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    Simpsons Ride

    wow....i haven't been to Orlando for 8 years...can't believe its been that long, I've missed so many i only just found out that Back to the Future had closed! I re-rode that for almost 3 hours straight one afternoon! sad news...but time must move on right, i'm sure the Doc...
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    EpcotServo's Feb.28th Update: Laugh Floor Preview

    is MILF really the acronym we are going with for this attraction? just seems wrong. I'm actually looking forward to this, however it may turn out, haven't had chance to check out any of these interactive attractions yet...think i will reserve judgement until its open and polished
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    Expedition Everest drop, in excess of 100ft!

    They have created many of the world's first rollercoasters...inverted and diving machines spring to mind. From hearing the designers at Alton Towers speak, they never had any problems with B&M being flexable when designing the rides Nemesis and Oblivion, but thats not to say other companies...
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    Everest Tidbit

    Wait for Rock n Rollercoaster to age a lil, i think that will get rough, and BTM in DLP isn't excatly smooth....but i see your point. Maybe it's Vekoma's rides with inversions that take the most wear and tear? All coasters get rougher over time though, i dont wish to bash Vekoma needlessly, i...
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    Everest Tidbit

    i know there is nothing specifically "new" about the ride system but... "Expedition Everest will be the first ride to use Vekoma's newest track system. Rather than the rails be on the inside of the ties, they will be on the outside. To date Vekoma has only used this system on their smaller...
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    tower of terror movie

    i did a search, but but got too many post too see if this was being discussed. i have only just seen it and was so confused!?! it was a disney movie, but the plot didnt tie in at all with the ride....and no twlight zone references....but the film was about the ride :hammer: if someone...
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