Thunder Mountain broken yesterday


Well-Known Member
We rode Thunder 4 times last week w/ no problems, but Splash was down a while and we got stuck all 3 times we rode it for at least 15 minutes each!:( One time as we were on the "big drop hill", a kid would not sit down. She was asking over and over for the adult/parent to make him sit down. UGH!:eek:


Well-Known Member
They seem to be having a lot of problems with BTMRR this year. At least that's how it seems to me. I don't know if it keeps breaking down or they were doing a refurb (which I thought was done last year or the year before) We have been about every other month or so and it seems like every time we have gone except once in august (mid august) it was up and running. I hope my favorite ride is okay! :(


Well-Known Member
Could have been worse. They could have been stuck 300 ft in the air for hours.

Yuck....and with my luck I would have to pee. :p


Well-Known Member
Yuck....and with my luck I would have to pee. :p

that is my fear...LOL..everytime we went on a ride that had the potential for that we hit a bathroom first. We were stopped on SSE and HM a few time sfor a 3-5 min period..and my whoe family but Ziah and I were stuck on TTA for a good 20 minutes our last day.. the rest of the time all rides were fine!

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Well thank God Thunder is a kiddie coaster with nothing but lap bars to restrain you.

I always have nightmarish visions of me being stuck on a roller coaster, 100 ft in the air, upside down, restrained by one of those full body armours of Manta or Dueling Dragons. Brrr.....

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
If I order steak with fries I want my meal to have both a steak and fries, not one of them absent.
If I order a soda I don't want you to bring me a Coca-Cola can. Serve it in one of your glasses.
If I eat at your restaurant I want it to be clean, safe, and the food presented in an appealing manner. So without meals presented on broken plates, or with obnoxious groups of chanting guests.

None of this means I hate your place, or that I hate eating out.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
If I order steak with fries I want my meal to have both a steak and fries, not one of them absent.
If I order a soda I don't want you to bring me a Coca-Cola can. Serve it in one of your glasses.
If I eat at your restaurant I want it to be clean, safe, and the food presented in an appealing manner. So without meals presented on broken plates, or with obnoxious groups of chanting guests.

None of this means I hate your place, or that I hate eating out.



Well-Known Member
Well thank God Thunder is a kiddie coaster with nothing but lap bars to restrain you.

I always have nightmarish visions of me being stuck on a roller coaster, 100 ft in the air, upside down, restrained by one of those full body armours of Manta or Dueling Dragons. Brrr.....

Actually most of those coasters are either magnet or chain and science would get you either through the loop going forward or you'd roll backwards to the other part. Then they'd get you down either by dragging the cart back to the station or having you walk the service path.

No reason to fear


Well-Known Member
Obviously I'm not Lee, but you have to admit it is annoying. The ride was down for a number of months pretty recently, and now there are show problems. That shouldn't be happening. It annoys me that it doesn't annoy you, actually.
It does bother me but I just don't let it get to me


Is there anything you like about WDW? It seems like all you do is complain about the parks
You must be new...
Obviously I'm not Lee, but you have to admit it is annoying. The ride was down for a number of months pretty recently, and now there are show problems. That shouldn't be happening. It annoys me that it doesn't annoy you, actually.
Just for example...
How does a ride go down for a five-month refurb, yet has only one rainbow-cavern pool working?
Or the falling rock effect not working at all?
Or the lighting along the west side not working?
Or the exit-stairs maintenance lights being stuck on?

Am I complaining too much? Nah.

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