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  1. MickeyFan77

    8:00am Departure Saturday

    Have fun!!!! We leave at 9am on Tuesday and should be at Disney by 1ish or so I hope!!
  2. MickeyFan77

    Minor Resort Questions

    Believe me I am not looking for anything fancy I just don't want a wet head and don't feel like packing. I thought I had heard they weren't very good but aslong as it turns on and has some heat I will survive.
  3. MickeyFan77

    Minor Resort Questions

    Thanks for the replys!! I was really worried about the kids falling out of bed and that will help alot. Both toss and turn alot during the night, although they might be so tired they won't move hopefully:animwink:
  4. MickeyFan77

    No gratuity - good or bad for CMs?

    I would have to agree that it will hurt the servers in the long run. Although as stated they will have to report less to. ALSO there was an article in the USA Today a day or 2 ago about tipping in the world and the USA is generally the best tippers. Tipping in other countries is less for the...
  5. MickeyFan77

    Minor Resort Questions

    I have 2 I tried to search but can't find, I might just be bad at searching:o 1)I thought I read somewhere there are hairdryers at the resort, I am staying at POR? Would make one less thing for me to pack. 2)Does Disney have bedrails for small children to use? I know they have port a...
  6. MickeyFan77

    This time next week, I will be landing in Orlando!!

    We arrive on the 18th too and I can't wait!!!!! The excitement is going to kill me!!!!
  7. MickeyFan77

    Ruined Holiday of a lifetime - Please help

    I have to agree with everyone. There is so much more to do at Disney than rides!! Just the atmosphere alone is magical. GL on your trip and (((HUGS))) to your niece!!!
  8. MickeyFan77

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    1 Week!!!!! We will be at the airport getting ready to leave. Our flight leaves at 9am and we should be at Disney by 1ish I assume!! Never have been there so early usually we get in at about dinner time. Have 6:30 ADR's for Crystal Palace that night!!!
  9. MickeyFan77

    Ever been to WDW in middle of Hurricane?

    We were there in 04 for Jeanne and it wasn't too bad except I felt some lack of communication from Disney. LIke when the food court reopened they failed to tell anyone b/c they didn't want people out, well then why reopen it. The next day was beautiful though with a nice breeze and slow at...
  10. MickeyFan77

    Stressed before trip?

    I don't usually stress too much but this time is different. We leave in exactly a week from today (YEAH) but unfortunately have to put our dog to sleep before hand. Now the really stressing part is that we want to do it at home and the 2 names that were given to us don't come to our area...
  11. MickeyFan77

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    ME TOO!! OMG I thought I would never get here. Got my MNSSHP party tickets today too WOO HOO
  12. MickeyFan77

    Question about coupons please!

    Here you go: 15% off lunch or dinner at House of Blues 15% off admission to the Behind the seeds Tour at the land at EPCOT Up to 20% off accommidations at Disney's Vero Beach 15% off Behind the Scenes tour at AK 15% off EPCOT Dive Quest admission 15% off Disney's Dolphins in depth admission Up...
  13. MickeyFan77

    September roll Call...

    In exactly 2 wks from today I will be at the airport waiting to board our 9am flight. I am so excited and can't wait. Hopefully the next 2 wks will go buy fast. The only downfall of the trip is that we are putting our dog to sleep before we go b/c she is very sick.
  14. MickeyFan77

    Writing letter to school concerning childs absence.

    My 8 yr old son wanted a Journal with Jack Sparrow on it and I told him I would buy it but he would have to everynight write in it what we did for the day when we go. He said fine. I Have already talked to his teacher and she was fine with it. I know I am not the only one who does it. She...
  15. MickeyFan77

    You know your officially on Vacation when....

    I have to say when I step off the plane in ORlando!! Something about the smell and people!!!
  16. MickeyFan77

    Calling all parents of school-aged kiddos!

    I just went to my son's open house for school and talked to the teacher about our vacation and she said no problem!!!!! She will save his work for when he comes back.
  17. MickeyFan77

    Who is in the teens???

  18. MickeyFan77

    what do YOU do first?

  19. MickeyFan77

    Calling all parents of school-aged kiddos!

    I have to agree FAMILY comes first. We are pulling my 3rd grader out for 6 days total of school. We pulled him in Kindergarden for 5 days with no problem hopefully it will be the same this year. I plan to talk to the teacher at open house tomorrow. Other than those days I think he has missed...
  20. MickeyFan77

    September roll Call...

    LOL I will have an 8 yr old pirate and a 4 yr old Cinderella!!! Maybe we will bump into each other. I can't believe that is 3 wks I will be waking up in Disney and heading off to Magic Kingdom for CRT!! I don't know who is more excited me or my kids. Got the lugaggage out this weekend and...
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