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  1. C

    Best time to visit WDW??

    Thanks guys all your comments have been really helpful.....any ideas on who to book with?? We're looking at Travel City at the moment as they are looking the cheapest, any ideas? Thanks xx:p
  2. C

    Best time to visit WDW??

    Hey everyone thanks so much for all your advice...good to hear that everyone seems to have a brilliant time whenever they go! Can't wait to book :) Thanks x x x x
  3. C

    Best time to visit WDW??

    Hiya my bf and I are planning a 2 week trip to stay at WDW and were wondering if anyone had any advice on when the best time is to go.....preferably the cheapest as we are both uni students A.K.A skint most of the time but working hard to raise the funds! We were going to go in Sept but it's...
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