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  1. MickeyFan77

    Any advice re: flying with a 2 year old?

    Agree with Bringing new things he has never seen before. They have Travel Magna Doodles which are great, I have brought stickers and paper, Crayons etc.
  2. MickeyFan77

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    22 Here too!!! Was watching the Disney Parks show in Travel Channel this weekend and my 4 yr old was so excited just watching it on TV I can't even imagine what it will be at the parks. kruzer98-LOVE your PIC!!!!!!
  3. MickeyFan77

    Disney Pins?

    Thanks a bunch!!! If someone could tell me a price that would be great. I found some new ones on ebay that I want they are asking about 18-20 per lanyard and they are brand new. I was wondering if that is good. Of course I have to pay shipping which is about $5. Thanks!
  4. MickeyFan77

    Disney Pins?

    Question Do they still sell the lanyards at Disney? I am assuming yes but wanted to make sure. Also how much? I think my kids would love andI have been looking on ebay for some. I would need a princess and a pirate one. thanks for the help!!
  5. MickeyFan77

    Disney Bears?

    I bought my daughter a My First Disney Bear In Fall of 04 and it is so cute. I didn't realize they were a collection.
  6. MickeyFan77

    MNSSHP entrance times

    That is good news. We have ADRs for Tony's at 5:30 I believe on that night.
  7. MickeyFan77

    September roll Call...

    Got my Trip package today!! So happy I ripped it open. My kids were excited too b/c they have the luggage tags with their own names on them. :sohappy: 39 DAYS!! but whose counting LMAO!!!
  8. MickeyFan77

    Dining plan changes to KILL Free Dining???

    NEVER heard of this rule. I have been in the service industry for 16 years serving and bartending and I ALWAYS tip based on the total bill. You have to remember that at most restuarants the server SHARES their tip with bus people, bartenders, etc. Also as someone mentioned bartenders also get...
  9. MickeyFan77

    Dining plan changes to KILL Free Dining???

    What you don't tip when you get alcohol, you tip based just on food? As a Server I am confused by this, and it is not right. Maybe I am reading your response wrong. Even when you go to a bar you tip right?
  10. MickeyFan77

    Parents with Infants...

    Ditto to what everyone else said!! We took our daughter when she was 15 mns and let me say that was the best trip ever. Her reaction was the best. One thing that I haven't seen mention DON'T forget medicines like ibuprophin, etc just in case they get sick plus important numbers for drs. My...
  11. MickeyFan77

    WOOHOO Magical Express Packet came today!!

    First of all CONGRATS!!! Have a great time. I am too waiting for my package. First time that I have book everything through disney. Usually go for the CM discount through my aunt but Free dining was a better deal. I can't wait. I also ordered my custom maps today so they should be arriving...
  12. MickeyFan77

    Dining plan changes to KILL Free Dining???

    Have to jump in. ITA with this statement. I am a server at a local family place and numerous times have been stiffed or under tipped when someone has had their billed paid for them. If someone paid my bill I would tip more. I think in general there will be lots of people stiffing or...
  13. MickeyFan77

    September roll Call...

    I just officially paid for the vacation so everything it done. Now the real waiting begins. This is the first time we have had it paid for before we arrive. Usually we paid for it when we got there. It will be wierd and TG for free dining our bill will be alot less in the end. POR here we...
  14. MickeyFan77

    September roll Call...

    9/18-9/25 POR!!! We are also doing the MSSHP on the 21st. I can't wait.
  15. MickeyFan77

    mnsshp question?

    We will be there on the 21st. Our first time at the party. I can't wait. Unfortunately no discounts for the night:cry: :shrug: My kids are so excited and truthfully so am I!!!! We have ADR's for Tony's Town Square at like 5:30 or something like that.
  16. MickeyFan77

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    Oh I so hope that is true. Of course they can change at anytime. Last time we went the hurricane was suppose to skirt the coast but ended up turning overnight and just slightly hitting Orlando. TG I have insurance this time.
  17. MickeyFan77

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    60 OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!:sohappy: I just booked my airline tickets so if is really official. I can't wait. PLEASE no hurricanes this time.
  18. MickeyFan77

    Costumes for MNSSHP?

    They should start selling customes in August. I remember buying my dd one in August about 2 yr ago.
  19. MickeyFan77

    CM Discount Question

    I don't think is can happen. I tried to get a CM discount resort and they were told that I could not get the dining plan even with paying for it full price. That was just about 3 months ago so maybe something has changed you have to have the CM ask.
  20. MickeyFan77

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    95 days here I can't wait!!!!
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