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  1. DisneyJester77

    Ridiculous or just plain weird in-queue stories, I wanna hear 'em.

    I remember back in the 80's going through the line for Imagination with my family, there must have 7 or 8 of us. It was one of those back and forth lines where you would pass the same people whenever you zigged or zagged. So every time I passed by my Dad, I would give him a little punch in the...
  2. DisneyJester77

    Boy dies after riding Rock 'n' Roller Coaster

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only thing I see incorrect with CNN's report is the mistake about the death last month on M:S. They are just reporting a story that happened a few hours ago. They have presented the facts that they know and have said there there is little information available...
  3. DisneyJester77

    Boy dies after riding Rock 'n' Roller Coaster

    Come on, folks, let's not be too hasty to judge here. This only happened a few hours ago and the details are quite sketchy. So lets just wait a bit before all the bashing gets out of hand.
  4. DisneyJester77

    Refund if death in family

    Also, if you are at all worried about something happening while you are away, my advice would be to postpone your trip. Disney World will always be there. If you were to recieve bad news while at Disney, it's possible that Disney will always remind you of that bad news. Just my humble opinion...
  5. DisneyJester77

    Refund if death in family

    Disney will for sure give you a refund. Two years ago my Mother passed away unexpectedly 2 days before I was supposed to arrive at Disney with my wife. We called Disney and explained to them the situation and they were very helpful. They refunded my $ for the hotel. I also had purchased...
  6. DisneyJester77

    Disney on the A&E Channel 9:00EST tonight

    The show was great!! There was lots of construction video i had never seen before.
  7. DisneyJester77

    New DVC Resort in planning to be built on old STOL location

    River Country is not really close to STOL. Im pretty sure that the Wilderness Lodge sits directly between the two. I just can't see a new vacation club being built in that area. My humble opinion though.
  8. DisneyJester77


    The WWF changed because the World Wildlife Foundation was tired of being associated with grown men rolling around in their undies in front of thousands of screaming idiots!
  9. DisneyJester77

    Behind the Fireworks Scenes @ WDW on TV

    Finally, something about Disney on CANADIAN television! It seems like every other day there is a cool Disney-related program on American cable and I'm always so jealous when I hear about it on this site. Go Discovery Channel Canada!!!:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
  10. DisneyJester77

    DisneyQuest to close?

    40 bucks to play video games is a little much. I've heard some great things about ESPN Zone, so I think this is good for Disney. Does anybody have a good description of what will actually be in the ESPN Zone?
  11. DisneyJester77

    WDW on New Monopoly

    It's actually 4 different airports, not airlines. I think they are NY, L.A., Chicago, and Atlanta.
  12. DisneyJester77

    New Birnbaum

    ALthough I like both the official and the unofficial guilds, I find that the passporter is the best of the three. The maps in the Passporter are fantastic and it has great tips and those folders to hold all your papers and stuff. I also like that you can actually write things in the...
  13. DisneyJester77

    Journey Upstairs pics

    Wow, that's pretty cool! I'm amazed at how everything looks so fresh inside Imagination and also Wonders of Life. It's such a shame that these areas aren't used for regular crowds.
  14. DisneyJester77

    Disney Reopens Mission:Space

    Darrel, dude, maybe you should move to nickel-bags. 4 G's..... not even close.
  15. DisneyJester77

    Just got back

    I was there last year for the cheerleaders, CRAZY stuff. They were everywhere you looked, I guees staying at the all-star resorts didn't help. I kept waiting for cheerleaders from opposing teams to get into some kind of cheer-off like in the movies. Every time a cheerleader walked by, I'd...
  16. DisneyJester77

    "NEW RULES" for Walt Disney World

    New Rule: All people who decide they need to stop dead in their tracks to look at a map or anything else while they're walking, completely disregarding anyone who may be walking behind them, shall be slapped in the back of their head by said followers.
  17. DisneyJester77

    Three Words.....

    Where can you find the strawberry swirl thing? I looked everywhere last trip.
  18. DisneyJester77

    Expedition Everest Photo Update - Walls down, signs up.

    Great Pics!! Man, it must be nice to be there when the park is so empty, it looked like you were the only one there!
  19. DisneyJester77

    New kitty needs disney name

    How about Magic, or Sully, or Simba. My cats are girls: Belle and Daisy
  20. DisneyJester77

    Michael Eisner's Legacy

    Geez Enderikari, I just love the way you tell me what I can and cannot do. And I love how show me what I am and am not capable of. You make some decent points in your post, I just don't get your tone. It's like it's you againt the internet world - good luck pal. You must have a major beef...
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