Alright, I'll give you my honest thoughts. In 2013 we did a combo trip - 2 days at Universal/IOA followed by the "real" vacation of Disney. It was our first time for Univ. I thought for sure I wouldn't like it much, but I will admit, it was pretty awesome. Harry Potter blew me a way! And unfortunately the new train wasn't there at that time. They do beat Disney on modern technology and seem to add new awesome things more quickly, but I wouldn't say Univ. dominates Disney though. I'm pretty sure Disney owns just about everything, so I think it's the other way around. My heart still belongs to Disney and I hope I can continue to go and even take my grandchildren one day. (I don't have any yet, just planning ahead.) I can see people who didn't grow up with Disney and younger people (like teens/20's) liking Universal more, although my son is almost 20 and he loves Disney. I even told him one day when he gets married maybe I'll spring for a Disney honeymoon.