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  1. ScottBA

    Retro Epcot Symbols

    For Journey, at first glance I see the aperture blades of a in corporate sponsor Kodak... No idea if that's right or not, just what my photographer's eyes see...
  2. ScottBA

    Wand Removal Day: One W/ PICTURES from in the park

    My kids are starting to convince me that the wand was maybe a good thing. For the past year (or more) I've been wishing/wanting that wand to go away. Now that it's becoming a reality, I'm getting a lot of grief from my kids: My oldest daughter (who's almost 9) told me to tell Disney that...
  3. ScottBA

    It's official: Wand is GONE !!!!

    Weird timing. My family and I were watching an old video of Epcot (circa 1991) yesterday (getting everyone excited about our upcoming trip in September). My youngest daughter, who turns 3 this month, kept pointing to Spaceship Earth and saying "Where's Mickey's Arm?" I almost felt bad...
  4. ScottBA

    50th Anniversary Promotions

    Don't forget the free pins that are in certain 8 packs of Energizer Max AA Batteries...
  5. ScottBA

    Swan/ Dolphin Super Cheap!

    I'm not any of these occupations, but I have to just have to mention what nice hotels these are. Top notch all the way. The location is superb being a short walk to the Boardwalk and Epcot. Having previously stayed at All Star Movies and Caribbean Beach Resort, the Swan blew me away. $99 a...
  6. ScottBA

    absolute favorite ride

    At DW, I would have to say TOT followed closely by Splash. At DL, the Indiana Jones ride. At both, it would have to be Soarin'. :animwink: Gotta love them clones...
  7. ScottBA

    ToT or RnR??

    I have to agree with this....neither TOT or RNR are great THRILL rides. But I don't go to Disney for THRILL rides...I go for THEME rides. TOT is the absolute best themed ride I have ever seen. Cedar Point has great thrill rides, but their one attempt at a theme ride really is bad (Disaster...
  8. ScottBA

    Tropical Serenade or "New Managment"

    Maybe it's that I don't have memories of the original Tiki room as a child or something, but the first time I went to DW was in 1995 for our honeymoon. We went to the original show and we were both really bored. I remember telling my wife that the reason the CM told everyone to please stay...
  9. ScottBA

    10 day tickets - need advice

    Thanks so much! You have definitely confirmed what I thought! Thanks again :wave:
  10. ScottBA

    10 day tickets - need advice

    I was also under the impression that the plus options don't expire if the No Expiration Option is purchased. Can someone confirm?
  11. ScottBA

    10 day tickets - need advice

    Do you know if you can convert a childs ticket to an adult ticket once that child turns 10?
  12. ScottBA

    10 day tickets - need advice

    Thanks for the welcome! I've been a lurker for quite awhile and "joined" a little while ago....but this is my first post! Yeah, I realize that my youngest would need to buy tickets in a couple of years. I was wondering if it was possible/allowed to use the unused days from of the ticket we...
  13. ScottBA

    10 day tickets - need advice

    I have a thought/plan for future trips at DisneyWorld and being as economical as possible (I know, Disney and economical usually aren’t in the same sentence). Here’s my situation: My wife’s parents have a house in Ocala, Fl (about an hour and 15 minutes from Orlando) that we are free to use...
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