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  1. sarabi

    A question for all you cast members.....

    Yes and no, and what you take from it depends on you. I know that's not a great answer, but it's the truthful answer. Expect to work hard. Expect to work. Expect it to be work and to have all the related feelings about going to work even if it's at Disney. Expect to have bad days and not...
  2. sarabi

    Thumbs up! Now point at it! We're baaack..1/23-2/1

    thank you so much for the info on mendi! It really is gorgeous. I can't believe I didn't know you could get it at WDW! I had a foreign exchange student friend in high school do one for me by my ankle and I figured it being morrocco, all I could think was it must be a henna tattoo. I'm...
  3. sarabi

    Would you like an animation restaurant in DHS?

    I think that would be a great idea and something not too hard to implement, since they've got the design down from the Cruises... and well placed at DHS. The important thing, though, is the food needs to be good. There are really no decent dining options at DHS, in my opinion. There's a lot of...
  4. sarabi

    Thumbs up! Now point at it! We're baaack..1/23-2/1

    Digging your trip report so far (I've only read days 1 and 2), and I had a quick question: What's mendi? I seriously can't believe I've not heard of this. Is this like a henna tattoo? Can you tell me more (what it is, how to get it, how much it costs)?
  5. sarabi

    What would YOU buy with the Disney 200$ gift card??

    Probably a gazillion pins. I usually limit myself to a handful per trip but with $200, I'd buy many more.
  6. sarabi

    Just what is it about Walt Disney World?

    Name (not giving that online, sorry. You can use my handle) Age 31 Where you live The Midwest of USA Occupation Insurance How many times you have been to WDW 6 times as a guest and once for the College Program as a CM Who do you go with (family? friends? etc) my mother What you like the most...
  7. sarabi

    Favorite Souvenir?

    I'm assuming it's not a "souvenier" if you didn't buy it yourself on your own trip, so I am not going to count the beautiful wall tapestry of the tree of life that my mother gave me. That said, I'm torn between two. One is a wall plate representing the tree of life gardens that I bought at...
  8. sarabi

    Top 3: Then & Now

    As a kid: Spaceship Earth Splash Mountain Horizons Now: Expedition Everest Buzz Lightyear's space ranger spin Spaceship Earth
  9. sarabi

    The best feeling

    I'm phobic of flying too! I love that feeling when you touch down at the Orlando airport finally, see all the palm trees, and taxi (safely) to your terminal. Big relief.
  10. sarabi

    The best feeling

    DAK is my favorite park, so my favorite feeling is when I exit the resort bus at the DAK bus area, and start walking towards the turnstiles and the theme music first hits my ears.
  11. sarabi

    How do you hydrate?

    Take water bottles and fill them up at the fountains. And add some crystal light or wylers to it to mask that Disney Water taste.
  12. sarabi

    Idol Winner on Feb 7

    Your pictures are fantastic! Boy, can you capture the moment! It makes me proud of her too, although I don't know her (or you!). Looking forward to details. Very interested in how long the whole thing takes... does it eat up your day? Is it super stressful?
  13. sarabi

    Behind the Scenes show on Disney Channel

    Oh, how I loved Scott! I remember that episode where he was highlighting cast member courtesy and he was going around asking where he could find "watermelon shoes" in a weird accent. It's still a running joke everytime I go there with my family. I'd write a letter if there's a concerted...
  14. sarabi

    Cheesy Cookies?

    Here in Wisconsin, we put cheese on our apple pie, and it's pretty good! (sharp cheese balancing the sweet... nice, actually, though I prefer mine without cheese cuz I like to taste the sweet more). You could try it and see what happens. What do you have to lose except an egg, a couple cups...
  15. sarabi

    Is Mainstreet becoming to Modern and Mainstream

    I don't like to seek disappointment, so I'll look at your link after this, but for me Main Street hasn't changed a lot since my first trip. Yes, the Emporium got bigger and yes, the camera shop went away but the camera shop always bored me anyway. I mean, who goes on vacation and doesn't...
  16. sarabi

    looking for the most romantic dining

    Everyone so far has suggested very fine dining places and they are all wonderful... but expensive and really suited to real foodies. If that's not your thing and you just want to be romantic, it can be had in a far less expensive way. Two sugestions: San Angel Inn at EPCOT (Mexico is always...
  17. sarabi

    Dining :-)

    Oh, and I recommend Liberate your appetite for your dinner.
  18. sarabi

    Dining :-)

    What's your transportation situation? I think going from DHS alll the way to Chef Mickey's and back might be a long trip. I would suggest doing Chef Mickey's on your second MK day (just a short walk to the Contemporary). On your first day at DHS, you might want to try a Boardwalk area...
  19. sarabi

    My problem with the dining plan!

    I hate having to see the dining bill or carry money with me out to eat when on vacation, so I also agree. When the dining plan was in its previous incarnation (with the tips and appetizer included), we very often did not look at the bill. The only times we did was when we ate somewhere super...
  20. sarabi

    CS in the parks: When burgers, pizza and nuggets just won't cut it...

    EPCOT certainly isn't lacking in quick service food, but I would suggest Sunshine Seasons as well. Especially the beef and goat cheese flatbread. To die for. I've never had luck eating anything decent at DHS, so I usually subsist on ice cream and turkey legs there. MK doesn't have a ton of...
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