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  1. C

    O Canada is open and some other stuff

    Great Pics. Canada was closed when I went yesterday, so I'll try again tomorrow.
  2. C

    It's the Tourists...

    Appologies if an error occurs below (this is from my sive-like memory). LOST AND NOT REPLACED: Mike Fink Keelboats Davy Crockett Explorer Canoes 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Skyway to Tomorrowland Skyway to Fantasyland (Hey Disney counted them as two attractions...) Sword in the Stone...
  3. C

    It's the Tourists...

    UFO's is not sitting there as a vacant building or vacant lot. Don't recall what's there now... Mule ride became Mine Train which then became Thunder Mountain. I know Walt removed things, but he always put something better in it's place...
  4. C

    It's the Tourists...

    Very Diplomatic. It's pretty simple what I'm saying. MK has lost several attractions (approx 6) without replacement. It is my opinion that the cutbacks at the MK have gone on long enough, and it's time for one of those deletions to be replaced with something new. Does it need to be...
  5. C

    It's the Tourists...

    Me too, It's kept me here for days, when I usually hit once or twice a week.
  6. C

    It's the Tourists...

    You haven't been for nearly a year. Rather a suprise... Don't worry, not much has changed... LOL
  7. C

    Rumors for all 4 parks

    LOL TOO FUNNY. You need a little mickey mug to beg with....
  8. C

    Mattehorn idea from Mr. Nunis?

    Yes, it does. The mist effect is an on or off kind of thing. Perhaps it runs out of water over the course of the day...
  9. C

    It's the Tourists...

    Hey, new concepts for everyone, especially Jimbo. SARCASM WARNING: What you are about to read is sarcasm. Do NOT take literally (unless of course you are WDW park management, in which case, you should submit these ideas to Burbank as if they were your own)! Jungle Cruise attendance is down...
  10. C

    It's the Tourists...

    Cute strategy, double posting to try to put words is someone else mouth. Or are your split personalities in turmoil? One personality wants "an E-Ticket or 2 D-Tickets in a few years”, one wants “No more E-Tickets”, one thinks “MK is good enough”, one says it will be “Horrible” if MK adds a new...
  11. C

    It's the Tourists...

    Late night typo / math skills kicking in, please pardon the error.... $200 per guest times 1,000,000 is $200,000,000 giving you a 1 year ROI which Everest more than achieved......
  12. C

    It's the Tourists...

    Glad to hear it. My point all along. To be honest, I'm not looking for a totally new E-Ticket 'expanding' the park beyond it's current state. I think the sub site should be rennovated to the E-Ticket status Walt concieved for it right from the start. With a non sub, high capacity ride...
  13. C

    Mattehorn idea from Mr. Nunis?

    Agreed, but the Epcot Resorts lagoon is a derivative of the original idea, and there's still enough room on the other side behind Germany... With the current ‘growth’ strategies we will never reach this stage though.
  14. C

    Mattehorn idea from Mr. Nunis?

    AWSOME! Another thread about adding a new E-Ticket to the MK. I LOVE IT. I'd take any new E-Ticket they could deliver. Don't have a problem with it being Matterhorn personally. I think the blowhards will with Everest and all. How do you get the snow to reach the riders under the...
  15. C

    It's the Tourists...

    BREAKING NEWS: THE DISAGREEMENT ENDS AT LAST! You’ve stuck to none of your points! Here you are changing your tune again. All this time you’ve been saying NO NEW E-TICKET FOR MK! Now you’re saying “A FEW MORE YEARS”. It takes 2 plus years to build and a year to design. So I guess you’re...
  16. C

    It's the Tourists...

    I am including Florida APs, because they are APs or Preimum APs. The are not resident passes, but actually called "Annual Passes". When I said if you removed the APs and DVC's during OFF SEASON you would halv 1/2 full parks, I was not far off. The Visitors, do not come during off season...
  17. C

    It's the Tourists...

    Your original analogy was a lap top represents a ride, and your kids represent a park, jumbo. How convenient it to continually change your own theories, when they don't work...
  18. C

    It's the Tourists...

    The stats say different, Every park that added significant attractions world wide experienced and average of 8% growth, those that did nothing, flat or slight improovment (MK saw 4% attendence growth, but most due to Everest). Everest boosted AK by a 1,000,000 plus, which pays for the...
  19. C

    It's the Tourists...

    This is exactly what's been happening at MK and needs to stop. Disney should learn from it's own lessons.
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