WDW Trip #7 - It Never Gets Old


I am a new poster to these forums, but I've been a long time WDW fan, and I thought the best way to introduce myself properly was to recount my most recent trip there. I have an introduction thread which can be found here. So, without further ado, let me introduce some background to the trip:

Dates of Travel

This trip, it was decided to travel in mid September, figuring that the parks would be quieter that time of year, due to the fact that the kids have only just gone back to school, both in the US and here in the UK. Also, the weather will still be pretty good. Thus, our arrival date was September 10, and our departure date was September 17.

Dramatis Personae

Featuring on this trip would be the following:
  • Me, 30 years old, and still refers to Innoventions as Communicore from time to time.
  • My brother, 26.

My folks were accompanying us on this trip, but we were staying in different resorts, and for the most part doing our own thing, however we did meet up occasionally.

Where we stayed

My brother and I selected the All Star Sports resort, thus completing the trilogy, having stayed at Movies on the previous trip (in 2007-08) and at Music the trip before that (1998-99). My folks, on the other hand, elected to stay at Port Orleans Riverside, the site of our first stay on Disney property back in 1997, in the days of old when it was still called Dixie Landings.

Now that all the introductory stuff is out of the way, it is time to relate the story of the trip. Stay tuned to the thread as I relate to you tales of cast members and their riddles, epic weather, late night audience participation, surprise, confusion and much more! There may be detail lacking in some parts, due to the fact that it was a few months ago, and I may not be able to remember specifics about certain parts.


The Mighty Tim

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 1 - September 10

I won't bore you too much with the details of how we got there. We left LHR on time, and nine hours and three movies later, we arrived at MCO. Within 90 minutes, we were in our hotel room in All Star Sports, having managed to speed through the airport process (dual US/UK nationality comes in really handy!), and there being a Magical Express bus waiting to go. We went to the room, freshened up and immediately set off for the Magic Kingdom, running on pure adrenaline since we had been awake for about 20 hours by this point.

As is tradition in our family trips to WDW, the first ride we went to was Pirates of the Caribbean. Now, we wanted to see how quickly we could get from the moment the plane touched wheels on the runway, to getting on the first ride. We duly set a "Plane-to-Pirates" time of 2.5 hours, which I regard as pretty quick. Next time, we are going to see if we can break that!

After riding Pirates, we then walked around the park for a bit and arrived at Space Mountain. The wait time was 35 minutes, and by the standards of our previous trip, that was pretty short, so we joined the queue. Little did we know, that would end up being one of our longest waits of the trip. Space Mountain was awesome as usual, and then afterwards we did Buzz Lightyear. My brother didn't want to wager on who would have the highest score at the end, but if he did, he would have been $10 richer. His loss! After Buzz Lightyear, the tiredness had caught up with us, and so we headed back to the resort, where we grabbed some chili cheese fries, picked up our refillable mugs and then called it a night.

The Mighty Tim

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 2 - September 11

Even at 30, I still get excited by WDW, and even though we had a long plane flight the day before, I didn't sleep much. We ended up getting up fairly early-ish, grabbing some breakfast at the Food Court and then headed off into the Magic Kingdom again.
The bus from the resort to the Magic Kingdom was packed. Nothing too surprising there - it was approaching 9am, prime time for people to be heading to the park. Upon our arrival, dozens of similarly full buses were disembarking their passengers and a small crowd of people were heading towards the entrance, as you'd expect. We joined this crowd and passed through the turnstiles. First stop, as always, Pirates of the Caribbean. The crowd began to thin out along Main Street. We turned and headed into Adventureland, and there was hardly anyone there, save for the occasional guest and cast member. My brother and I looked at each other. "This part of the park is open, right?" we asked each other. We went into Pirates, where there was no queuing. After that, we headed into Frontierland, and the two mountains - Splash and Thunder. There was no queue at Splash Mountain, either. We rode that and duly got wet. As we were getting off, we noticed that people were getting on the ride, wearing plastic waterproof macs, which I thought defeated the purpose of the ride, but whatever. Next, we headed to Thunder Mountain, which I, for some reason, had never ridden before. That too had no queue, and in fact the ride car had somebody in it who had stayed on the ride, and after we left, stayed on it again to ride it for at least the third time!

The plan was, later that day, to meet our folks outside Pirates at noon, so we could catch up and ride our favourite ride together. However, by sheer coincidence, we bumped into them at our next stop - the Haunted Mansion. So the four of us rode that together, then we had a chat and went our separate ways again. We rode Space Mountain, then the Tomorrowland Speedway and the People Mover. We bumped into our folks again and we all rode Buzz Lightyear, where I set a better score than I did the night before. We decided that we no longer needed to meet up outside Pirates, and then went our separate ways again. I think we went on the Jungle Cruise next. Unfortunately for the cast member narrating our boat, he had a tough crowd, and every time he tried to make those corny jokes they make during the attraction, nobody seemed to laugh or react. Oh well! Then as it was a warm day, we went next to the Hall of Presidents to cool down. By the time that had finished, it was lunchtime, so we had lunch at the Columbia Harbour House nearby - a place which I quite like. It was there that we decided that we would take the monorail over to EPCOT for the afternoon.

We went to the monorail, and heard the oh-so-familiar announcement: "Please stand clear of the doors. Por favor mantengase alejado de la puertas". We inadvertantly got on the slightly slower monorail which stopped at the Contemporary, not that we were in a rush to be anywhere. Eventually, we got to the TTC and then on to the EPCOT monorail. Before long, the familiar geosphere of Spaceship Earth loomed into view. The monorail took us around Future World, where I got a good look at Test Track being refurbished. Upon arrival into EPCOT, our first port of call was Spaceship Earth - a ride I quite like. Then it was on to my favourite ride - Mission: SPACE. No Green Team for us, it's Orange all the way. Very little waiting time there too, and I performed my tasks as commander admirably, if I say so myself (still ended up crashing the ship though!). We then went over to the Land to check out the wait time and Fast Pass time for Soarin' but it was far too long, so we went on Living with the Land instead. After that, we went around the World Showcase, and rode the Gran Fiesta Tour and Maelstrom. At Maelstrom, a cast member handed me this thing which allowed them to measure the queue waiting times. They also sent us down the Fast Pass queue line for some reason. Anyway, there was no queue in Fast Pass and a very small queue in standby, so we were on that ride in no time. We walked around the World Showcase. I stopped in the shop in the UK section to see if they had small boxes of real teabags, since I couldn't find any decent ones in the food court at the resort. They only had large boxes, so I didn't get any. I'm sure other UK visitors share my plight!

After World Showcase, we went to the Nemo ride, which I hadn't ridden before. It wasn't too bad. I don't remember much about the previous incarnation as The Living Seas (except my mum not liking it for some reason). Then we rode Spaceship Earth again and then returned to the resort to freshen up for the evening.
That evening, for dinner, we decided to check out Downtown Disney. We ended up in Paradiso 37 on Pleasure Island. After the waiter recommended to us their house beer, we ordered a pitcher between us and it was so good. So cold and refreshing. We had dinner and beers there, then got some ice cream from the Haagen Dazs place. Then we decided to head back to the resort.
Whilst waiting at the bus stop, a cast member walked over to us. No doubt having seen the glazed look in my eyes, due to the combination of Disney magic, excitement and a half a pitcher of P37 beer, he strikes up a conversation with me, which went as follows:

Cast Member: So, where are you from?
Me: England.
Cast Member: Oh.
Me: You sound disappointed.
Cast Member: I've got some questions for you.
Me: Oh really?
Cast Member: Yeah. Say "silk".
Me: (thinking it was one of those "you-Brits-say-words-funny" conversations). Uh...silk.
Cast Member: Say it again.
Me: Silk.
Cast Member: And again.
Me: Silk.
Cast Member: What do cows drink?
Me: (thinking: I know where this is going...) Water!
Cast Member: (surprised). Very good. OK, here's another one. Spell "boast".
Me: (thinking: so, he thinks he can match wits with me, does he?) B-O-A-S-T.
Cast Member: Spell "roast".
Me: R-O-A-S-T.
Cast Member: Spell "coast".
Me: C-O-A-S-T.
Cast Member: What do you put in a toaster?
Me: (thinking: I know this one...) Bread.
Cast Member: (disappointedly). Oh, you know that one too. OK, I've got another one. How would you pronounce T-W-A?
Me: Twah.
Cast Member: T-W-E?
Me: Twee.
Cast Member: T-W-I?
Me: Twi.
Cast Member: T-W-O?
Me: 2.

At that point, the cast member, obviously disappoined, walks off without another word. I turn to my brother and say "was I just administered some weird Disney sobreity test?".
Shortly after the adventure with the riddling cast member, the bus back to All Star Sports arrived. We boarded, and upon our return to the resort, stopped by the pool bar for another beer, then headed back to the room.

The Mighty Tim

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 3 - September 12

Today, we decided we would take advantage of the EMH at Animal Kingdom. So, after breakfast, we hopped on the bus to the park. First stop was Expedition Everest - another first for us. It was pretty good - not too dissimilar from Thunder Mountain. The only problem I had, and I encountered it on Thunder Mountain too, was that because I wear glasses, and didn't want them flying off, I took them off for the ride. It meant that I really couldn't see much of what was going on. After Everest, we went on the Kali River Rapids. We hadn't ridden that before either, and we did get quite wet. At the end, we were asked if we wanted to stay on and ride again. The other party in our raft decided to remain, however I decided I didn't want to. You see, I had had a cold before leaving the UK and that morning I had woken up and it was bothering me more that day (and no it wasn't due to beer consumption the night before). I didn't want to make it worse by getting another soaking.

We then walked around, drying off quite quickly. Eventually, we ended up doing pretty much everything you can do at Animal Kingdom. We rode all the rides, walked through all the trails. The only things we didn't do were the shows. We even rode the DINOSAUR ride, which we weren't too fussed about after we went on it last time. But we rode it anyway. At the end of the ride, when they take your photo, my brother and I decided we'd try and look as non plussed as we could. The exact expressions we ended up making are hard for me to describe in words, and we didn't take any photos of it, but I think it worked quite well. Especially considering the other two riders next to us had exaggerated looks of terror!

Upon leaving the Animal Kingdom, we decided we would head to Downtown Disney to do get some lunch and some shopping. However, we quickly realised that getting directly from Animal Kingdom to Downtown Disney was not as straightforward as it seemed. There were no direct buses. I later realised that the reason for the lack of direct buses between parks and Downtown, was that people would park at Downtown for free, then ride the buses between the parks. It made sense, but it was mildly inconvienient. But, as I said before, it's not like we were in a rush. A helpful cast member told us that the best way of getting to Downtown was to take the bus to Animal Kingdom Lodge, then take the Downtown bus from there, which is what we did (although on hindsight, we could have gone all the way back to All Star - or any resort bus for that matter!).

After eventually getting to Downtown, we made our lunch stop at Earl of Sandwich, which I thought was pretty good. Then we browsed the shops in Downtown, West Side and Pleasure Island, before heading back to All Star for a rest. We were going to meet up with the folks that evening, and decided we would meet up in EPCOT for the fireworks. Bearing this in mind, my brother and I decided to head off to Hollywood Studios, then walk from there to Boardwalk, grab some dinner, then continue on into EPCOT. We ended up having dinner at the Brewing Works along the Boardwalk. Then we went into EPCOT, met up with the folks and rode Spaceship Earth and Imagination together. I miss the old Imagination with the Dream Finder! We then split up and we rode Mission: SPACE again, where I ended up being the Commander again. By the time we'd finished in there, it was getting close to fireworks time. So, we headed in the direction of World Showcase, grabbed some funnel cake from the kiosk in the American Adventure, then watched IllumniNations. We then went back to the resort afterwards.

Lil Fort

Well-Known Member
I'm in! September is a great time to go. The weather is iffy, but the crowds are low, so I think that is a fair trade. Pirates is one of our faves too. I hope you were able to find your tea. Love the 'Disney sobriety test'. The hubbs is always trying to catch me on stuff like that.

The Mighty Tim

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 4 - September 13

The four of us rented a car today to go off campus, so we did very little Disney stuff. Though we decided we would meet up at our folks' resort, which meant travelling from All Star to Port Orleans. This turned out to be a little more difficult than I thought it would be. I asked the concierge at All Star the quickest way of getting to Port Orleans. They told me to take a bus to Hollywood Studios, then from there to take a bus to Port Orleans. Made sense. We got to Hollywood Studios, but waited ages for a bus to Port Orleans. I overheard some guests talking, and they said that they only send buses from parks to resorts if they see people waiting for them, hence our long wait. We managed to get to Port Orleans in plenty of time however. The Alamo minibus then picked us up, we got the car, and then we headed to the Kennedy Space Center, which for me, being a space geek (OK, a geek in general!) was totally awesome.

That evening we went to one of the restaurants at Crossroads - just off the property not too far from Downtown. We went to the Mexican restaurant there, had a couple of pitchers of beer between us, then went and played mini-golf at Winter Summerland, which was pretty good fun. After that, we returned to our resort for the night.

The Mighty Tim

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm in! September is a great time to go. The weather is iffy, but the crowds are low, so I think that is a fair trade. Pirates is one of our faves too. I hope you were able to find your tea. Love the 'Disney sobriety test'. The hubbs is always trying to catch me on stuff like that.

Thanks. I would definitely return in September again. The crowds were so low in comparison to the previous trip (New Year 2008). It made such a difference. The weather was indeed iffy, as you'll see later on in my story, but nothing I couldn't handle! :)

Unfortunately, I was unable to source my tea, but small sacrifices have to be made! Next time, I'll bring my own!

The Mighty Tim

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 5 - September 14

The folks had to return the rental car today, but first, they picked us up and we went for breakfast at the Perkins diner at Crossroads. A must-do for every US trip, Disney or otherwise, is a diner breakfast, and this met all expectations! Yes, the Disney food courts are satisfactory, and I can get a decent breakfast somewhere on campus, but nothing beats a diner experience. Sorry, Disney!

After breakfast, the folks dropped us off at Downtown while they returned the car. We went around Downtown for a bit, where my brother purchased some items and had them delivered back to the room. After Downtown, we decided we would head over to the Magic Kingdom, but much like our experience at the Animal Kingdom a few days prior, getting from Downtown to the park was not straightforward. This time, they had put up a sign, saying if you wanted to go to a park from Downtown, take the bus to Port Orleans French Quarter, then take another bus from there. Which is what we did. On the bus from Downtown to French Quarter, a party had suddenly decided they were on the wrong bus shortly after it left the stop. They asked the driver if they could be let off, and the driver, of course, said no, as we weren't near a stop. The guest wasn't too pleased with this negative answer and launched into a tirade of f-bombs. They eventually got off when the bus stopped at Pleasure Island. It was also raining quite heavily at this point. By the time we got to French Quarter, the rain had eased off a little bit. We did not have to wait long at French Quarter for a bus to Magic Kingdom.

When we got to Magic Kingdom, it was still quite overcast but not raining. We did our usual routine of Pirates, Haunted Mansion, Buzz Lightyear and People Mover. Then, the rain started again. Because it was raining, Main Street was practically empty, so we walked down the middle. It wasn't raining too much anyway. We rode the WDW Railroad around the park while the rain continued. It was still raining when we completed the loop back at Main Street station, but we got off anyway. We then bought a bag of popcorn each from the red wagon near the park entrance, and sought shelter in the archway nearby. After finishing popcorn, we went back to the resort for a rest.

We then went to EPCOT in late afternoon, walked around there for a bit and rode some of the attractions. We then exited at International Gateway and headed out towards Boardwalk again. We had dinner at the ESPN Sports Bar, which was quite fun, before continuing the walk to Hollywood Studios. At Hollywood Studios, we were going to try and get on Toy Story, but the line was too long and the Fast Pass had finished. So we rode Star Tours and the Great Movie Ride. By the time we finished the Great Movie Ride, it was nearly closing time, so we headed back to the resort and had a couple of drinks again at the pool bar before retiring for the night.

The Mighty Tim

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 6 - September 15

Eager to partake in the Toy Story ride at Hollywood Studios, after my folks had ridden it and them telling me how great it was, we decided to utilise the EMH for Hollywood Studios that morning. First port of call was the Fast Pass section of Toy Story. It was only 8:45am, but the Fast Pass time had already reached 10:40am. We got our Fast Passes, then took in Muppet Vision, Star Tours and the Backlot Tour. By the time we'd done all that, it was Toy Story Fast Pass time, and we headed over there. It was quite good fun, although my arms were aching afterwards! We then rode Star Tours again, then the Great Movie Ride, before grabbing lunch at the ABC Commissary.

After lunch, we took the boat to EPCOT, and headed to the Land again to check out the status of Soarin'. The Fast Pass time was not too bad, so we got Fast Passes and then set off around the park to do other things. We did Nemo and Mission: SPACE, where I got to be something different to Commander. After that we decided to go on Universe of Energy. Whilst waiting to be let into the Universe of Energy pre-show, I could feel the sun beating down on me, and I eventually took to standing under the cast member's umbrella for a little while. We were eventually let into Universe of Energy. After the attraction was over, we came outside, and noticed that it had clouded over very quickly and very darkly. Still having plenty of time before our Fast Pass to Soarin', we rode Spaceship Earth. When we'd finished in there, we came out of the post-show area into the rain. It wasn't raining too much, but we headed into Mouse Gear to look around at the items and to avoid the rain. When we finished in there, it was still raining, but a bit heavier. Nonetheless, we decided to head over to the World Showcase - in particular the Mexico pavilion. However, on our way there, the heavens opened, and we got completely soaked. Regrettably, we were positioned such that we were as far from any indoor location as you could possibly be in EPCOT. We continued towards Mexico and dashed inside, looking as if we'd just fallen into the lagoon. We rode Gran Fiesta Tour, looked at the stalls, and then decided that we'd head over to the Land now, even though we still had an hour before our Soarin' Fast Pass. Besides, we really couldn't get any more wetter!

We left Mexico, and walked over to the Land, with the rain not easing off at all. Upon reaching the Land, a cast member under an umbrella noticed us and said "well, at least you don't need your shower tonight!", to which I replied "we're British! We're used to this!". Unsurprisingly, the Land was busy. We grabbed a drink and a snack and then rode Living with the Land. Once we had finished that, it was almost Soarin' time. As soon as the time ticked over, we went into Soarin', still quite wet. Soarin' was pretty awesome. Once we had finished in there, we decided that rain or shine, we would return to the resort. As it happened, it had stopped raining by this point. As we were heading for the exit, we were stopped by a cast member who was conducting a survey into the food and drink on offer in the park. He asked us if we had had any food or drink in the park, and as we had a snack in the Land, we said yes. He then took us to this kiosk where we filled out an online questionnaire about the food and drink. Considering what we had was a hot drink and a cookie each, some of the questions seemed rather irrelevant (e.g. "Q: Was the temperature of the food what you expected?" "A: It was a cookie!"). By the time we'd filled out this questionnaire, I was eager to get back and change into some dry clothes.

That evening, we met the folks at Magic Kingdom, where we rode Pirates, the People Mover and Buzz Lightyear together. We then headed over to the Haunted Mansion, where we had one of the highlights of the holiday. Having ridden this ride many times on this trip and previous trips, I knew most of the opening narration in the Stretching Room. Apparently, so do a lot of other people. The result being that towards the end of the Ghost Host's opening narration, nearly everyone in the Stretching Room all chorused at once at the correct moment the words "to find a way out! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!". It was amazing to hear everyone joining in at once. What also added to the situation was that there were two girls standing behind us, and when the lights went out, one of the spooky cast members shifted position so that when the lights came back on, he was staring straight at them in a spooky (not creepy) way, which made them jump!

After the Haunted Mansion adventure, we went on It's a Small World. For some reason, the cast member directing people to the rows on the boat thought that four adults could sit comfortably in the back row. This proved to be incorrect as it was an incredibly tight squeeze, so much so that I, being the last one to get in, almost couldn't fit. Then, going through the ride, with all the sinister dolls singing the same song over and over again made the whole experience rather uncomfortable in a weird sort of way!

Once we had finished in the park, we went back to our respective resorts. The wait time for a bus back to All Star Sports was very long. Buses to the other All Star resorts kept arriving, but as the lines were equally as long for them as it was for us, we didn't want to give up our position in our line to join the back of another. When a bus finally arrived, it was greeted by an applause from some of the other guests in the line. However, being a veteran of public transport in my daily life back home and having had my fair share of public transportation adventures, this was a fairly ordinary experience for me.

The Mighty Tim

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 7 - September 16

We woke this morning to what I call the Disney equivalent of the Black Spot in pirate lore - the Magical Express information for your trip back to the airport hanging from the handle of your room door. It's an indication that the Disney holiday is almost over. But we still had another full day, plus half of the next day.

We started off in EPCOT, and made a beeline straight for Soarin' again. We got Fast Passes for that, then headed off to ride Spaceship Earth, Nemo and Gran Fiesta. Fast Pass time came around, and we rode Soarin' again. We wandered around the shops in both Future World and World Showcase, before grabbing lunch at the Electric Umbrella. We rode Spaceship Earth again on our way out, then returned to the resort for a little while.

Later that afternoon, we were due to meet the folks at Downtown so we could have a last big dinner of the trip together. They were continuing their holiday by travelling up the East Coast to New York, whereas my brother and I were returning home to the UK. We couldn't decide on a place to go, and because we had a nice time there earlier in the week, we ended up back at Paradiso 37. Our waiter was incredibly enthusiastic, and upon hearing we were from the UK, he started showing us his holiday photos from his recent trip there around the time of the Olympics, which was pretty nice. We ended up having a long conversation with him. After we'd finished there, we all went back to All Star, since my folks had some stuff they wanted us to take home and they didn't want to cart all the way to New York. Then we all ended up at Magic Kingdom, where we rode our usual rides. The crowd in the Haunted Mansion weren't as participating as they were the previous evening, but they were still getting into the spirit (no pun intended!) of things.

Once we had finished in the park, we went our separate ways. The queue for the bus back to All Star Sports was fairly short, but the bus queue next to us - the destination being Art of Animation, was so long that it was spilling out of it's normal queue line area on to the main path. In fact, we joined that queue originally, thinking it was ours, because they had started lining up near the All Star Sports area. Fortunately, we noticed our error early, and got into the right line. We did not have to wait so long. When we got back, we packed up our stuff, ready to go the next day.

The Mighty Tim

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 8 - September 17

So here it was. The final day. We weren't due on the Magical Express bus until about 3:40pm, so we still had plenty of time to do some last things in the parks. After breakfast, we finished packing, then checked out of the room, and then they looked after our luggage whilst we went to the Magic Kingdom. First stop, as always, was Pirates. No sooner had we gotten through the Blackbeard mist projection that the ride stopped. On rides such as the People Mover and Spaceship Earth, these stoppages were not uncommon. In fact, on those rides, I had come to expect it. But on Pirates, this had never happened before. Come to think of it, this had never happened to me on any water ride. I was getting mildly concerned, as although we had plenty of time before we had to be on the Magical Express bus, I didn't want to spend all that time sitting in Pirates - even though I love that ride to bits. We got going eventually, after what seemed like ages (it was probably only 10 minutes at the most!). After that, we rode Haunted Mansion, which also stopped a couple of times too. As did the People Mover when we rode that. Perhaps this was some sort of omen!

We then decided to take the monorail to EPCOT. Guess what! En route, the monorail had to stop for a period of time. Did Disney want us to stay forever? Eventually we got to EPCOT, where we rode Spaceship Earth which also stopped! We rode Nemo, and that didn't stop and then we walked around World Showcase, finishing up at the Mexico pavilion and rode our final ride of the trip - Gran Fiesta. We then headed back to All Star, gathered our luggage and waited for the Magical Express bus which arrived right on time. The bus called in to Coronado Springs and then we headed to the airport, thus ending our Disney adventure.

It was a great trip. One of the best Disney trips actually. I want to go again soon, but I don't know when that will be.

Thanks for reading. I hope I haven't bored you too much!


Well-Known Member
Great Trip Report!

I have decided that if I ever move to Orlando, I'm going to start a PG Tips, etc. tea delivery service for guests visiting WDW. It seems to be a needed service! I think I could make a killing. :)

That WDW sobriety test is too funny - I wonder what that CM was trying to accomplish???

We've been stuck on Pirates before and I've read on here of several people having to be evacuated. It's one of my least favorites to be stuck on - mostly because of my children - it's no fun to be stuck on a water ride in the dark or slightly scary part when you're 6. :)

Great TR!

The Mighty Tim

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Great Trip Report!

I have decided that if I ever move to Orlando, I'm going to start a PG Tips, etc. tea delivery service for guests visiting WDW. It seems to be a needed service! I think I could make a killing. :)

That WDW sobriety test is too funny - I wonder what that CM was trying to accomplish???

We've been stuck on Pirates before and I've read on here of several people having to be evacuated. It's one of my least favorites to be stuck on - mostly because of my children - it's no fun to be stuck on a water ride in the dark or slightly scary part when you're 6. :)

Great TR!

Thanks. You'd definitely make a fortune on selling tea to us Brits. I'd have to send my order in advance to make sure you had enough. Can't start the day without a cuppa!

I'm not sure what the sobriety test cast member wanted really. It was certainly amusing to say the least!

Whilst waiting for Pirates to restart, I was trying to figure out just how they'd evacuate the ride. So I googled it when I got home, and apparently they get cast members in waders to push the boats to an evac point and let the guests disembark or something.

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the trip report!

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Good report.Pity only 8 days but better 8 than 0. As far as tea goes,Yuch.My DW drinks tea like there's no tomorrow but Iam a coffee dude.Glad you had a great time.:)

The Mighty Tim

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
This thread needs more pictures. Unfortunately they aren't all on this computer, so I'll be trickling them over periodically. Anyway, here are a few to start you off:

Well, it looks like it's going to be a busy day in the park today:

Wait - where did everybody go?

This part of the park is open, right?

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