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  1. LithiumBill

    Magic Kingdom Live Cam

    Disneyland... WE LOVE DISNEYLAND.
  2. LithiumBill

    Magic Kingdom Live Cam

    AH! Thanks!
  3. LithiumBill

    Magic Kingdom Live Cam

    OK what is "MiSiCi"?
  4. LithiumBill

    Magic Kingdom Live Cam

    That's a possibility!
  5. LithiumBill

    Magic Kingdom Live Cam

    sign writing 101. WRITE BIGGER WHEN FURTHER AWAY!
  6. LithiumBill

    Magic Kingdom Live Cam

    this poor woman in white, no one will answer her calls or texts!
  7. LithiumBill

    Magic Kingdom Live Cam

    OMG that was a terrible cartwheel.... embarrassing!
  8. LithiumBill

    Magic Kingdom Live Cam

    I know, it's Spirit!!! Making it MAGICal!
  9. LithiumBill

    Magic Kingdom Live Cam

    ok, where are the bubbles coming from?
  10. LithiumBill

    Magic Kingdom Live Cam

    There are people who know the camera is there, and the "perform" for it, and it's fun. But the better part is watching all the people who have NO CLUE what they are doing, and generally think they are insane.
  11. LithiumBill

    Magic Kingdom Live Cam

    Woody's back with Boo Peep, SCANDALOUS!
  12. LithiumBill

    Magic Kingdom Live Cam

    Oh boy here come all the costumes.... yikes!
  13. LithiumBill

    Magic Kingdom Live Cam

    Am I loosing my mind or are there bubbles floating by the camera?
  14. LithiumBill

    Magic Kingdom Live Cam

    people watching is a fun thing.
  15. LithiumBill

    Magic Kingdom Live Cam

    The two girls with the HI sign from earlier are baaaaaack...
  16. LithiumBill

    Magic Kingdom Live Cam

    what is all that smoke at the end of main street?
  17. LithiumBill

    Magic Kingdom Live Cam

    back must ave been my computer...
  18. LithiumBill

    Magic Kingdom Live Cam

    just as the feed goes down, they were getting ready to dance!
  19. LithiumBill

    Magic Kingdom Live Cam

    feeds down again.
  20. LithiumBill

    Magic Kingdom Live Cam

    shes back and moonwlking
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