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  1. I.M.Fearless

    Germany Pavillion Question

    Holy cow. I didn't realize the building was so big.
  2. I.M.Fearless

    What is the key to a successful attraction?

    I'm having trouble picking just one as well. However, you asked for most important, so I'm going to say extensive theming. I mean, wouldn't you enjoy a rollercoaster through a detailed volcano more than one just plain, whether or not it has a story? Just saying, but you oughta see my...
  3. I.M.Fearless

    Ride Seating Requests

    I've never had a problem with it. Especially BTMRR. My little brother almost always asks for the back and we almost always get it. Of course, this could be because all the cast members usually look at me and go "YOU AGAIN?!?!?!?!" WOOT WOOT! Oh, and I ask for the front on Splash, Space, and...
  4. I.M.Fearless

    What Shows Not To Miss?

    And if you go to Pleasure Island, definitely hit the Comedy Warehouse. (Don't worry, it won't hurt them.) Always one of the funniest shows on property.
  5. I.M.Fearless

    What is your favorite meal in all of Disney? Get specific!!

    Hands down, the sausage and pepperoni pizza at Crockett's Tavern in Fort Wilderness. Especially during the Super Bowl (done that a couple of times - GO PATRIOTS). Second is the Biergarten's (in Germany) fried chicken. Only I forget what they call it. Then again, ask me during the Intl. Food...
  6. I.M.Fearless

    Penguins + Soarin' = Whattttt?!

    :lol: I want to see that commercial! That sounds hilarious! Like the Tower of Terror 4 commercial (you know, it shows the buttons for which floor, and the lit up one is the floor with the elevator, and it just starts jumping all over the place).
  7. I.M.Fearless

    Getting Lost At Disney

    Not me, but my brother with a couple of his friends.... They were all biking around Fort Wilderness and found a trail through the woods. They followed it, but decided that they should turn around when they started seeing all these golf balls that people have lost at the neighboring golf club....
  8. I.M.Fearless

    Expidition Everest, a return to real Magic?

    I gotta say, Expedition Everest is the only contender right now for a ride that will replace Big Thunder Mountian Railroad as my all-time favorite... and it's for the same reasons that CoffeeJedi stated. And I'm not one who would treat a subject like that so easily (what with over 200 times on...
  9. I.M.Fearless

    what is this?

    It's really too bad they didn't keep it open. That was easily the best part of World Showcase for a period of time. All of the pavilions should be like the Millenium Village.
  10. I.M.Fearless

    Expedition Everest height?

    And it will go both forwards and backwards during the ride.
  11. I.M.Fearless

    Ditch your wife at MGM!

    I don't usually flame on here, but personally, Wife Swap is a pretty sick concept. I mean that in a bad way. It's just sad to see what people will do to get money and be on TV. I hope the show goes off sometime REALLY soon.
  12. I.M.Fearless


    So it was LWW, PC, VotDT, then the others? I never knew that. But on topic: I think CoN attractions would be great. Especially Voyage of the Dawn Treader (my favorite). I just think it's great that they're being redone. Although I loved the books, the old movies were kinda boring.
  13. I.M.Fearless

    Addition to Epcot for it's 25th

    I voted Japan. Either that, Germany, Morocco, or UK. All three of them could use SOMETHING; even just shows would be nice. As for this: I've always thought an idea like that would be AWESOME, but in Innoventions instead. Imagination is an interesting thought, though.... And like I've...
  14. I.M.Fearless

    Epcot goes EMH crazy (7/28 merfdate!)

    :kiss: (whistles) Wow. I thought EMH's were still only one night and one morning per park per week. Now I'm going to be totally messed up.
  15. I.M.Fearless

    Captain Jack Sparrow

    An AA would be cool. A character would not. Why? Easy. NOBODY can correctly impersonate Johnny Depp. He's too much of a character himself for it to work. It just wouldn't be right. P.S. HOLY COW! I've already clocked 115 posts?!?!
  16. I.M.Fearless

    Interesting JHM article Knowing that quite a few of us are Annual Passholders, I'm curious of your input on this. I know he means Disneyland, but I think it qualifies here too. What think?
  17. I.M.Fearless

    Whats the deal with the jungle cruise

    Okay, the only real PC change was, for a while the guns were gone. Then they came back. I'm not sure why. But, I'm pretty sure the proper procedure for the skipper is to shoot into the air. The couple of times before that they shot at the hippo were probably doing it wrong (I was there in...
  18. I.M.Fearless

    Insider info on nemo ride

    Hang on.... Did anyone else catch this? Could this mean that the new Living Seas ride actually enters the tanks?!?!
  19. I.M.Fearless

    ok...dont yell but..

    Sorry, my comment was ment to be a joke. My apologies.
  20. I.M.Fearless

    ok...dont yell but..

    My thought: How does a thread with no real topic get more than 30 posts?
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