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  1. Gaston's Pecs

    Hyperion Wharf: any news?

    THIS! Maybe they can get Ozone & Turbo to make a guest appearance.
  2. Gaston's Pecs

    Your Fave WDW Mountain & Why??

    Splash Moutain! I just love everything about the ride. I remember when they were building it when I was a child and I couldn't wait to come back that next year to ride it.
  3. Gaston's Pecs

    When family or Friends joke about your love for Disney

    I love how my friends bust my chops about being a Disney addict, but when they are about to book their vacation to Disney who's the first person they call for advice.
  4. Gaston's Pecs

    Best way to unwind after a long day in the park?

    a glass of wine or beer and a cigar at Fuego
  5. Gaston's Pecs

    Those Late Nighters.

    I've done a 3am EMH @ MK during the 4th of July week in 2010. It was totally awesome, not too many people and you can hit all the big rides over and over again with no wait. The only issue was Space Mountain was down that night. :brick:
  6. Gaston's Pecs

    Most Underrated Ride of All

    I'd say people mover
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