Spider webs on IASW! Gross!!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Florida Nov 2013 255.JPG
When I rode IASW 2 weeks ago I was really upset at what I saw. Going under the last bridge before we get off the boat the bridge was filthy with cob webs hanging down!! A piece of the cob web almost hit someone's head. Seriously Disney you cant send someone to wipe the dirt, filth and cob webs off the bridge?? This is really unacceptable!!GROSS!!


Well-Known Member
That's just not a realistic expectation...

Then what are the custodial staff paid to do during their work hours? Every ride goes under inspection during the non-operating hours of everyday. How hard is it to grab a swifter duster to get this stuff off?

I'm more concerned about the overall condition of that bridge and the ride in general. At least it's closing in December for work.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
I think complaining about a silly cobweb, (one which you probably have hidden in a corner of your own house) is unacceptable and gross. Disneyworld is the size of like 3 Manhattan islands, you can't expect every inch to be absolutely perfect. That's just not a realistic expectation...

This is sarcasm, right? It's a joke? I took it as sarcasm, just wanted to make sure lol.


Well-Known Member
I think complaining about a silly cobweb, (one which you probably have hidden in a corner of your own house) is unacceptable and gross. Disneyworld is the size of like 3 Manhattan islands, you can't expect every inch to be absolutely perfect. That's just not a realistic expectation...
Walt Disney World used to be twice the size of Manhattan, and that includes the many acres of undeveloped land. Cleanliness was a big part of the "Disney difference" and the condition of "it's a small world" is far from just being dirtied up with an occasional cobweb.


Well-Known Member
Heh. Wow. Cobwebs are disgusting and the only cobwebs that should be present in Disney are the fake ones in Mansion.

It doesn't take much to dust. People are riding in filthy rooms, it's disgusting. It's not a silly matter.

small world use to be beautiful with colored fountains and a nicer load/unload room, its really an ugly boggled up mess now with metal railings, black stairways and dirty white sets/walls especially since the 05 revamp. And true def not a silly matter, its something they use to take care of and care about. I really wonder how much checking they do after hours anymore, not much by the looks of things.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, if you look at all the major issues and problems with the world today (not Disney, but the world in general) complaining about a cobweb on a ride is a very silly matter to be complaining about...be lucky you don't have life threatening cancer, are fighting in a war, are homeless, or just lost a job, a loved one, lost a home, or high gas prices, or crazy health insurance in the US, or anything else of that nature and tell me complaining about a spider web doesn't sound like te dumbest thing on earth!?! There are far better things to be complaining about, not some dumb cobweb on a ride at an amusement park...people seriously need to get their priorities straight and not get their panties all in a bunch over something so minuscule that most people wouldn't even have noticed...

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Honestly, if you look at all the major issues and problems with the world today (not Disney, but the world in general) complaining about a cobweb on a ride is a very silly matter to be complaining about...be lucky you don't have life threatening cancer, are fighting in a war, are homeless, or just lost a job, a loved one, lost a home, or high gas prices, or crazy health insurance in the US, or anything else of that nature and tell me complaining about a spider web doesn't sound like te dumbest thing on earth!?! There are far better things to be complaining about, not some dumb cobweb on a ride at an amusement park...people seriously need to get their priorities straight and not get their panties all in a bunch over something so minuscule that most people wouldn't even have noticed...

Why are you bringing up problems outside of Disney? This is WDWMagic, where serious problems within the parks are discussed, among other things. I bet you were the only one thinking about cancer, war, healthcare and whatever else. Those problems and concerns are COMPLETELY irrelevant to this thread.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
No it's not sarcasm. There are far more better and bigger things to complain about than a silly cobweb...
You also keep saying "a cobweb", maybe you don't realize it's a lot more than "a cobweb". If you look at my photo all the black things hanging down in between the orange triangles are dirty webs that have fallen from the filth and are now hanging. So it's a lot more than "a cobweb".
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Well-Known Member
small world use to be beautiful with colored fountains and a nicer load/unload room, its really an ugly boggled up mess now with metal railings, black stairways and dirty white sets/walls especially since the 05 revamp. And true def not a silly matter, its something they use to take care of and care about. I really wonder how much checking they do after hours anymore, not much by the looks of things.
When was that? All I remember at Small World was those metal railings, in fact, it seems like I remember them being posts and chains at one point. Don't remember any fountains either My question is what the hell are the CM's doing through all of this, just looking and not caring? Seems like a small thing that could get fixed easily by anyone there. Reminds me of the time I got into trouble when I was in the Air Force. My OIC called me in from the field to tell me that the area I was supposed to clean was dirty. He got down on his hands and knees and ran his finger across a spot on the floor to show me that it wasn't clean. I replied, without thinking, "you know if you had a rag in your hand right now, it would be clean and we wouldn't be having this conversation." He was not amused. Neither was I.


Well-Known Member
My question to the OP is. You were able to post your concern and include a picture. Did you send that same thing off to Disney so that they are made aware of it? None of us have a dust cloth with a handle long enough to reach it from our computers. It is certainly something worthy of complaint. They need to be informed sense they obviously don't go out and look at it themselves. I'll bet that is what they thought they had lower level management there to do.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, if you look at all the major issues and problems with the world today (not Disney, but the world in general) complaining about a cobweb on a ride is a very silly matter to be complaining about...be lucky you don't have life threatening cancer, are fighting in a war, are homeless, or just lost a job, a loved one, lost a home, or high gas prices, or crazy health insurance in the US, or anything else of that nature and tell me complaining about a spider web doesn't sound like te dumbest thing on earth!?! There are far better things to be complaining about, not some dumb cobweb on a ride at an amusement park...people seriously need to get their priorities straight and not get their panties all in a bunch over something so minuscule that most people wouldn't even have noticed...
Then why are you here wasting time and energy with the rest of us?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
My question to the OP is. You were able to post your concern and include a picture. Did you send that same thing off to Disney so that they are made aware of it? None of us have a dust cloth with a handle long enough to reach it from our computers. It is certainly something worthy of complaint. They need to be informed sense they obviously don't go out and look at it themselves. I'll bet that is what they thought they had lower level management there to do.

I didn't, but I certainly can. Do you know where I should send it?

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