Search results

  1. W

    Best age to start trips to Disney?

    Our son was born August 2008 and has been 3 times already and we are going back in November!! His first trip was with my family! And he does have an older sister!
  2. W

    Adventures by Disney

    Who has gone on a trip? Or who is planning? What did you think of the trip?
  3. W

    Well look what I stumbled upon...

    Yahoo has the top 30 out also. They have Nemo as Number 1. Not sure if I agree with all of them but the top 10 are all good.
  4. W

    How do you keep a trip a secret?

    My DH and I did not tell our 4yr old DD about our trip last year until the morning we were leaving. It was not that hard to keep from her. She did ask why all the bags where on the guest bed and I said I did not know dad must be doing something. We had a really early flight so DH and I got up...
  5. W

    Nap suggestions...just and fyi

    We just got back last night:( We let our DD sleep in her stroller during the trip. We found quiet cool spots in the parks. At magic Kingdom the building that has Tony's restaurant has a little theatre in the back behind the store. Great place to rest. And at Epcot SSE exit is open so you...
  6. W

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    We have 18 hours also. And I cannot wait to tell our daughter tomrrow morning!!! We have written a letter to her from Mickey! I cannot wait....
  7. W

    Princess Storybook Dining

    We went last year for dinner. Our dd had not met Jasmine yet and that was the only place we could find her on our last day. The food was ok, nothing really different. We were on the Dinning Plan so we got dessert was wonderful. They have a kids menu. We joked our dd was dressed...
  8. W

    Crowds for Labor Day weekend?

    Add 3 more for Labor Day...We leave the 31st also. We are planning MK all Day Sunday and AK and MGM on Monday. Those getting ready to go. Do not forget to on Rockin Roller Coaster before it is down
  9. W

    I have to tell someone!!!

    We leave on Friday morning. Our plane leaves at 7am and we have not told our 4yr old daughter yet. We are trying to decide how to tell her. We have been telling her to save her money all summer. So we are thinking of "sending" a post card from Mickey saying something about her saving enough...
  10. W

    Scrapbooking question

    A WONDERFUL website is You can search there tags for disney pages. There are hundreds and hundreds. You can save the ones you like in your own folder. I use this site all the time. I never used Creative Memories. I did not like the look. I just started going to the...
  11. W

    I am on the countdown are you?

    4 days from now we will be getting off the plane and getting ready for Pirates & Princess Party!!!! We are alredy packed and ready Oh Yea our 4 yr old daughter does not know we are going. Going to wake her up at 5am on Friday and tell her!!!!
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