Some of my concepts


Premium Member
Original Poster
I posted these over at OrlandoUnited, figured I might as well post them here also...get some feedback, etc.

Basic Airship model I designed


Idea for a coaster car that can spin along the axis around the track....there is a ballast on the other side that moves in and out based on the weight of the passengers (I *THINK* that would work, physics speaking)



Very basic "park map" I had started to work on for a "sky" themed park project


Interactive Disney dark ride concept



I have many more, but they're top secret for now ;)



Well-Known Member
The coaster sounds awesome :)

Don't hate me for saying this, but the airship kind of reminds me of Teddy Ruxpin's airship (am I showing my age here, or what?) :p

The dark ride looks like fun!

ETA: The airship comment wasn't meant to be an insult... pretty neat looking. Silly question, though... would that be a ride of some kind, or would it be more for other purposes?
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