Search results

  1. mcranmer

    Woman in Tea-Cup fight sentenced

    As far as banning anyone from the parks, couldn't they use the fingerprint detection at all of the gates? That is, take her finger prints, and when she puts her fingers in the device, have it detect that she is not allowed in. I know that this is not what the fingerprint devices are for as...
  2. mcranmer

    Abc Logo gone from ABC Theater!!!!!

    Since I have never been in there, obviously I don't have a picture, but somebody must. Can anyone post a picture of what it used to look like before whatever is going on in there now got started? THANKS!
  3. mcranmer

    Abc Logo gone from ABC Theater!!!!!

    I have never even been in that big is it? About how many people can they fit in there? If they put something real popular, say Hannah Montana, in there, is it big enough to accomodate it?
  4. mcranmer

    So...Can I get at least ONE Fastpass?

    My two cents... What is the difference between having one person if front of you getting six fastpasses or six people in front of you each getting a fastpass? You still have to wait for six fastpasses to be disbursed, and most likely you would be more frustrated by all of those people in line...
  5. mcranmer

    "Enchanted" Movie question

    My 12 year old son and 10 year old daughter loved it. As if this weren't compelling enough, so did my wife and I (mid-40's). You should go see it soon. A full theater makes it even better because there are some pretty funny scenes and having people laughing around you improves the...
  6. mcranmer

    SSE will color change! (Updates too!)

    Merf, You are catching some heat on the title of this thread, and I am not sure that it is warrented. Over the last few years I seen several threads based on much less evidence (an entire new kingdom in AK comes to mind) than you presented. Whatever.... I look forward to your posts more...
  7. mcranmer

    Wand Update: 7/20

    I have what some of you might perceive to be a stupid question and I hope I don't get crunched for asking it, but here goes.... Are they going to remove all of those little stars that are still on the surface of the structure? They don't make sense to leave there without the wand and the big...
  8. mcranmer

    It's official: Wand is GONE !!!!

    I can easily understand both sides of the argument to remove or leave the wand. I personally cannot wait to see it gone, but when I shared the news with my kids (11 and 9 year olds), they were very disappointed. The presence of the wand is all they have ever known of SSE. Change is hard for...
  9. mcranmer

    Universe of Energy

    Many people share the opinion that this is a waste of a building, but personally, I LOVE THIS ATTRACTION!!! One of my fondest memories from my first trip to EPCOT years ago was how the seats in this movie theater moved, took you on a trip back in time, and then came back together for another...
  10. mcranmer

    Haunted Mansion's Growing Room - What is Moving?

    I did a quick search on this site to see if this question has already been asked, but couldn't find anything. A friend thinks that it is really cool how the room grows by having the ceiling go up. I said, no, actually the floor is moving down. Who is correct? How does it really work...
  11. mcranmer

    Imagination Pavillion - What is inside the Glass Pyramids?

    Thanks for posting these great photos. I am now even more convinced that this space is the most under-utilized real estate in Epcot, possibly in any of the parks. It looks like a large, sunny, beautiful expanse of space being used for nothing. What a shame. Hopefully, the powers that be...
  12. mcranmer

    Imagination Pavillion - What is inside the Glass Pyramids?

    I am glad to hear that it is not just my 'imagination' that I was there before. It seems to me that this is very prime real estate smack dab in the middle of Epcot that could be put to some very good use. Any suggestions?
  13. mcranmer

    Imagination Pavillion - What is inside the Glass Pyramids?

    Hopefully, this is not contained in some existing thread that I did not find when I ran a search... I am not one of those lucky people that get to go to Disneyworld 30 times a year (I envy all of you more than you can 'imagine'). So in my limited visits, 5 so far in my life, I have been on...
  14. mcranmer

    Pics from top of Castle

    Please pardon my lack of Disney knowledge.....I am fairly new in these parts. How did 'Lou' get to go up there? I assume that not too many people other than Tink can get this view easily.
  15. mcranmer

    Gran Fiesta Tour soft openings

    Sorry...spelled that wrong....I meant to say 'refurbishment'
  16. mcranmer

    Gran Fiesta Tour soft openings

    Ummm............. Very interesting reading, but to get this back on topic..... Is the refurshment complete? Have soft openings occurred? Sunday is April 1! Has anyone been on the new boat ride? If so, can us unfortunate souls that are stranded up north in the cold get a report?
  17. mcranmer

    Why did WOL close?

    The Universe of Energy has taken a beating on this thread, but I, for one, love it. It is an opportunity to get in out of the sun and sit down for 45 minutes. Ellen's comedy never gets old for me. My kids love the dinosaurs (there might be a brontosaurus or two, but at least it isn't Barney)...
  18. mcranmer

    Staying On-Site and Driving to the Parks

    Gosh, I can't believe that I don't know this, but don't you still have to pay to park even if you are an onsite guest? That is, don't the buses save you a bit of money? Is it different if you are staying onsite at the Hilton (where they do have EMH)?
  19. mcranmer

    EMH @ Downtown Hotels?

    I stayed at the Hilton last summer for a week, and it DEFINETLY had EMH. The bus transportation is not as reliable as it is in the rest of the resorts, however. I found myself waiting for quite awhile in the parking lot waiting for the Hilton bus at 2:00 am watching tons of resort buses pass...
  20. mcranmer

    Lien on Cinderella Castle

    I wonder if Disney had 'a lien' on 'A lien Encounter'? :)
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