Most embarrassing Disney moment


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Original Poster
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]I'm sure it has been done before but i am new and thought I would try a new thread. I thought it would be fun to hear some embarrassing stories or funny stories that happened to people while at Disney or something a character had you do that just made the perfect picture.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]I'll start of course.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]I was with my fiance and we were at DHS meeting sorcerer mickey. I thought mickey was trying to set me up for a pose so I stood there with my arm up in the air pointing at something. I wasn't sure what he wanted me to do but I stood there with a smile on my face. mean while everyone there was laughing because he was just trying to get me to look in that direction so he could sneak a kiss with my fiance. Sneaky mickey. It made for a great laugh that I didnt understand he just wanted me to look that way not stand there pointing at something I didn't know was there. Got a great photo though.[/FONT]



Active Member
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]I'm sure it has been done before but i am new and thought I would try a new thread. I thought it would be fun to hear some embarrassing stories or funny stories that happened to people while at Disney or something a character had you do that just made the perfect picture.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]I'll start of course.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]I was with my fiance and we were at DHS meeting sorcerer mickey. I thought mickey was trying to set me up for a pose so I stood there with my arm up in the air pointing at something. I wasn't sure what he wanted me to do but I stood there with a smile on my face. mean while everyone there was laughing because he was just trying to get me to look in that direction so he could sneak a kiss with my fiance. Sneaky mickey. It made for a great laugh that I didnt understand he just wanted me to look that way not stand there pointing at something I didn't know was there. Got a great photo though.[/FONT]


That photo is great!

I completely busted [butt] on the parade route at night. My boyfriend and I could not find a place to cross, so we did the 'wait for it, wait for!' Of course we scurried across for me to take a dive face first into the asphalt. I was worried we were going to get in trouble so we briskly walked into HM where I was able to gain my composure.:lookaroun


That photo is great!

I completely busted [butt] on the parade route at night. My boyfriend and I could not find a place to cross, so we did the 'wait for it, wait for!' Of course we scurried across for me to take a dive face first into the asphalt. I was worried we were going to get in trouble so we briskly walked into HM where I was able to gain my composure.:lookaroun

This is something that should be posted on a certain other website that explains stupid guest tricks. There is a reason why there are times to cross, and you really make things not fun for the cast who works parade control when you do things like this.


Well-Known Member
posted this once before but my son still gets embarassed when we talk about it

On a visit to WDW when my son was eight years old we decided to leave the Magic Kingdom late one morning and explore the Monorail resorts. While exploring the Grand Floridian my son heard the rattle of plates and smelled food. He declared he was hungry and asked could he please have something to eat. I said yes and he said “Dad I think we can get something to eat over here.”
The next events occurred in approximately a twenty second time span.
My son with his flat top hair cut, wearing his Tom Brady Patriot’s football shirt, cargo shorts and Nike’s and looking every bit like the Pop Warner football player he was, walked right by the hostess and into “My Disney Girl’s Perfect Princess Tea”.
The hostess’ eyes got as big as saucers and she started shaking her head at me as if to say “NO you don’t want to be here.”
Talking at the Tea stopped as all the little girls wearing tiaras looked up at my son and exclaimed “OH”. I swear one of the little princesses battered her eyes at him.
My son turned as red as a beet, did a perfect parade ground about face, and walked out of the tea.
The hostess and I burst out laughing. After we caught our breath I apologized for the intrusion and she stated she wouldn’t have missed that for the world.
My son was waiting for me a few feet away and was muttering about girls having cooties.

Scar Junior

Active Member
Just after the parade in AK I was walking with my parents out of Harambe toward Discovery Island and this loud-mouthed family - who was already swearing up a storm - was walking beside us. We were already annoyed by them thinking, "What is this? A bar in long island..."

One of them brushed his cigarette alongside my arm. I am not against smoking, but this was in a non-smoking area and he burned me with his cigarette to the point where it killed and I had a burn mark for a long time after.

I immediately reacted to the burn and told him he wasn't allowed to smoke here. He and his brothers (who were also smoking) went off on me and my parents, literally screaming and swearing at us while other guests watched. They honestly wanted to fight me and threatened my older mom and dad... which is hilarious... but it wasn't cool that they drew attention to us and embarassed us with them swearing at my mother especially.

I walked toward Discovery Island and found a manager that I knew. I told him/her what had happened and he/she was quite upset about it. They followed me and told the manager the exact opposite story (that out of no where I yelled at them about smoking and told their mother to "f - off").

Thankfully, the manager told them of my credibility and implied that he/she hopes they were headed toward the front gate, and if not that he/she hopes no other issues arise with the rowdy group... the group walked away (swearing at, and making crude comments about, the manager).

I was embarassed, them impressed with the way the manager handled it, then embarassed again by the guests...


Active Member
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]I'm sure it has been done before but i am new and thought I would try a new thread. I thought it would be fun to hear some embarrassing stories or funny stories that happened to people while at Disney or something a character had you do that just made the perfect picture.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]I'll start of course.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]I was with my fiance and we were at DHS meeting sorcerer mickey. I thought mickey was trying to set me up for a pose so I stood there with my arm up in the air pointing at something. I wasn't sure what he wanted me to do but I stood there with a smile on my face. mean while everyone there was laughing because he was just trying to get me to look in that direction so he could sneak a kiss with my fiance. Sneaky mickey. It made for a great laugh that I didnt understand he just wanted me to look that way not stand there pointing at something I didn't know was there. Got a great photo though.[/FONT]


What makes it even funnier is those who know the truth about Mickey....:veryconfu...


Well-Known Member
What makes it even funnier is those who know the truth about Mickey....:veryconfu...

You got that right..And do I have one here..During my Second solo trip in 2005 I saw ISTC Mickey & Goofy at Mission Space...The original intent of the picture was all three of us were to look at the sky in a "heroic" pose....Well, it Didn't seem to go right as I turned and saw Mickey "hamming" it up for the camera and just as I turned the CM took this shot and I do think it is a funny picutre. Which I like to call "Who's REALLY Being Goofy!" :lol:



New Member
About 9 years ago, my best friend and I were at WDW together. I was 14 and she was 16 and we were going through this complete boy crazy stage. So of course we kept pointing out all the cute CMs to each other.

One day we are getting on to the Haunted Mansion ride and my friend spots a REALLY cute CM. We get into the doom buggies (I'm on the right, she is on the left) and she proceeds to go on and on about how hot he is, etc. The whole time the CM had been standing next to our buggy while it was moving and heard the whole thing. She was facing me so she couldn't see, but I see the CM poke his head around the buggy and motion for me not to say anything. Then out of no where he screams "BOO!" and my friend jumped a mile high in her seat and screamed. The whole ride she kept saying how embarrassed she was and how she hoped he had not heard everything. Of course when we got off the ride, my parents who had been sitting behind us said he had been their the whole time and had a huge grin on his face.

Needless to say she was beyond mortified. I could not stop laughing :lol:


New Member
While on Dinosaur last August my terrified 6 yr old son clung to me the whole ride. It wasn't until we got off the ride and were looking at the ride pictures that I noticed that he had pulled my Vneck shirt down and to the side while he was clinging to me and my very pink bra was VERY visible. I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible before anyone said anything. Of course my wonderful husband just had to buy the picture and the CM's and him all got a good laugh at my expense. That picture somehow got "lost" while we were unpacking once we got home.

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