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  1. Hattieboxghost110

    Splash Mountain Refurb

    We might have a spot open for your bruhsband. What are his thoughts on DL Splash?
  2. Hattieboxghost110

    Hall of Blame

    Because I only speak the truth :p
  3. Hattieboxghost110

    Hall of Blame

    Let's not start a turf war. For the sake of the children.
  4. Hattieboxghost110

    Hall of Blame

    Thank you bruhchacho! Your contributions were much appreciated.
  5. Hattieboxghost110

    Splash Mountain Refurb

    Been working on a new thread! Will change it soon... Bruhs, check out my new thread!
  6. Hattieboxghost110

    Splash Mountain Refurb

    That's nice. Now go home & get your shinebox. ;)
  7. Hattieboxghost110

    Hall of Blame

    Welcome! Many peeps on here have been confused as to what the Hall of Blame (HOB) stands for & who belongs to the HOB. I decided to create this thread to educate inquiring minds. THE MEMBERS lazyboy97o In many ways, the heart, soul, & conscience of the HOB. He was HOB before the HOB even...
  8. Hattieboxghost110

    Splash Mountain Refurb

    I thought sequins were rejected by Raven & Lazyboy?
  9. Hattieboxghost110

    Splash Mountain Refurb

    Whoa, bruh. You caught a big fish! According to Bylaw #31, you get a big bruhmotion. ;)
  10. Hattieboxghost110

    Splash Mountain Refurb

  11. Hattieboxghost110

    Splash Mountain Refurb

    Bruh, do me a favor. Give me a short summary in mickEbruh style about what the HOB is all about...Thanks!
  12. Hattieboxghost110

    Splash Mountain Refurb

    Well it's now safe to cross brian off the Bruh/Bruhspect list. What a shame. Huge potential gone to waste. Moment of silence for the G.
  13. Hattieboxghost110

    Splash Mountain Refurb

    My apologies bruh. The comment was made in a fit of panic over your radio silence. It won't happen again.
  14. Hattieboxghost110

    Breh Bruhs Social Club discussion

    Phrubruh killed it with that bruhtastic logo...
  15. Hattieboxghost110

    Breh Bruhs Social Club discussion

    I thought you would be in a better mood after getting your existence affirmed by Lazyboy...
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