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  1. ROEFan88

    HD or hi-res nighttime shows?

    Does anybody know if there's anywhere on the internet I can find high resolution or high-definition videos of either Wishes, IllumiNations or Fantasmic? Anybody been out and about with these new-fangled HD camcorders recently? Thanks in advance! :)
  2. ROEFan88

    Disney Stars and Motor Cars in Dec?

    Sorry to bug people with more questions! I just looked at the WDW website, and it seems that when the Osborne lights start in December, the daytime parade stops running. I can't find a single showing of DSAMC throughout December. Can anyone confirm this? Thanks. :)
  3. ROEFan88

    Cheerleaders first week of Dec.?

    Thanks for clarifying things guys. Just one more question: how do you think they affects crowds and queues? Are there LOADS of them? I know Dec is generally a manic month, but do you think the first week is a sensible enough time to go? Or would the second week be better? Thanks again.
  4. ROEFan88

    Cheerleaders first week of Dec.?

    Did a quick forum search, but didn't manage to find the answers I'm looking for. Could anyone give me a rough idea of when the young cheerleading squads are in WDW in December? I seem to remember reading it was the first week, but I hope I'm wrong because it looks like that's when we're likely...
  5. ROEFan88

    Inside the Wonders of Life Pavilion - Food and Wine Festival Center

    An interesting question - what happens to the pavilion after F&W? I find it sad that they seem to have removed WOL's identity entirely (by removing/covering the last remaining outdoor sign, for example). It just seems terribly cheap to me that Disney would tart up an old space and pass it off as...
  6. ROEFan88

    Why is it still called the Enchanted Tiki Room?

    Granted, I never saw the original version (nor have I seen the DL version), but I enjoyed Under New Management. I can see why purists might hate it, but for the average guest the show represents an enjoyable enough few minutes (perhaps too few) in an air-conditioned room. While I don't consider...
  7. ROEFan88

    Cranes, Walls, and Haunted Falls! 9-15-07 Update

    Great update, thanks! :) I hope the new SSE entrance signs are anywhere near as stunning as those new disabled access signs in Project Tomorrow. If such attention has been paid to such a small detail, something tells me SSE's entrance (and hopefully the ride itself, too) will look AMAZING...
  8. ROEFan88

    EPCOT - 25 Years of photographic memories thread!

    I love how pristine and glowing SSE looks here - I know it's probably due to the nice weather that day, but I get the feeling it just wouldn't look quite as shiny on a similar day in 2007. I hope it's possible to give the outside a clean soon (though I'm not really sure how one would do that...
  9. ROEFan88

    the best theme park?

    From favourite to least favourite: 1. Epcot - easily my favourite theme park anywhere, and quite possibly my favourite place in the world. Has a magic all its own. 2. Magic Kingdom - what is there to say that hasn't been said already? My favourite of the 'Disneyland' style parks - less...
  10. ROEFan88

    EPCOT to revive old logo!

    That's GREAT news, in my opinion! Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the wand text was never a true logo for the park, and was only used on the wand and wand merchandise... :confused: Does this mean the end of and the re-introduction of??? :sohappy: EDIT: Yay, 100th post!!!
  11. ROEFan88

    Random photos from MK... Spectro-men Warning!

    They finally replaced the old sign at TTC... No more black. Can someone remind me, what part of the old sign was blacked out? I do remember something was blacked out, but I can't figure out what it was.:confused: And I agree with those who've mentioned it - I do find it stupid they...
  12. ROEFan88

    Space Mountain Rehab confirmed!

    I agree completely - love the ride overall, but the third drop is nothing compared to the first two...
  13. ROEFan88

    SSE Ride entrance signs have been removed

    I had a strong feeling before that they would change the signs - I just couldn't see them leaving the entrance area as it was after spending so much time and effort refurbishing the ride. Adding 'Siemens' to the old signs always seemed like a temporary solution to me. Here's hoping for...
  14. ROEFan88

    Honey, I Shrunk The Audience Refurb

    :drevil: :) :lol: :ROFLOL: :o
  15. ROEFan88

    Your defining Disney World icon

    As much as I love the castle, I think I'll have to say Spaceship Earth... being as Epcot is my favourite park (and arguably my favourite place ever). I just love looking up at it as I walk in, and whenever I see it I can't help but marvel at what an incredible structure it is. I also think the...
  16. ROEFan88

    SSE Lighting Design Work?

    While I would love to see SSE get new lighting (and I'm sure it probably will) just seeing these photos brings a huge :) to my face...... I still can't seem to get my head around it... IT'S GONE!!! :D :sohappy: For the first time EVER we can watch Reflections Of Earth at night with a...
  17. ROEFan88

    Really, REALLY bad decisions...

    This subject has always fascinated me - to this day I still fail to see why Disney would completely lose confidence in one of its attractions, then simply leave it closed for several years. It baffles me to think that there is even MORE to do at Epcot which just isn't accessible to guests - an...
  18. ROEFan88

    Really, REALLY bad decisions...

    Another one, having seen the Muppet Mobile Labs video... - Shipping Bunsen Honeydew and Beaker off to China...:brick: Just move them to MGM (or DHS rather) where they belong. Other than that they look AWESOME!
  19. ROEFan88

    Really, REALLY bad decisions...

    The worst decision ever made at Walt Disney World? (in my opinion) Four words: Journey Into Your Imagination I think just about anybody within the company (answering truthfully) would admit that to replace an original classic EPCOT Center attraction with a cheap tie-in to HISTA was a real...
  20. ROEFan88

    EpcotServo's August 21st Update:LOTS of Muppet Mobile Lab pictures and no more stars!

    My thought exactly - hopefully this is a sign of things to come, but I get the impression that Disney sometimes uses the acronym and non-acronym versions of the name interchangeably these days. :shrug:
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