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  1. Lil Fort

    Merry Christmas!

    Christmas dog
  2. Lil Fort

    First Christmas trip

    Sounds like you had a great time. Have fun planning your next trip! The anticipation of the next trip can be almost as much fun as the trip itself (or at least it makes the end of the current trip a little easier to take. ;) )
  3. Lil Fort

    Merry Christmas!

    And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the sausage babe wrapped in swaddling ham, lying in a bacon manger.
  4. Lil Fort

    Merry Christmas!

    Christmas beer!
  5. Lil Fort

    Merry Christmas!

    Christmas ant
  6. Lil Fort

    Merry Christmas!

    Christmas Pants
  7. Lil Fort

    Merry Christmas!

    It just wouldn't be Christmas without a little Engelbert!
  8. Lil Fort

    Merry Christmas!

    That's where the Hankey family lives. :D
  9. Lil Fort

    Merry Christmas!

    I had to look twice at those. I thought it was the 'Hankey' family. ;)
  10. Lil Fort

    Merry Christmas!

    Christmas bumps
  11. Lil Fort

    Merry Christmas!

  12. Lil Fort

    Merry Christmas!

    I think I have a 'shoe thing' going on here... :)
  13. Lil Fort

    Merry Christmas!

    Christmas pumps
  14. Lil Fort

    Snow Miser / Heat Miser: Which One Are You?

    You can come and stay with us. We'll put you up in the 'guest igloo'. :D
  15. Lil Fort

    Merry Christmas!

    Christmas Mukluks Merry Christmas everyone!!
  16. Lil Fort

    Snow Miser / Heat Miser: Which One Are You?

    Call me Ms. Heat Miser! After a lifetime of living in Minn-e-snow-tah, I would give anything for a little lot of heat during the winter. Winter is for the birds... oh wait, they are smart and go south! I may have to join them...
  17. Lil Fort

    Merry Christmas and a Magical New Year!!!!

    Merry Christmas from Lil Fort and family in Minn-e-snow-tah. If anyone is dreaming of a white Christmas and needs snow you can take some of ours!
  18. Lil Fort

    Just Want to Know

    Another vote for Biergarten!
  19. Lil Fort

    Insta-Disney Food

    Nutella and Fruit Waffle. :p
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