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  1. DonaldD1987

    Cirque du Soleil La Nouba

    I saw the show last year and it was amazing!! It is definitely one of the best Cirque du Soleil shows. The tickets are a bit pricey but they are worth it.
  2. DonaldD1987

    Slow Season

    I went the week following the new year and it was pretty "empty."
  3. DonaldD1987

    Wrestling Takeover in ORLANDO I saw on the WWE website that they compared Vince McMahon to Walt Disney.
  4. DonaldD1987

    How many pictures do you take in WDW?

    Around 500 or so per trip.
  5. DonaldD1987

    Disney Adults Only park?

    I don't think that Disney will do that. That is the complete opposite of what Walt wanted. He wanted FAMILY and this would go completely against that.
  6. DonaldD1987

    Chicken Strips Gone from the World?

  7. DonaldD1987

    New Travel Channel Special

    I can't wait. I love travel channel specials. :)
  8. DonaldD1987

    What do you think of WDW at Christmas time?

    I love going to the world around christmas time because of the decorations and everything. The world is the only place that i will go except for my house for christmas.
  9. DonaldD1987

    Amazing quality Horizons tribute

    Great job with the Videos. I really wish I was able to go to WDW in the 80s early 90s because I love all of the old time stuff at the world from seeing a bunch of the videos and reading all of the books. I wish I was able to experience it in person instead of just watching videos on it.
  10. DonaldD1987

    Miley Cyrus at Magic Kingdom 1/27/08

    Its HANNAH MONTANA!!!!! aka Miley Cyrus. From Hannah Montana on the disney channel. She is on of the biggest concerts right now. And I have to admit she is pretty good. I didn't like her at the start but she has wore on me.
  11. DonaldD1987

    Canada Restaurant

    This is one of my favorite rest. by far. Reserve it really quickly because it will fill up. When you go get the Cheddar Cheese Soup. It is to die for.
  12. DonaldD1987

    Illuminations Preshow Music!!

    Thanks for posting. Great music!! :)
  13. DonaldD1987

    New Retro Epcot pins coming later this year

    definitely a lot of cool things coming out. That of course I will have to get. haha
  14. DonaldD1987

    New photos in the Disney Dream Portrait Series

    I love the Jessica Biel one is amazing!!!!
  15. DonaldD1987

    If you could pick any time of the year...

    If I could chose anytime to go, I would chose right after the new years. I have gone a week before christmas, there on christmas, and then after the new years. And there is no better time to go then after new years. There is still people there but not that many to have lines over an hour long...
  16. DonaldD1987

    Staying on site or off site?

    On site is the way too go!!!!!!
  17. DonaldD1987

    Spaceship Earth walls down

    Yea I was there until the 22nd and I talked to a CM and he said that it officially opened on the 21st.
  18. DonaldD1987

    Anyone gonna be in WDW this weekend?

    Arriving on Monday morning until Saturday(22nd) :) I hope its not too crowded.
  19. DonaldD1987

    Travel Channel Disney Park Marathon Today 12/9!

    I am watching them all day!!! even if it distracts me from studying and writing papers. My girlfriend doesn't want me to watch it because she knows that i will not pay any attention to my school work. :)
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