My most " Embarassing" moment in Disney.....Bout Yours?


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A few years ago I was in the merchandise store at the Poly..I was at one end and my wife was at other. I was approached by 3 young ( had to be like 13,14) year old girls..looked brazilian..all 3 in skimpy bikinis.they said "excuse me can we ask a favor? Can you buy us some alcohol?" I told them they better move on before they got themselves in trouble. They then said " we would pay you but dont have the money, but we do have a room we all share and its available" YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!....I said again.." you girls better move on" they did but like seconds later I saw them approach another that point my wife had rejoined me and i told her what had happened...she did not hesitate and promptly went to mgr and told him what was going on and he quickly called security. They were there in like 2 min ..detained girls...called parents or whoever and questioned me and other guy....dont know what happened but......YES even at embarassing...Can you top that???


Well-Known Member
A few years ago I was in the merchandise store at the Poly..I was at one end and my wife was at other. I was approached by 3 young ( had to be like 13,14) year old girls..looked brazilian..all 3 in skimpy bikinis.they said "excuse me can we ask a favor? Can you buy us some alcohol?" I told them they better move on before they got themselves in trouble. They then said " we would pay you but dont have the money, but we do have a room we all share and its available" YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!....I said again.." you girls better move on" they did but like seconds later I saw them approach another that point my wife had rejoined me and i told her what had happened...she did not hesitate and promptly went to mgr and told him what was going on and he quickly called security. They were there in like 2 min ..detained girls...called parents or whoever and questioned me and other guy....dont know what happened but......YES even at embarassing...Can you top that???



Well-Known Member
While exiting the Festival of the Lion King theatre, my elderly mother decided she would step across the bleacher seats to get to the bottom of the aisle. She tripped and landed between the rows. The announcer came on the speaker and said "please do not step over the rows to exit". Thanks mom.


Well-Known Member
It was the end of a long, hot day and naturally we were all exhausted. This is the time my 2 DS decide to start arguing. As we were departing the monorail my DH who was completely frustrated states very audibly, "All these kids do is (insert expletive that starts with the letter F) fight!" I was mortified and acted like I was not with him.


Well-Known Member
OMG. I can't tell anyone. Only my sister knows and she's been sworn to secrecy. It's like your worst nightmare coming true...well, close.

Another time, my sister started yelling at her youngest, who was being and had been being a total brat. But she lost it a bit and I was embarrassed to be seen with her, so I walked faster, so as to appear not to be with them. I thought she'd think I just hadn't noticed, but that night, sitting on the balcony she told me that I shouldn't pretend not to be with them, lol.


Active Member
Was walking in frontier land & slipped & almost fell & I accidentally screamed out a not so Disney word. Lots of families stopped & looked at me & all I could do was stand there with my hand slapped over my mouth just mortified with myself! My DH teased me saying " I can't take you no where" & laughed. I was really horrified tho.


Well-Known Member
A few years ago I was in the merchandise store at the Poly..I was at one end and my wife was at other. I was approached by 3 young ( had to be like 13,14) year old girls..looked brazilian..all 3 in skimpy bikinis.they said "excuse me can we ask a favor? Can you buy us some alcohol?" I told them they better move on before they got themselves in trouble. They then said " we would pay you but dont have the money, but we do have a room we all share and its available" YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!....I said again.." you girls better move on" they did but like seconds later I saw them approach another that point my wife had rejoined me and i told her what had happened...she did not hesitate and promptly went to mgr and told him what was going on and he quickly called security. They were there in like 2 min ..detained girls...called parents or whoever and questioned me and other guy....dont know what happened but......YES even at embarassing...Can you top that???

Not sure what "looked Brazilian" means, but that story is disturbing.


Well-Known Member
I'm not proud of this moment, but it's not exactly embarrassing. A few years ago, I decided I wanted to try Mission Space - I should've known better since I don't exactly do well on "spinny" rides. But I figured, what the heck - it was one ride. I got done, and I was so nauseous and had the worst headache. At the time we were traveling with my brother and his wife who had a 2 yo daughter and we brought our 5 yo DD. So, we flip-flopped on the ride so that one of us could watch the kids - my DH and I rode it first and then my brother and SIL rode it. After we got off, we found them at the Electric Umbrella and saw that their daughter was sleeping in the stroller. I looked at my DH and I was like, " know, there's an air-conditioned baby station just over there that's going to be a lot quieter" I felt so bad I really wanted a calm, AC'd place to sit and relax, so I said, "Let's just tell them she looked like the noise was bothering her so we decided to take her there." So we went to the baby station. I texted my brother to let him know where we were. It ended up that when they got off Mission Space, they felt just as bad as we did! So, all of us ended up sitting in the baby station for close to 2 hours! (we watched the entire Cinderella movie), while my DH sought out ibuprofen and luckily I had brought some chewable peptos! The cast member there said it happens quite a bit! Not my/our proudest moment, but I'm glad we all realized our limitations or we could have had a miserable rest of the day!


Well-Known Member
It takes an extremely strange set of circumstances to embarrass me. Consequently, that which has happened to me at WDW over the years may have the potential to embarrass some of you, but it's all just a regular day in the life of rsoxguy. Yeah, my wife's a tolerant and loving woman.


Well-Known Member
I love telling on my Husband on this board. :) We were waiting for the 3 pm parade (ha ha) and had been sitting on the pavement curb on Main St. for about 20 minutes (talking to some really nice Brits) and my Hubby kept complaining about his backside being hot and having a burning feeling. I said mine was fine and to stand up for a while. He was up and down standing until the parade when he sat down for some kids to stand in front of us. When we got back to the room he had the most interesting sunburn from sitting on the pavement to long. He says when we go next week, he won't be sitting down for long unless he sits on something.


Well-Known Member
OMG. I can't tell anyone. Only my sister knows and she's been sworn to secrecy. It's like your worst nightmare coming true...well, close.

Another time, my sister started yelling at her youngest, who was being and had been being a total brat. But she lost it a bit and I was embarrassed to be seen with her, so I walked faster, so as to appear not to be with them. I thought she'd think I just hadn't noticed, but that night, sitting on the balcony she told me that I shouldn't pretend not to be with them, lol.
She couldn't have been that bad, I saw a grandmother kick her granddaughter once. Then the little girls mum slapped the grandmother.

They all just walked off like nothing happened.


Well-Known Member
Walking with my two kids in the Emporium One holding my left hand and the other the right. A CM walks down the Isle saying something to me in a heavy accent and pointing what I believe was at the kids. She approached me and repeated herself and I expained I could not hear her could she repeat herself. This happened a few times. Finally She says in a clear loud voice YOUR FLY IS DOWN. It was like everyone in the area stopped to stare so I shrugged my shoulders, zipped up and thanked her.


Well-Known Member
OMG. I can't tell anyone. Only my sister knows and she's been sworn to secrecy. It's like your worst nightmare coming true...well, close.

Another time, my sister started yelling at her youngest, who was being and had been being a total brat. But she lost it a bit and I was embarrassed to be seen with her, so I walked faster, so as to appear not to be with them. I thought she'd think I just hadn't noticed, but that night, sitting on the balcony she told me that I shouldn't pretend not to be with them, lol.

Tell us the story, but say it happened to your sister!!


Well-Known Member
One time I didn't notice my daughter (at the time 3yr old) set her ice cream down and I sat on it. Thank goodness when I un-tucked my shirt it covered 95% of it.

The best was when our daughter was 3 she and my wife were sitting outside Pecos Bill's, while I went to get food. My wife was sitting in her wheelchair at a table and my daughter was climbing everywhere. My wife told her a couple of times to sit. Well the 3rd time my wife raised her voice and my daughter said "please mommy don't hit me". My wife said she felt everyone's eyes turn and look at her. To this day after we find seats at a quick service spot my wife makes my (now 9yr old) daughter come with me to get food.

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