Search results

  1. Frosty689

    What's your perfect WDW moment?

    This past time when i went with my brother was probably the most memorable, only because its the first time we ever went someplace just us... I'm 17 and hes 23 so it was good.. my favorite part was actully the lsat day tho, it was the day of the disney marathon which i hope to some day run.. I...
  2. Frosty689

    How Many Just Joined?

    I'm not sure exactly that it was the tigger scandel that brought more people here. I just think that people that were on this site, even tho they weren't registered, wanted to voice there opinions. So they finally decided to get a membership here.
  3. Frosty689

    Tigger Punches Guest??

    I personally hope the family is rewarded.... by getting locked inside It's a Small World for on whole year! I heard that can really change a person.
  4. Frosty689

    6 Hours Untill We Leave!!!

    leaving tomorrow morning at 12:00PM from Philly, maybe ill see you down there without knowing its you. Hope we have great times down there and I hope your excited. New years is my favorite time to be in disney world. New years eve is like no other!
  5. Frosty689

    Which would YOU change/remove?

    The Hat completely obstructs the site of the Chinese theatre and takes away from the overwelming feeling that you used to get when you walked into the park. My other complaint is those leave a legacy marble slates that also take away from the entrance of EPCOT. I cannot understand why Disney...
  6. Frosty689

    how many more days for you?

    2 also =D
  7. Frosty689

    Article on Universal-Disney

    It's not really anything mentioned in that article that makes me aggrivated with Universal. The rides and shows really don't bother me there (tho i've been there only a few times compared to my 12th for disney, i wont go to univ. anymore) its a couple of other things. Firstly I hate how they...
  8. Frosty689

    Epcot Power Outage 12/3?

    haha i love all of the members here.. your all so funny :p .. u guys like to have a good time.. true disneyites!
  9. Frosty689

    Epcot Power Outage 12/3?

    Well, I'm going to try to use logic here, and be serious lol.. Well i think it probably has to do with the amount of lights that are now being strung in MGM, Magic Kingdom, and Epcot. Maybe? I'm not a very good electrician and i dont know where Disney world gets there power, but i bet that has...
  10. Frosty689

    counting down the days to your trip to disney?? Getting obsessed?

    I think i need to get a disney calander too! I didn't even think about doing that, i just have a clock running on my computer. I have 31 days left, and i just cant take it anymore.. i just wanna go back! I love that place so much, and like you guys I have my DVR recordings of disney shows, and...
  11. Frosty689

    Going to the World for New Years. Few Questions

    Hey everyone!! It's been a bit since i posted, but there are a couple of questions on my mind. First off has anyone ever been there for new years? I've been there one year and i spent my time at Epcot. Even though the countries were completely full, i had an amazing time! My other question is...
  12. Frosty689

    Were Going For Disney Music Days!!!

    OMG WHEN IS THIS!!! I love music, its my passion and hopefully someday after college my job..
  13. Frosty689

    Top Five, Bottom Five and movie that needs more park time

    Top: 1. Aladdin 2. Emperors New Groove 3. Lion King 4. Mulan 5. Robin Hood Bottom: 1. Tarzan 2. Fox and the hound 3. Aristocrats 4. The Rescurers 5. Bambi
  14. Frosty689

    Computer/PS2 game to create and ride roller coasters?

    There is actully a Disney Imagineering game where all you do is design coasters, and create themes for your parks. If I can think of the name I'll post it here. It is for computer and it is someone around my computer desk so I'll keep you posted
  15. Frosty689

    WDW Magic... Some People Get It... Some People Don't

    I know exactly what you mean, my last trip i took a friend along with my family, and it was probably his 3rd time there. Well i learned that thats something i will never do again. His mom and him both ended up coming which was fine, till we got there. My friend was the most negative person, and...
  16. Frosty689

    Contemporary VS Polyennsian (sp)

    thanks for all the help guys!!! That is an awesome!! poly site btw, i love it! Poly has always been one of my favorites that i have stayed at , but i have never stayed at contemperory. were most likely gonna end up staying at Poly, espeically cause i love there smoothies for breakfast!! thanks...
  17. Frosty689

    Contemporary VS Polyennsian (sp)

    Hey my family and i plan on taking a trip to Disney world and staying in either the Contemporary or Polyennsian resorts. We will be getting there most likely in mid feburary. My question is, is there a better hotel between the too, or is there a better hotel you guys might suggest? My favorite...
  18. Frosty689

    I'm new here

    Much love my fellow Disniac <3
  19. Frosty689

    Who will be there New Years Eve?

    My Brother and I will be going down to Disney Decemeber 30th, he just suprised me last night. I think he knows that New years is probably my favorite time to go, it's gonna be amazing. I love EPCOT on new years, its perfect =D
  20. Frosty689

    "LOST" merchandise in the parks...

    I'm pretty sure at MGM, you will find alot of "lost" merchandise, and other ABC Television show stuff
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