Master Yoda
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  • Will you ship me some Five Guys fries? :lookaroun

    I'm sure they'll still be deelish when they get here.
    Haha, this is true. :D I think I figured out my typical lunch there is like 1700 calories, not counting the drink. :dazzle:
    Ooooh... Five Guys Friday. :D I died a little inside yesterday... someone was bringing Five Guys food back to the office, but I had already committed to lunch with a buddy. :brick:
    Good morning, Richard! Have a great Tuesday... and thanks for the updates on Daddy Joel! :wave:
    No big weekend plans for us. Running around picking up last minute things for the trip. Any fun plans for you and your family?
    :lol: Well a six-hour drive toward Florida would be appealing, and Five Guys Burger only sweetens the deal, but I'd probably better pass. :lol: I've got enough driving to do this weekend as it is. ;)
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