an E-Ticket since...
  19. C

    It's the Tourists...

    Which basically means you have nothing left within the parameters. It's funny how you guys are the first ones to whine about MGM or AK or Epcot (and usually all three). Epcot has one closed down facility and you whiners mention it every chance you get! Jimbo even complained that a new...
  20. C

    It's the Tourists...

    Still deleted without replacement, but fine I’ll ditch it from the list below. I also added you’re recent “new attractions”. Even PUSH (which I don’t recall ever making it onto the map as an attraction, but…) Sorry, those shows are not included in the price of admission to the park. LOST...
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