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  1. sarabi

    Your First Disney Ride?

    Spaceship Earth. The old one. With Walter Cronkite and Tomorrow's Child. I was afraid it was going to be a scary ride (like a coaster or something) because I couldn't wrap my head around how Disney was an amusement park but the rides were, well, different. I think I cried during Tomorrow's...
  2. sarabi

    Mount Disneymore

    Mickey and Walt. No one else. and please oh please god never ever stitch.
  3. sarabi

    How Many Mickey's?

    Boards redeemed! And here I was getting upset about the lack of magic and negativity on these boards... glad to see the magic is alive. Only one Mickey!
  4. sarabi

    Newbie Here - Just A Few Questions...

    Going off of what I can remember: Yes, you can get into the park after it's closed to the general public during EMH as long as you are staying on property. I recommend exploring the Polynesian and Grand Floridian because they are easy to get to (on the monorail circuit) and both are...
  5. sarabi

    Things that gross you out in WDW.

    I love me some turkey legs and I'm even strangely fond of the love bugs... but what grosses me out is: 1) the B.O of some of the guests 2)This area right on the bridge to Dinoland in DAK where, if the breeze hits just right, you smell complete dumpster trash. Ugh.
  6. sarabi

    Fantasmic vs. American Idol Debate: The decline of Hollywood Studios

    Fantasmic could be a show I would watch more than once every 10 years if they didn't have a theater that reached capacity. Getting there and having to sit on uncomfortable bleachers and wait for upwards of 2 hours is ridiculous, and then you can't just come and go as you please. So, I have to...
  7. sarabi

    For all the people that LOVE to complain...

    To the OP - thank you! That was a breath of fresh air! Everything we do is a choice. Disney has these miraculous machines throughout their parks that provide sub palatable but safe to drink water at the push of a button. I think if you choose to pay $2.50 for a bottle of water, then there's...
  8. sarabi

    Tapestry of Nations

    I know people got hurt in that parade, which is sad, but I wish they could've found a way to run it differently so that people wouldn't get hurt. It was the most amazing parade I've ever seen, frankly, and I always got choked up when I heard the music.
  9. sarabi

    Question for WDW Cast Members?

    Oh, and as an addendum to that, I would recommend reading "Mouse Trap" by Kevin Yee. It's a memoir of a Disneyland cast member, and I find it matter of fact. Keep in mind, he worked there 10 years ago and it's Disneyland we are talking about, but he does explain pretty well what the culture is...
  10. sarabi

    Question for WDW Cast Members?

    This is a hard question to answer. I was a CP in 1999/2000. What's been said before about the lousy hours, long hours, and basically the jobs no one else wants to do is absolutely true. Plus, as a CP, you don't get any benefits (insurance, time off, etc). It is, however, an easy way into the...
  11. sarabi

    Is it just me, or does it seem like Aladdin is not apart of Disneyworld?

    I think one of the best parades MGM ever had (when it was MGM) was the Aladdin's Royal Caravan. Loved it. Miss it.
  12. sarabi

    I just booked to leave in 3 days

    Husband of the year award!
  13. sarabi

    The Common Thread Game

    Correct! Oooo! I love this thread!
  14. sarabi

    The Common Thread Game

    Darn! I was going to guess they all had a sulfur/burnt stench! :lol: Ok, this one... they are both extremely boring but involve a trip there from the Mainland of the park? Hrrrrmmmm.... 1. Test Track 2. Sci Fi Dine In 3. Rock N Roller Coaster
  15. sarabi

    When Do You Justify A Long Wait Line?

    I waited 40 mins for Soarin' last time we went. It was our last day there, we really wanted to ride it one last time, and the fastpass return times were after we'd have to be gone. I wait if I feel like it. If not, I don't. :shrug:
  16. sarabi

    Former disney world cast member

    Wow. Well, Jane1 has taken that jab really well, and for that I give a hearty welcome.
  17. sarabi

    CMs - Why Do You Do What You Do?

    I did a CP. I went for a few reasons: -I wanted Disney on my resume (and what I glorious gem it is on there, everyone comments on it and uses it). -I am in love with Disney and wanted to see how it works from the working side. -I know I do good work, and I wanted to keep the magic alive. I...
  18. sarabi

    Dubailand vs WDW

    First of all, thank you Agent86. I would've posted the same thing you said, but wasn't looking forward to getting into an argument. So thank you for taking that on. You are absolutely right. Now, on to the topic at hand: I would LOVE to go to Dubai and Dubailand. There's just a little...
  19. sarabi

    What is with the Smell of the Monorails?

    I think they smell like a locker room. There's something mildewy about it that's nasty, but on the other hand, if the monorails didn't smell... I don't know. That scent to me says "hello! You're on the monorail! Yay!". I haven't been on a renovated one, though. That would be interesting. I...
  20. sarabi

    I need 2 vent :(

    I'm one of those people that's a huge fan but very rarely gets to go. I had been going every 2 years since 1992 up until I started college in 1996. In 1999, I got to do the CP internship (it had been 3 years since I've been there!) and returned in 2001 when I graduated college. Then, life...
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