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  1. Pseudonym

    News Tron coaster coming to the Magic Kingdom

    After all the progress Universal has made, Disney is gearing up for some major work. I keep imagining Jeff Bridges as CLU saying "Game on, old friend."
  2. Pseudonym

    News Tron coaster coming to the Magic Kingdom

    Soooo stoked. I've been driving around town with Daft Punk's Tron album on full blast since the news broke.
  3. Pseudonym

    Replacement for Tomorrowland Speedway?

    I've read for years, post rarely. I pray that this actually happens. Tron: Legacy is one of my favorite movies. Great visuals, great soundtrack, action packed, blah storyline. Still has the makings of a great theme park ride as seen in Shanghai. But, I thought they canned the idea of a sequel...
  4. Pseudonym

    DAK AVATAR progress

    Lol come on can't seriously think that TDO has NEVER thought of ideas such as these. Coming up with the ideas is not the problem, it's getting the funding for the ideas.
  5. Pseudonym

    I think it's time for 'Spirited News & Observations III'

    I think it's time for 'Spirited News & Observations III'
  6. Pseudonym

    Bob Iger in HS

    OK, I don't think your post is going to get enough credit, so this is me giving you the credit. This is hilarious. Well Done.
  7. Pseudonym

    Bob Iger in HS

    "We will be using the Death Star to destroy this BAH behind me."
  8. Pseudonym

    DAK AVATAR progress

    Lol everything you have said I am well aware of. My question has yet to be answered though..
  9. Pseudonym

    DAK AVATAR progress

    Amidst the 200+ pages of Avatar, I've seemingly misunderstood how we have gone from a 2 ride now a 1 ride land. I thought that when the schematics of the proposal were leaked, that it was pretty certain that would be the layout of the land. Who has come out and said that this isn't the...
  10. Pseudonym

    Major Storm Damage at USO

  11. Pseudonym

    keep an eye out

    This has been brought up many times before and people still don't seem to get it... People will come for quality attractions. Just because a ride is based off of a movie that isn't liked by everyone (ex. Cars) it won't prevent people from booking a trip. Cars Land is a prime example. Not...
  12. Pseudonym

    Apple a future sponsor?

    Let me ask you this: What does Disney gain by creating a flying dragon for a one night show for the press?
  13. Pseudonym

    "What's Next" Presentation cancelled.....

    This is just absolutely pathetic. While being stressed about final exams I thought to myself, well at least the "What's Next" presentation is this week. To see this kind of news is somewhat devastating and yet not that surprising. From an engineering (and also business?) standpoint, YOU CANT...
  14. Pseudonym

    Numbers, Cars and Quality ...

    Cardboard character meet and greets.
  15. Pseudonym

    The Land evacuated 10/31!

    I travel to NYC and Boston quite frequently, and there's escalator's there that I'm sure get used more than the one's located in The Land. There's no excuse why The Land's escalator's are broken every trip I go on. You get what you pay for! Unless you go to WDW because then it seems like you pay...
  16. Pseudonym


    Sigh, I'm with ya on that one.
  17. Pseudonym

    Al Lutz--Not much coming to domestic parks re: Lucas purchase

    Where would it go? And what "other one," Marvel?
  18. Pseudonym

    Disney Buying LucasFilm! WHOA

    This is a an interesting situation. I wonder if there's a secret binder that reads: "This is what we will make when we own LucasFilm." If that's the case, then Disney would have a good jump on this. If they weren't planning on acquiring LucasFilm this soon (Reason for expanding with CarsLand)...
  19. Pseudonym


    Where would they put it? If you don't know the answer to that question, where would you put it?
  20. Pseudonym

    Disney Imagineering Testing Dragon

    Beastly Kingdom is coming to Hollywood Studios, obviously.
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