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  1. bfbulldog

    Disney Confirms Nemo Submarines Closed for 2014

    I truly hope your right.
  2. bfbulldog

    Disney Confirms Nemo Submarines Closed for 2014

    I'm thinking permanent rehab think 20,000 leagues under the sea and will never return.
  3. bfbulldog

    Is disney parks and resorts for sale?

    As Disney is a publicly traded company with shareholders to answer to, the likelihood of the theme parks being sold without that news leaking out is absolutely 0%. Shareholder rules would stipulate that any such deals if they were taking place that affects such a significant portion of the...
  4. bfbulldog

    Character Dining returns to the Liberty Tree Tavern

    JH reports this so take it for what it's worth. And speaking of characters disappearing … Many Magic Kingdom fans were saddened when the Liberty Tree Tavern stopped serving its Goofy’s Liberate Your Appetite Character Dinner back on January 4th. So much so that a significant number of them...
  5. bfbulldog

    Only Lincoln will speak at HoP?

    You mean like Obama? Right? He's a millionaire who's previous job was a part time Senator who never sponsored 1 piece of legislation and who voted present when tough votes were scheduled and his other gig was as a community organizer and never practiced attorney?? Last time I checked none of...
  6. bfbulldog

    Only Lincoln will speak at HoP?

    Teddy Roosevelt was President until 1919, and Franklin D Roosevelt which is who I think you meant was President until 1945. Either way both were President much longer than 40 years ago, so I will stand by my assertion that Reagan is the best President of the last 40 years!!
  7. bfbulldog

    Only Lincoln will speak at HoP?

    Yes, oh, and the best President the United States has seen in the last 40 years, period!!
  8. bfbulldog

    Only Lincoln will speak at HoP?

    Probably one of the most ridiculous statements I've ever read. He isn't about helping Wall Street????? Are you serious??? Billions upon billions for major multi-national banks, auto companies, insurance companies....etc, any of that ringing a bell?? You're joking right?? Disney will not sell...
  9. bfbulldog

    Future of Landry's Restaurants and its impact on WDW

    Unfortunately if Landry's files it will more than likely be Chapter 7, not Chapter 11. Chapter 7 is liquidation. The reason is the credit market is now simply unwilling to refinance any significant debt from a struggling company. This is the reason both Linens N Things and Circuit City have gone...
  10. bfbulldog

    GM and Test Track

    How simplistic. Toyota's total US payroll is $1.14 billion, GM's is $8 billion? So I guess GM must be making a couple cars here. What matters is where the profits go? Do the profits of foreign owned companies stay in the US. Absolutely not. They are sent straight back to the home countries of...
  11. bfbulldog

    Park Closures, Any Closer?

    It's still a ridiculous idea. Rolling closures will never happen. It's pure economics. Yee's assumptions are all based solely from Disney's point of view. I'm sure Disney may want rolling park closures but it would never work. Attendance which is already stagnated would absolutely fall off the...
  12. bfbulldog

    GM and Test Track

    :hammer: I'm truly astounded at the complete lack of knowledge being displayed here. GM is not going to cease to exist. They don't make cars people want? Are you serious?? GM is the #1 automaker in the US, and has traded with Toyota for #1 globally the last two years so please give me a break...
  13. bfbulldog

    Dubailand vs WDW

    Never mind the economic collapse, the main reason Dubai will never be a commercial success is because it's in the middle of a war zone. You think the companies and people are staying away now because of the econmomy? Wait until there is another attack and see what happens. This effort was a...
  14. bfbulldog

    Disney Looking To Re-Open Some Clubs at PI For the Holiday Season?

    NOTICE: Just a rumor from Screamscapetake from it what you will. Reopen AC Downtown Disney & Pleasure Island News - (10/21/08) According to one source, in the weeks that have followed the closure of Pleasure Island, WDW Management has been made aware of just how dead and silent the middle of...
  15. bfbulldog

    Save the Wonders of Life Pavillion

    Sorry to say WOL is never coming back in it's previous incarnation. It's been pretty much gutted . Second, the buildings not going anywhere, so where you got your demolished statement is beyond me. State you source??
  16. bfbulldog

    Pleasure Island no more.

    You couldn't be more wrong, the reason Disney is closing these clubs has almost nothing to do with the decline of people dancing and has almost everything to do with Disney being able to maximize the profit from every square inch of developed real estate. What they have decided is that it is...
  17. bfbulldog

    whats the plan for pleasure island?

    Unfortunately once the clubs at Pleasure Island close this whole area will become nothing more than a generic smorgasbord of chains stores and restaurants all of it without an ounce of uniqueness. It's too bad, but it is understandable why Disney has decided to jump on the outsourcing bandwagon...
  18. bfbulldog

    Resorts at Christmas

    How did you get free dining for that time period??
  19. bfbulldog

    New Muppets Ride Rumor

    I'd love it if even half of the things they mentioned in the article comes to pass. I loved the muppets as a kid and I still get a kick out of the show at the studio even though it's getting a little long in the tooth. Even my kids at 3 and 5 get a kick out of it and could pick out kermit and...
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