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  1. M

    Small Stitch and Stunt Show Update

    There was a discussion on the make of the cars a while back. Speculation was that they might be Opels, but there was talk of them possibly being one of the other GM makes, to tie in better with an American audience. Where I've seen them testing the cars is no where near the monorail beams...
  2. M

    Small Stitch and Stunt Show Update

    I wouldn't count on that for a second, either. From what I hear, the interior is mostly complete, but there's way too much left to do on the outside. I heard that the reason Stitch is behind was due to what I'd consider to be going 'on the cheap', to quote Roy... I also heard some noise from...
  3. M

    Small Stitch and Stunt Show Update

    To be honest, I haven't heard a specific date at this point. I'll try and find out a date today.
  4. M

    Small Stitch and Stunt Show Update

    I just wanted to inform you guys about some new information on the stunt show. They're now testing at a temporary facility in Epcot's parking lot. I was there Wednesday, and while walking to SSE I could hear the cars echoing of the sphere. I was also over there today and saw a few drivers being...
  5. M

    History America Them Park?

    I'm not extremely familiar with the project, but Disney had plans to build a park in a rural, historical region of Virginia and the local residents pleaded to keep them out due to it's history and low profile.
  6. M

    NEW Disney Computer

    Yeah, keep in mind it is made by or through a partnership with Disney.... it's gonna be overpriced! :lol: ;)
  7. M

    NEW Disney Computer

    Cool! Too bad they don't have a laptop :-(
  8. M

    Another Great Spot ...But Where?

    That pic is from the box between the hot seat and host seat at Millionaire. Unfortunately, I lost my digital camera, and am unable to take any pics... so if this is right (and I think it is) would someone take my place?
  9. M

    Why is AK still not operating after Charlie?

    OK CEO... I live in Sarasota, FL... We were in ready for a direct impact, and Charley only missed us by 30 miles. All I've heard for the past 4-5 days is Charley, and after seeing the damage, I can only imagine how bad this is for people who live within a half hour's drive of me, while I sit...
  10. M

    rock n roller coaster

    RnRC uses LIM to launch. If you go to, and look at the Six Flags park in Holland, the Superman coaster there has the same layout. There are videos floating around, but I can't remember where I've seen them. Also check under RnRC on the main section of this site. I think it still has...
  11. M


    I was supposed to be in my dorm tonight at UCF, but thanks to Charley I'm still in Sarasota. I did LINK's Leap In program and we were supposed to get to move in today, but Lake Clare doesn't have power until Thursday. I've got Traditions at Disney on Tuesday, and now I have no place to live for...
  12. M

    Best Pre-Show at WDW

    Alien Encounter was great... S.I.R. was AMAZING. I also like Rock 'n' Roller Coaster's.
  13. M

    Why is AK still not operating after Charlie?

    My assuption as to why AK was closed was to allow time for checking fences and barriers to make sure all areas were secure before releasing them back into their habitats, as well as allowing extra time to allow the animals to relax and not have all those eyes staring at them. Another thing I...
  14. M

    Video Taken from Today

    Definately love the accompaning music. For all you Chappelle fans, I'M RICK JAMES, BI- ok that's enough... this is a Disney website. Sorry for the thread drift
  15. M

    Add trains instead of Monorails.

    I understand that there might be a preference over busses. I am one who'd rather not ride a transit bus to get from one place to another. But I'm also one who doesn't want to wait 20 minutes to ride an (already) slow form of transportation. At this point I drive to and from the parks in my own...
  16. M

    Add trains instead of Monorails.

    The routing of a monorail wouldn't be that much different, but the monorail would travel at 40 mph as opposed to a train, traveling at 10-15 mph, max.
  17. M

    Found: Walt's designs for Magic Kingdom

    The park probably doesn't depict much in it simply because it was in such early design stages.
  18. M

    Hurricane Repercussions?

    The few days after a hurricane are generally pretty nice. The hurricane is a massive low pressure. It's essentially the same as any other low pressure related storm, but with much more power. Typically the only clouds you'll see after a storm are from the east coast seabreeze meeting the west...
  19. M

    Hurricane Repercussions?

    The few days after a hurricane are generally pretty nice. The hurricane is a massive low pressure. It's essentially the same as any other low pressure related storm, but with much more power. Typically the only clouds you'll see after a storm are from the east coast seabreeze meeting the west...
  20. M

    Add trains instead of Monorails.

    It would be possible to build bridges over the major roads, but is that really your idea of a train ride? a ride over top of the largest road in all of WDW? Take a look at this picture I put in my photo album. Notice what I was discussing. BB takes up the land around the road by "Disney's...
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