WDW Hooligans


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Original Poster
The skybucket thread got me to thinking about my younger days as a WDW Hooligan. I wonder if there are others out there who have been one and like me are afraid to own up to it in fear of being flamed on the boards. Have you witnessed any WDW Hooligan antics??? Participate? Victim? I know I personally watch unaccompanied teens like a hawk when I am there because I know what we were up to when we were alone. Maybe if we share stories we'll all know what more to keep our eyes peeled for. :shrug:

Soooo, here goes:

My name is Kelly and I'm a former WDW Hooligan.

When I was 12 or so we were local passholders. My parents would take all 5 of us kids out to the parks, set a meeting place and time, give us each a few bucks, and off we went on our own adventures. It wasn't long before my younger sis and I would walk away asking each other what we wanted to do because nothing appealed. Yes, kids can get bored in WDW if they go too much. We trailed our brothers once to see what they were doing. We rarely participated but they showed us all the horrible things they did. Scoop change out of fountains, keep the silver stuff, thow back the pennies. Hop the fences and chase ducks. Stand up on BTMRR. Skip in lines (a kid flailing and calling for mom will always be shoved to the front of the line). Sneak out of the park with a handstamp to go to the gameroom at the Contemporary. Spit or throw little candies at other guests from the sky buckets...or any high vantage point. Go up to CMs at the shooting arcade or other arcades and tell them a machine just took your $20 bill. They always gave replacements. I'm sure there's other stuff either they didn't show us or I forget. It's been a long time.

I feel terribly guilty for the few things I participated in. I'm scared to death karma will sneak up on me on one of my own family trips someday. I try to have a sense of humor about it all, tho. Kids are kids, I guess.

Had my parents known they would have beat our behinds some kinda bad. I don't think they know to this day.

Anyone else???? I know I'm not the only one...

Let the flaming begin. I'll go hide now. LOL!


You and your brothers were way too funny! I know what you listed is "bad," but I got a laugh out of it! I suppose I am guilty of being a WDW Hooligan. A few of my cousins and I have run around Pop Century, and I have taken a few "do not disturb" door tags off of people's doors at the Boardwalk. I was traveling with a few friends and our parents a few years ago, and we fell in the bushes near the exit of Club Cool while taking pictures, which happened by accident. We have done a few other things, I'm sure, but can't think of anything else at the moment.


New Member
So this is not really a hooligan story... but this definitely up there on the list of funniest things my little brother and I have ever done together.

I was 15 and he was 13, and we were, I'm ashamed to say it now, bored to death of being in the World. After all, it was our family's billionth visit. So, one evening, we hatched a plot that still lives in infamy in our dinner conversations and holiday get-togethers.

Rather than spending a typical day at the Magic Kingdom, we hung out in Time Square and waited for an unsuspecting family with a video camera to walk-by. For the entire day, we proceeded to follow them around and purposely inserted ourselves into the background of every camera shot they got. We started off with a simple walk by, but by the mid-afternoon, we were skipping, tangoing, and sword-fighting through their family memories. The most remarkable thing - they never seemed to notice.

I would love to get my hands on those videos.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
OMG! Now THAT is funny! I never woulda thought of hijacking a family's vacation pics. If it were my family being hijacked by the end of the day I hope I would've noticed and had the culprits come hang out with us and pose in our pics. LOL! I'm always one to mix it up and do goofy stuff.... no pun intended...


New Member
I think the craziest thing I ever did at Disney was during the Food and Wine Festival at Epcot a couple years ago. I took photographs of some hand made planters a vendor was selling. Heard somewhere this guy selling them had a short fuse... :shrug:


Well-Known Member
That definatley was one of the best threads ever!!

Okay here is my hooligan story...on one of our first trips DD (I think she was about 4) decided in the middle of IASW she had to go potty. Well my DH hiked her hiney over the side of the boat and she peed in the water as we were moving. I'm still amazed to this day we weren't see on camera and kicked out immediately.


New Member
That definatley was one of the best threads ever!!

Okay here is my hooligan story...on one of our first trips DD (I think she was about 4) decided in the middle of IASW she had to go potty. Well my DH hiked her hiney over the side of the boat and she peed in the water as we were moving. I'm still amazed to this day we weren't see on camera and kicked out immediately.

Thats sacrilege... You have any idea how many deceased loved ones have been sprinkled in that hallowed rivulet?? :eek:


I've always behaved myself, but have caught a few Hooligans. I spotted a couple teenage boys on the bridge where the Splash Mountain logs go under after the drop. They thought it was hilarious to spit on every car. I thought it would be hilarious to drag them to the exit to see if those they had spit upon would like to have a chat. So I came up behind them, grabbed them roughly and began pulling them to the exit. I also explained that perhaps they might like to talk to security as well. The freaked out. One was almost crying that his mom would kill him if he got ejected from the park. I pointed out that they had spit on some pretty large guys who might want more than just an apology. After much begging and whining, I let them go. I told them that if i saw them doing anything else I wouldn't hesitate to sic security on them. It then occurred to me that I could get into trouble myself for taking matters into my own hands. So I spent the rest of the day looking over my shoulder too.


Well-Known Member
:drevil: The hooligan still in me is tempeted to try the 20.00 dollar trick at the arcade, but with my Disney krama my camera would break or worse! Oh and that it would wrong.

Our 2nd trip was with my Brother and his soon to be wife. She found a website of places to ummm "mess around" and not get caught in Parks around the US not just Disney. While we never tried, we defn. were looking around to see if the suggestions would work. If I remember correctly HM, Hall of Presidents, CP and SE were on there.
Kristamouse is running to find and link that web page......


New Member
These stories are hilarious....
I've posed in people's pictures in the background. Looking directly at the camera with a goofy smile. I would love to see what they turned out like. The one with the video camera is great, I think anyone would love to see those videos. I've been imbibing before and unknowing cast members took me as a volunteer for a show of some sort. Those never turned out good (kept it family friendly though).

Oh and one time I tried to pull off Tiggers head piece.... just kidding


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Okay here is my hooligan story...on one of our first trips DD (I think she was about 4) decided in the middle of IASW she had to go potty. Well my DH hiked her hiney over the side of the boat and she peed in the water as we were moving. I'm still amazed to this day we weren't see on camera and kicked out immediately.

Wow... just... I dont know what to say... wow & eww, pretty much sums it up though.


Well-Known Member
I think the most "hooligan-esque" thing that I have ever done was about 4 years ago at the Magic Kingdom. It was the extra magic hours thing at night and me and my brother, along w/ everyone else in our cars would scream at the top of our lungs throught the whole rides of Space and Big Thunder Mountain. I think it ed off half of the people and entertained the other half...:lookaroun


I was just reading through this thread with so much disdain for all of you hooligans, saying to myself that I'd NEVER participate in such foolishness.

Then I remembered that 2 years ago another forum member and I walked around the Magic Kingdom naked for 3 hours. :lookaroun






Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
Not hooligan-like per se, but my college girlfriend and I engaged in adult behavior in several places on property where I'm pretty sure such behavior was not supposed to be engaged in. I don't think we were caught on camera or seen by guest or CMs, but I'll probably never know for sure.


Well-Known Member
I've never really been a "hooligan" at WDW, but I can't stand when teenagers and people in general are really loud in the parks and on attractions, it just gets to me (I'm a teenager btw).


New Member
I think the most "hooligan-esque" thing that I have ever done was about 4 years ago at the Magic Kingdom. It was the extra magic hours thing at night and me and my brother, along w/ everyone else in our cars would scream at the top of our lungs throught the whole rides of Space and Big Thunder Mountain. I think it ed off half of the people and entertained the other half...:lookaroun
my brother does the same thing, except on every roller coaster we've been on. he thinks its funny @_@


New Member
hee hee hee - I love it!:fork:

Hello, my name is Julia and I am former WDW Hooligan. I have been shenanigan-free for almost 20 years now!

There were two things that my brother and I used to do starting as teenagers when we would visit WDW:

1. While riding The Haunted Mansion, we would wait until the Doom Buggies started going at an upward angle and then stand up on knock on the back of the Doom Buggy in front of us. Freaked out the passengers every time!

2. While riding Pirates of the Caribbean, we would always carry a supply of pennies, nuts, whatever, and would add to the bounty in the treasure room while flipping our coins across the water.

So while neither was particularly harmful to WDW, they were quite fun to do as teenagers.

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