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  1. OFTeric

    Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts Tres

    Thank you Magenta Panther, I do own that book along with a number of other books. I think most people on here, embrace how fallible, and how he was a man of his times. Even though he was a visionary. But people want to "believe in Walt" they want to believe in someone who just wants to...
  2. OFTeric

    Why Hollywood Studios is being rebuilt

    Or if people started sharing daily attendance figures
  3. OFTeric

    Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts Tres

    I think people want to love Walt, and they want to love the idea, the fantasy of who Walt is.
  4. OFTeric

    Why Hollywood Studios is being rebuilt

    Sue_Vongello you are officially my hero! I was going through the waybackmachine looking to see if the post was cached! and TADA here it is! I heart you!
  5. OFTeric

    Upcoming DHS closings ...

    Well since it is your birthday.... ;)
  6. OFTeric

    Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts Tres

    Man of steel had so many jump cuts, it felt like a student film submission for a Comic Book themed assignment.
  7. OFTeric

    Universal Picture of the Day

    Crowds on the 6th of July
  8. OFTeric

    Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts Tres

    as far as boutique hotels go, there are actually a number of them here in Orlando. One great little on is the EO Inn on Lake Eola
  9. OFTeric

    Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts Tres

    Despicable Me 2 was incredible! That is where my money went this week!
  10. OFTeric

    Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts Tres

    well I sent you a little love letter to your inbox.
  11. OFTeric

    Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts Tres

    The big 3 here in Orlando this past week all took a major hit. the rain is the current talking point, but empty hotel rooms tell another story. I think that we are beginning to see the effects of what pricing yourself out of the market looks like.
  12. OFTeric

    Finnegan's or Lombard's ?

    Personally I think it is all about Lombard's. Finnegans is good. But as others have said it is pretty standard Irish fare, and comfort food. If you are looking for more of a real dining experience, and culinary treats, I really suggest Lombard's.
  13. OFTeric

    Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts Tres

    ' I had actually forgotten Tangled was a musical. When I think of the movie, I do not think of any of the songs. How sad is that.
  14. OFTeric

    Bermuda Triangle

    Great link Yoda. I love hearing about SeaWorld history.
  15. OFTeric

    The Universal Rumors thread

    I echo this. I never was into the books or the movies. But gosh darn it I am into the WWOHP. And I can't wait to have more!
  16. OFTeric

    While Disney has been fooling around with RFID bracelets...

    There is another Asia project, that is trying to get off the ground right now.
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