Most Embarrassing Moment


Original Poster
I was thinking that this might be a good thread, because I know with all the times that we have been to WDW that we have had a few. Mine was in May 2010 when I tried to my 39 inch son on the 40 inch Dinosaur ride at AK. I glued Styrofoam to his shoes to make him taller. I got passed the first CM, but got busted by the one inside. I thought we were going to be kicked out, but instead got a fast pass to any ride at the park that day. My 3 year old, who loves dinosaurs, told her he would be back when she left. Does anyone else have a story?:eek::eek::eek:


Well-Known Member
ive got nothing that will surpass yours!!:ROFLOL:

but anyway, there was a time when my cousin rode alien encounters with me, and lost it during the "escape" act. I had to hold her hand through it, while the 5 year old girl next to me looked in amazement at my 17 year old cousins episode.


I was thinking that this might be a good thread, because I know with all the times that we have been to WDW that we have had a few. Mine was in May 2010 when I tried to my 39 inch son on the 40 inch Dinosaur ride at AK. I glued Styrofoam to his shoes to make him taller. I got passed the first CM, but got busted by the one inside. I thought we were going to be kicked out, but instead got a fast pass to any ride at the park that day. My 3 year old, who loves dinosaurs, told her he would be back when she left. Does anyone else have a story?:eek::eek::eek:

Pretty funny. Come to think of it, I've seen many a 3-year-old (and even a few 6-year-olds) cured of their love of dinosaurs on that ride. At least your story involved a child...

My embarrassing moment took place at Universal rather than WDW, and was pretty much the opposite of what you described.

It was years ago, and we were very disappointed Universal AP holders. It was the end of a day of trying to find something to do that was not too intense for either of us, but that also didn't suck. There was one ride (can't remember the name, but it was kind of a glider shaped like a pterodactyl suspended from an overhead track) that looked promising. However there was a sign near the queue that said adults were not allowed without a child or something like that. It seemed like a cutesy way to try to make up for all the kids who are too small to really do anything at all at the park, IE something not to be taken seriously. And there was no line to speak of either. So I didn't expect a problem - but we watched the queue for a few minutes just to make sure and, well, to avoid embarrassing ourselves. After watching group after group of adults with no children enter the queue unchallenged, we decided to go on.

Imagine my surprise when the operator turned us away because we didn't have a child with us. Imagine my further surprise when rather than relent when I protested, he proceeded to argue with us for at least 5 minutes, while meanwhile group after group continued to be admitted without children.

At this point, I had nothing better to do, so we decided to take the operator's advice and press the issue with guest services. So we walked all the way on the other side of the park, and proceeded to argue for another ten minutes with whomever was manning that desk. I made the case that I paid just as much as anyone else to be in that park, and that barring a safety issue, there was no valid reason to bar us from the ride.

Well, it took a while, and I can't imagine what they must have thought of us for making such a big stink over something so stupid (although it was at least as ridiculous for them to have dug in so deep over it), but eventually they relented, radioed the queue guards at the ride that they should let us on, and told us to head back there. We did so, and did get to go on the ride - which by the way was an odd combination of lame and scary because it didn't move very quickly and wasn't very high, but had very little protection from falling out, which actually made me feel like it was not really suitable for kids small enough to get you on the ride in the first place.

Anyway, that's probably my most embarrassing story.


New Member
My first trip was with my mom and pop, younger sister and brother, aunt and uncle and their three kids, and my gram. I was in ninth grade so my brother was a 6th grader. We were in Epcot and had grabbed a snack in Germany. For some reason we decided to go back to FW but we took the boat since my gram has bad knees. As we're riding across the lagoon, my youngest cousin (I think he may have been 5 or 6) asks "where's Ethan?" By this time we've docked and everyone realizes that we left my brother in Germany. So my dad sprints off around WS to get him.

In the end we were able to laugh about it because no one even noticed he was gone except for the youngest.


Active Member
Unfortunately I have a horribly embarrassing moment that will never leave me. I think I was in 4th or 5th grade but can't remember my exact age. My older sister was with us and we were riding 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea with my mother. We came to the part where the tentacles wrap around the submarine and my mother pointed to the window and proclaimed very loudly "Look! Do you see the testicles out the window?" My sister was mortified and wouldn't talk to her for the rest of the day. I'm still haunted to this day.


Well-Known Member
mines not really that bad, but i'm not brilliant when it comes to thinking of stuff to do with the characters. for some reason, after i'd had my photo taken with pirate goofy, to shake his hand. i have no idea why. it's cringeworthy and he must have thought i was a right plonker.


Mine was back in '07 at MK. I had just gotten off of Space Mountain and noticed the rampway leading up the old entrance to the skyway was open. There was even a couple of folks walking up that way. So I walked up to go check it out. (I figured maybe Disney re-opened the area as some sort of lookout/observation deck) :shrug:
I had made it almost to the top of the ramp when voices started shouting: "Hey! You can't be up there!" I turned and saw 2 WDW security officers behind us. Needless to say, they were ticked. Even the couple who had gone up ahead of me seemed confused. It really was an innocent mistake, as the area did appear open to the public. Apparently, someone had taken the chain down which blocked off the ramp/entrance, making it appear open. We were all lectured to but nobody got kicked-off property, thankfully.
mines not really that bad, but i'm not brilliant when it comes to thinking of stuff to do with the characters. for some reason, after i'd had my photo taken with pirate goofy, to shake his hand. i have no idea why. it's cringeworthy and he must have thought i was a right plonker.

I'm like that too :/ I just stand there...
I went in October and Peter Pan was like, my childhood crush so I really wanted to get a picture with them. Most awkward moment ever.
He'd just finished talking to like... 5 year old twin girls and the look on his face when I bounded over (an 18 year old girl with a huge grin on her face) and went "hiiii!" He just stood there and asked how i was, and I stuttered "I'm great thanks" and then I just stood there beaming while mum took our photo and I ran off...
god I'm blushing just thinking about it. I think I prefer characters in full can't see their real face :/


Well-Known Member
I'm like that too :/ I just stand there...
I went in October and Peter Pan was like, my childhood crush so I really wanted to get a picture with them. Most awkward moment ever.
He'd just finished talking to like... 5 year old twin girls and the look on his face when I bounded over (an 18 year old girl with a huge grin on her face) and went "hiiii!" He just stood there and asked how i was, and I stuttered "I'm great thanks" and then I just stood there beaming while mum took our photo and I ran off...
god I'm blushing just thinking about it. I think I prefer characters in full can't see their real face :/

This isn't an embarrassing story, but yours reminded me of mine:

I was eating dinner at the Lotus Blossom cafe in the China pavilion last December, when I saw the Monkey king run out from the center of the pavilion passed where we were eating (he was going to go do his show). I quickly shouted, "Hi Monkey King!" and he heard me and stopped and turned around to spot who had said it and then said, "Ni Hao!" with a wave. It is still a top moment for me. :)
This isn't an embarrassing story, but yours reminded me of mine:

I was eating dinner at the Lotus Blossom cafe in the China pavilion last December, when I saw the Monkey king run out from the center of the pavilion passed where we were eating (he was going to go do his show). I quickly shouted, "Hi Monkey King!" and he heard me and stopped and turned around to spot who had said it and then said, "Ni Hao!" with a wave. It is still a top moment for me. :)

...Monkey King..? o_O When I thought of that I thought of Jungle Book, but I'm sure we're not thinking of the same person?


Well-Known Member
...Monkey King..? o_O When I thought of that I thought of Jungle Book, but I'm sure we're not thinking of the same person?

The different pavillions in the world showcase present a holiday story during December.


Holidays around the World. China Pavillion.



Well-Known Member
My whole family (2 sisters, brother (now passed) and Mom and Dad) were is Disney in prob 1984. I was 11, my little sister was 6, older sis was 18 and brother was 16. We were getting on Horizons and my parents made the mistake of riding with my little sis and left us older kids together. My brother decided to "see what happened" if he stuck his foot in the door when it was about to glide closed. stops the whole ride and we had to exit the car and see my parents' livid faces and walk on the track near the first large movie screen. We were not kicked off since there must not have been a camera and they thought it was a malfunction but we were laughing hysterically until we got off!:lol:

On the same trip we were on Motion and I was in the front between my parents (still cant figure that out) and my little sister pitched a fit because she wanted to be in the front. Well.....on the way up the spiral my parents made me switch places and when we turned (my sister was on my Dad lap in the front) the ride stuttered and I got stuck between the front and back seats. We had to wait to even out and then my brother pulled me in the back and I was red faced the entire time!!!

Ah my Disney memories!!


Well-Known Member
The whole family was about to get on ToT (I'm the male dominent figure of the family, in other words the father). I had one foot in the elevator door and decided I couldn't do it. There was an older gentleman there (obviously retirement age) who said he would escort me out the chicken line, which happens to be real elevator. We were in the elevator alone and felt I had to say something. I said something like, "I just couldn't do it" and (this is the moment) "have you ever ridden it?" He looked at me almost with a smirk and said "I ride it every day. I have to, it's part of my job." I felt about 2" tall.

HOWEVER!! I have ridden ToT several times since then and it is one of my favorite rides.


When I was 13 ('94), my older sister and I were going around the MK with some other kids our age we met while down there. The park was near closing when we got off Space Mountain (this was before it emptied into the arcade) and we wanted one more ride, so we sprinted out of the exit, hopped the metal "line" gates, and bolted down the queue thinking we'd be the last ones on. I was the youngest, and at the back of our 'pack' as we did this, and right as we're running into the building I glance back only to see the line CM staring at us, kind of startled, and a backed up queue going halfway back to the Lunching Pad. Turns out it wasn't as late as we thought, and it only looked like there was no line because they were letting the inside queue make progress. :lookaroun Nothing bad happened, no one came to get us, and the people who eventually came into the line behind us thought it was hysterical.

Another trip, when I was 11 (or 10? We went a lot then) I was on the Jungle Cruise with my family, and when the guide asked if there were any takers for Shrunken Ned's "3 heads for one of yours" deal, I raised my hand...Totally deadpan, the guide shoots back "Sorry, he doesn't take damaged goods."

I'm sure I can think of countless other embarassing moments.


Active Member
It didn't happen to me, but to one of my friends. We were in front of the Castle in MK, and we were going to go separate ways, I was heading to the front of the park, and he was heading to the back. About 40 minutes passed and he came storming towards the exit of the park. I caught up with him and asked him what happened.

Him: "I fell asleep."
Me: "Fell asleep? Did you go back to the hotel?"
Him: "No, I sat down on the sidewalk, and before I knew it I was looking up at the sky and I had people poking me."
-(This guy DOES NOT have narcolepsy!)-

I have no idea how he managed to do that?


Well-Known Member
I believe I was 14 when this happened and my sister was around 8. My dad normally rode all the rides with us but this year he couldn't due to medical reasons. So me and my sister went on ToT by ourselves. We had been on one time before and loved it! We are getting in our seats and I'm in the seat in the back row on the far right hand side. The CM is all in character, loading people in and then begins to walk away. and I begin SCREAMING "WHERE IS MY SEATBELT???" Looking franticly all around, thinking I was about to drop to my death. The CM completely out of character goes "mam it's to your right...."

I seriously didn't know where it was, I don't know how I missed it before. My sister to this day still makes fun of me and every time we are in the queueing line says something like "Now remember where your seat belt is."


Well-Known Member
I was about 12 at DAK. I have a fear of masked characters. Something about the unknown really creeps me. I'll take pics of them but I don't want them touching me. Anywho, Chip and Dale and a few other characters were at the front of the park taking pics and autographing. I was with my cousins and we went for pics. They got in with them, I took the pic. Dale motioned for me to join. I told him no. My cousin told him my secret. Dale proceeded to come at me slowly with arms open. Now, if you really imagine that, it's actually kinda horror movie-esque. An oversized, smiling chipmunk wobbling towards you with his arms open. I started backing up. The @$$ chased me. I ran. Chip joined in. Yes, I was being chased by those @$$es across the front of DAK. They cornered me. I turned and faced Dale and told him if he took a step closer, I'd punch him in the face. He stepped. I swung. Suddenly, the CM/character bodyguards show up....LAUGHING their butts off!!! I was so MAD! I cried. lol. I was so humiliated. Because of those DBs, my fear is worse. lol.

More recently, we were at MK. I was about 24, DH was about 26. I had my, then, 4yr old DD and 2yr old DS. My parents and brother were with us. For some reason, the hot dogs we had eaten back in Fantasyland made all of the MEN sick. My dad and brother managed. My DH, though, was vomitting in the plants of TL. Mind you, not the outer perimeter plants. It was a potted plant/bench by, then AE. I was prego and stood over him vomitting for the whole world to see. Then had to go tell a CM that my grown behind DH didn't make it to the bathroom to vomit. lol. I think it was more embarassing for him. lol


Well-Known Member
I have posted this story before but we still laugh everytime we walk through the Grand Floridian lobby,

Walking through the Grand Floridian lobby a few years ago my son then age 7 smelling food asked for a snack and said I think we can get something here; walking right into My Disney Girls perfect princess tea. All the girls looked my and gaped and one little girl battered her eyes at him, boy did he run out of there fast.
The different pavillions in the world showcase present a holiday story during December.


Holidays around the World. China Pavillion.


Oh! I've never been to Epcot before, that would be why!
Woah, that's kinda embarrassing :| my life is becoming too full of moments like that right now.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking that this might be a good thread, because I know with all the times that we have been to WDW that we have had a few. Mine was in May 2010 when I tried to my 39 inch son on the 40 inch Dinosaur ride at AK. I glued Styrofoam to his shoes to make him taller. I got passed the first CM, but got busted by the one inside. I thought we were going to be kicked out, but instead got a fast pass to any ride at the park that day. My 3 year old, who loves dinosaurs, told her he would be back when she left. Does anyone else have a story?:eek::eek::eek:
I tried to make my daughter appear taller by putting her ponytail real high on her head with a huge bow:p but it didn't help...... But yours is much more funny that that!!:sohappy:

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