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  1. dizneycrazy09

    New Star Wars Fireworks Show - 'Star Wars: A Galactic Spectacular'

    Maybe some of our insiders can provide a little insight...
  2. dizneycrazy09

    New Star Wars live stage show coming to Disney's Hollywood Studios this Spring

    ..or all the Frozen nonsense will just be moving to Epcot. :banghead:
  3. dizneycrazy09

    New Star Wars Fireworks Show - 'Star Wars: A Galactic Spectacular'

    With this show happening nightly, it theoretically could pave the way for a Fantasmic closure that would allow much needed and long rumored updates.
  4. dizneycrazy09

    Habit Heroes Closed

    Yet another closure...
  5. dizneycrazy09

    The Spirited 11th Hour ...

    How can DHS languish for that much longer? I wish people would smarten up and refuse to accept the Launch Bay and new fireworks show as "new offerings". It's a poor excuse for a band aid. They can try to cover up the closures all they want by adding new meet and greets and cheap, quick-fixes...
  6. dizneycrazy09

    The Spirited 11th Hour ...

    So they really are going to open a construction zone up to the public... From what I've heard, the current state of the "park" is an embarrassment to say the least. Here's to hoping they can work miracles in five months. Maybe that's what they've been saving the allocated 800 mil for ;)
  7. dizneycrazy09

    The Spirited 11th Hour ...

    Which is commonplace for most movies right before filming begins.
  8. dizneycrazy09

    The Spirited 11th Hour ...

    What are the chances of Shanghai's opening date being pushed? I'm trying to decide what would be worse - opening a less than half completed construction zone to the public or not meeting the announced construction date. Thoughts?
  9. dizneycrazy09

    The Spirited 11th Hour ...

    EPCOT is less than a shell of its former self. Such a shame. I hope that Weis can help it reclaim its identity. Btw...thanks for all of the info! This thread will be at 1500 pages in no time ;-p
  10. dizneycrazy09

    The Spirited 11th Hour ...

    Good to see the reality of the situation is finally setting in. Looks like the right guy is at the helm to restore WDW to its glory days.
  11. dizneycrazy09

    The Spirited 11th Hour ...

    Does his new position indicate that WDI is going to be busy over the new few years revamping parks. especially in the swamps? I sure hope so...
  12. dizneycrazy09

    The Spirited 11th Hour ...

    I've been waiting for the 11th hour thread. Finally got it! Thanks time to read it all.
  13. dizneycrazy09

    DHS Makeover - What we know so far.....

    Do any of our insiders have confirmation as to where Star Wars is being plopped? @marni1971 do you still stand by your rendering from a few months ago that Star Wars will be towards Echo Lake? I'm having a hard time trying to wrap my head around how Star Wars can end up in the back of the park...
  14. dizneycrazy09

    DHS Makeover - What we know so far.....

    It seems as though (and I could be wrong) that plans may have evolved a bit and timelines may have been expedited from when this project was initially announced. Hopefully this construction goes faster than all projects in recent history!
  15. dizneycrazy09

    Drones may be used in Disney Parks in the future.

    Or possibly as part of a replacement for RoE!
  16. dizneycrazy09

    PHOTOS - New meet and greet area under construction at Disney's Hollywood Studios

    I believe that when Disney acquired Lucasfilm, there was some sort of reference to the fact that the characters would no longer appear in Star Wars garb. I could be making this up in my head...
  17. dizneycrazy09

    DHS Makeover - What we know so far.....

    I honestly wouldn't be surprised if we didn't see a rename at this point. I know Iger said to expect one, but that was almost a year ago, and we all know how fluid these things are.
  18. dizneycrazy09

    DHS Permit

    I finally got a chance to actually look at this permit in detail. If I'm seeing things correctly, this would seem to push the existing boundaries of the current park out quite a bit...? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but this seems to indicate a major expansion as opposed to "plussing" the...
  19. dizneycrazy09

    DHS Makeover - What we know so far.....

    Unless things have changed from what I've been told, the final dance of the Osborne lights will be immediately followed by heavy construction.
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