Wasn't the hat built so people couldn't photograph the front of the chinese theatre for copyright laws or something? Or did I just imagine hearing this? lol So what would they put there so people wouldn't photograph the theatre?
Sounds like you had a great time! I cant wait until I have the opportunity to guide somebody through Disney World who has never been before! I feel like when i try to explain how great something is to somebody they just don't get it because they didn't experience it so to show them first hand...
I would say Italy, on the platform on the lagoon, we could see everything, and at the end it was nice to see Spaceship Earth light up again from across the park.
I agree, i cant stand when people are mad when they vote for them, if it wasnt for the voting there would be no show!
Spoiler Warning
Sharon is out of her box, everyone else still up for now.
Didn't see this posted already but if it is, sorry. It is very long but interesting to hear what this person feels about the world. Check it out: