Hollywood Studios Love - Jim Henson Studios


One Little Spark...
Original Poster
First, this is a long post.

Ok, so there are already those who like to play "Simcity" with the Parks, and those threads are a lot of fun to me, as I love playing "what if" with the Parks in my mind, as I'm sure many of you do as well.

I made a post in another thread where I thought the Park should be divided into unique "studios", like LucasFilms Studios, Jim Henson Studios (or Muppet Studios), etc...and that got me thinking.

I didn't want to go all out and do the whole Park, so, I just picked how to refurb the "Muppet" area of Hollywood Studios. This was a fun way to spend an hour or so...just daydreaming, I guess. So, here's my first shot at it. I'd love to hear feedback or further ideas (or reasons why it wouldn't work)...

Yes, I know I am "playing" Imagineer, and yes I know that I'm very unlikely to see any of this, and yes, I know that probably any idea I toss out has been thought of before by another user, and maybe even debated at Disney and turned down for one reason or another.

So, all that being said...here we go.

Here's the general layout of the newly titled "Jim Henson Studios"

Muppet Studios by englanddg, on Flickr

Jim Henson Studios would be a tribute to the life and works of Jim Henson. It would encompass his most famous achievements, and offer the family a touching, yet zany, experience, as only the Muppets can provide!


One Little Spark...
Original Poster
Muppet Lab's
Muppet Lab's is a Dipping Dots Ice Cream Vending Machine, on a grand scale. For anyone who has seen the massive Coke machine at World of Coke in Atlanta (now defunct), this would be a similar concept.
The Guest would approach one of many touch screens, and watch a short intro video with Bunsen and Beaker where they introduce the guest to Muppet Lab's new invention, the Ice Cream of the Future!
Guests will be able to choose from existing programmed options, or they can choose to create their own.
Pre-programmed options would include classic ice cream choices, like mint chocolate chip, and some more unique ones, like banana split.
If the Guest opts to make their own choices, they are able to choose from different pre-selected base flavors (chocolate, vanilla, mint, strawberry, banana, cherry, etc), and build their own mixture ratios using the screen.
During the building process, short amusing videos pop up with different Muppet characters that confirm, or maybe even show concern, about the Guest's choices (imagine Fozzy the Bear popping up with a joke about Banana Cream Pies when the guest chooses banana). Choices will be limited to 3 flavors, with extra cost for additional flavors in an attempt to keep the rotation at the attraction.
The frozen delight will then be assembled in front of them (using similar technology to coffee vending machines, with coffers set to open and close based on the Guests selection), as the Guest watches a short, somewhat random, video of their specific creation being made by the machine, in Muppet fashion (poor Beaker).
The location would require one full time attendant (man hours) to clean the screens and general area, restock and do routine maintenance on the machine (refill the cup dispenser, keep an eye on flavor stocks, etc), and this CM would need to be able to make change for guests, as the machine will accept dollars and credit cards / KTTW only.

Lew Zealand's Flying Fish (Fish and Chips)
Lew Zealand is famous for his Flying Fish (even though his show is a flop, pun intended). This Quick Service Kiosk eatery will offer a small menu. It will also offer limited adult beverages. Seating will be along the walkway behind Muppets 3D, directly across from the area indicated above.
"Boomerang" Fish and Chips (Fish and Chips on a base of fries)
"Rawlfs" Corn Dogs (Corn Dogs with a Jalepeno Batter, served with fries)
"Goodnight Sardine" half sandwich (Cold Brisling Salad with Avacado serverd on a slice of whole grain sourdough)
Churros, Brownies, Mickey Rice Crispy Treats, and Cookies
Specialty adult drinks would include:
"Tea for Two" - Lew Zealand's take on Long Island Iced Tea (premixed)
"The Intergalactic Brotherhood of Man" - Frozen mixture of Strawberry Daquari and Pina Colada, in layers
As a future enhancement, touchscreens could be added to the tables across the way that guests can interact with as they dine. Lew will thank them for their order, and ask what they got. As they answer, specific videos related to their order will pop up (maybe with some random clips as well from the Muppet Show), creating an entertaining and interactive experience that also lets them know why their drink is called "Tea for Two" and their Fish and Chips are called "Boomerang".
Staffing would require 1 full time cashier and 1 cook (2 cooks at peak). In addition, touch screens will need to be wiped off regularly, but this task may be added to general area staff.
Yorn Desh Born (Dine with the Swedish Chef)
Ever want to taste Onion Cake? Or any of the Chef's other crazy concoctions? Well, now is your chance. The Swedish Chef whips up your favorites. An animetronic Chef (not hard to do, since he's already a puppet) would be the lure. He would be visible to Guests as they enter and wait for their table, making a complete mess of things as usual. Skits would be based on Muppet Show skits, so there isn't much screenwriting to do. He would also be visible to Guests on the street, though slightly obfuscated as to attract their attention to get them to stop for a meal.
Instead of doing the cafeteria crawl, orders would be placed through a touch screen that plays a short series of Swedish Chef videos after the order is completed based on the choices. Rizzo the Rat is your host.
For example, if you order the Swedish Meatballs, as you wait on your order, your family would see something like this:
<Rizzo> "Oh, I see you ordered the Swedish Meatballs! Great choice, I love them. Lets see how the chef is doing with your order!"

As a further enhancement, Rizzo the Rat could tour the restaurant as Remy does at Le Chef's de France...but of course doing it Rizzo style.
Swedish Meatballs (Beef meatballs served with a cream sauce over soft noodles)
Onion Cake (Vanilla cupcake shaped like an Onion)
<still brainstorming on this, but think Ikea style food overall, with theme>


One Little Spark...
Original Poster
Muppets Vision 3-D (Stays the same)
Nothing to add here

Journey to Fraggle Rock
A Dark Ride using the Omnimover system (though, I'd really like to be able to simulate the "rush" into Fraggle Rock...not sure if this system can do that well...maybe a timed release down the track?...but lighting effects could help. Haven't fully thought this ride through...) The whole ride should take about 20 minutes end to end.
The "rush" to Fraggle Rock...

The queue area would include either videos along the queue of Doc and Sprocket at first, and the queues should be themed to their workshop...or a central animetronic (think the first part of Universals ET queue)...the idea would be you are starting off in Doc's garage, and as you enter the ride vehicle, you are wisked away to the world of Fraggle Rock.
Gobo needs your help to collect Radishes for the Weeba Weeba festival. He calls you into the ride to help him out. After a brief zip down the tunnel, you would, like the show intro, be taken into Fraggle Rock, theme song blazing in your ears and animetronics abound to recreate the intro.
After a short dialogue with Red, you are sent off on a mission to GET MORE RADISHES!
Then, you would be taken on a tour of Fraggle Rock on your quest for Radishes. First stop, Doozer City! Where you are told that they need Radishes to keep building their city improvements, but there is a shortage (keeping the story line moving along)

Next, you meet Cantus and the Minstrels, as you wander deeper into the caves.

Only to be whisked out of that into a scary scene. The concern is built with this scene...yet the guest sees nothing...just transition scenes set to be scary....

To break the tension, a scene like this is introduced



One Little Spark...
Original Poster
After this point, Gobo shows up to say he's found Radishes, and ideally, the ride vehicle speeds up to provide some ooph to the show. (I'm sure that's not a technical term)...
The Guest ends up in the Trash Heap...and gets a little show as she tells them that Radishes are nearby.

Then, off to the Gorgs! The climax of the ride! A giant Junior Gorg chases down the Guests as they leave the area...

The ride then has Gobo thanking you for your help, and sharing postcards from Uncle Traveling Matt, who has found your "silly creature" world inviting...

The ride finishes with Uncle Matt and Gobo thanking you for your help as you go back to explore "Outer Space"

The exit to the ride is near the current shop, renamed "Rainbow Connection".

It's not Easy Being Green: Remembering Jim Henson
I think as Disney acquires intellectual property that is historic, they should nod to those who created it. So, this is their nod to the talent and brilliance that was Jim Henson. Similar to the current Walt walkthrough at Hollywood Studios, I think this should be an interactive museum style attraction, aimed at adults, but friendly to kids.
Props could be donated by the Henson family, as well as other items (can't get Kermit the original, he's at the Smithsonian), but many items could be dedicated to tell the story of this amazing man who touched so many lives.
A short movie could be shown at the end, but I picture this as a strictly walk through at your own pace attraction. Something like this:

Sesame Street Meet and Greet
Of course there are no Muppets without Sesame Street! And, I know this IP is contested...
I think PBS could easily be brought to make a deal where they have vested interest in making this happen, but that's my personal opinion. I think if Disney devoted all sales from a PBS related store, and plugged PBS at that store, and passed them all the profits (from that store) an agreement could be reached.
So...going with that...I think that a Sesame meet and greet would be awesome. Think the Shreck meet and greet at Universal, except with Snuffy and Big Bird (even if puppets or animetronics)...Not to mention Elmo...It's gold. I figure you can take away from the Muppet 3D queue to make this place happen.
I think the "brick streets" that start the "area" should carry into the rest of the world. Otherwise, outside of little touches to make it all "muppet" there is very little work to be done as the whole area already blends well.
Work will need to be done to retheme the current, rather odd, San Francisco street to be Sesame Street.

Rainbow Connection
The shops won't change much, that central shop (currently the Stage 1 Company Store) should be renamed to the Rainbow Connection, and won't change layout much at all, outside of offering merchandise to reflect the local changes in offerings.

Closures / Relocations

It's a Wonderful Shop (Moved to New York Street)
Mama Melrose's (Moved to New York Street)
Pizza Planet (Moved to Pixar Place, replaced by Muppet Labs / Fraggle Rock Ride)

Ok, so that's it. I hope you like!

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
I love the replacement of Pizza Planet. I'm not that hot about Sesame Street taking over my SF street. :)

In an ideal world we'd be able to visit your plans for real for a day, just to check them out for real and compare with what's there. Would be great!


One Little Spark...
Original Poster
I love the replacement of Pizza Planet. I'm not that hot about Sesame Street taking over my SF street. :)

In an ideal world we'd be able to visit your plans for real for a day, just to check them out for real and compare with what's there. Would be great!

The Sesame Street was a last minute add on, when I really thought about the area.

I love San Fran street, but what bothers me about that whole area of the park (NY / San Fran) is there there really isn't much to do. It is dead space...

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
The Sesame Street was a last minute add on, when I really thought about the area.

I love San Fran street, but what bothers me about that whole area of the park (NY / San Fran) is there there really isn't much to do. It is dead space...
That much is true! It's just façades. Fun and pretty, but it could be better with actual content.


One Little Spark...
Original Poster
Ok, continuing the fun (yes, this really is how I'm spending my weekend!)...lets move on with more Hollywood Studios Love...here is Lucasfilm Studios.

This section of the Park is dedicated to George Lucas. While not entirely Star Wars based, it is largely (as you would expect it to be. Outside of Star Wars and Indiana Jones, Lucas really doesn't have that much else that's popular IP.

I'd love to stick a Labrynth ride in there (thought about sticking it where I ended up putting Clone Wars), as Lucas was one of the producers for that movie, but I didn't like the blend between Henson/Lucas, and the movie is grossly underrated and unfamiliar to many people.

Oh, and if I go too heavy with Star Wars puns...apologies in advance!

Anyhow, here's the map.

Lucasfilm Studios

Bantha Burger
Located in a portion of the current Backlot Express, this wouldn't require much of an overhaul outside of theming. The menu would stay largely the same, though modified slightly to reflect theming. While it would lose about 1/4 of it's seating to the Bespin Boutique building, it would still be a Quick Service Counter restaurant. One on of the now enclosed sides (Bespin Boutique wall or The Force wall) clips from Clone Wars episodes will be projected for diners to watch as they eat.
Note: Yes, I know that Burger King did a Dark Side and Light Side Burger concept before <grin>
Dark Side Burger (1/4 Angus Burger with Swiss Cheese, Mushrooms, fried onions and Spicy Mayo, served with a side of blue potato fries)
Light Side Burger (1/4 Angus Burger with American Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, Pickle, Mustard, Ketchup, Mayo served with regular fries)
Luke and Leah (Turkey Club Sandwich, I'll let you guess which one of them is represented by the bacon...mmm...bacon)

Jawa Beans
Do you like your coffee on the dark side? This location will offer specialized coffee drinks. Outdoor seating will be available.

Coroscant Confections
Located across from Jawa Beans, this small confectionary offers star wars themed baked goods, and make a fantastic combination. Outdoor seating will be available between the two venues.
Specialty Items
Chocolate covered Death Star Rice Crispy Treats
Tie Fighter and Millineum Falcon Cookies
Various cupcakes themed after characters

Taste of Hoth
Nothing beats the Florida heat like frozen concoctions straight from the Hoth system! This venue will take the place of the current location of the Jedi Academy stage.

Shaved Ice (basically...Sno Cones)
Mickey Ice Cream Bars
Light Sabers (Fruit bars)
Wampa Bites (chocolate covered ice cream nuggets with a random mix of flavors)

American Graffiti Diner / 50's Prime Time Cafe
No changes to menu, however the exterior lower floor will be refurbished to appear as if it's a 50's diner, stainless steel and all. Also, the interior waiting area / bar for 50's Prime Time will also be converted to appear as a 50's diner. The Prime Time Cafe will not change at all, outside of adding a new character as your "big brother" playing a 50's "greaser" as one of the waiters.
<Fonzerella> Can I get a "Ehhhhhhhhh" </Fonzerella>

Explorer's Cove
This will specialize in tropical drinks and soft serve ice cream (sorry Gerty the Dino, you need to find a new offering...I'm thinking Gyros! That being said, I haven't seen Gerty open in a long time) Anyhow, limited specialty adult drinks will also be served here. Frozen Daquaris and Pina Colada's (pre-mixed) as well as Dole Floats and Dole Whips (get it, Indiana Jones...whips...play me off Sam!)
<exits stage right>

Mos Eisley Cantina
This will be a Table Service dining experience. Guests can enjoy the Cantina Band as they eat a variety of foods from around the Galaxy! Though, by Galaxy I mean India. The restaurant will specialize in Curry, themed appropriately to Star Wars.

Tatooine Traders
No changes here, outside of removing the Build a Droid and Build a Saber sections, as they clog traffic in the already crowded shop, and adding more "Star Tours" themed merchandise, since other, larger shops are now available to sell the more general "Star Wars" themed merchandise in.
Build a Saber would move to the Bespin Boutique, and Build a Droid would move to ILM Express.

Bespin Boutique
Do you have a little Jedi? Or a little Jedi in you? The Bespin Boutique is the place to go for all your galactic apparel! From t-shirts to Jedi Robes, it's all here. In addition, adult high quality jewelry / watches will be available for the hard core fans with some extra Republic Credits to burn. In the back of the venue is "Become a Jedi", where kids of all ages can be made over as their favorite Jedi, or one of their own.
Padawans who participate in this (think BBB or Pirates Makeover at MK) will be able to choose various packages. The top package will include a hairstyle (including clip on braid), make your own lightsaber, robe of choice (various colors / styles), and facepainting, as well as a pictures of the makeover taken by a professional photographer and a reserved showtime appearance at the Jedi Academy.
Hidden Treasures
This is the Indiana Jones themed shop. It will have similar offerings as to what is currently available from the Indiana Jones merchandise at the parks today. Whips, hats, etc.

ILM Express
This is a catch all store which will sell various merchandise from any Lucasfilm project, including some specialty vintage style shirts like THX 1138, and Disney Crossover merchandise.

Star Tours
No changes here
Jedi Academy
The stage is moved across the street and expanded to allow for a larger group (instead of how they handle overflow now, doing it at street level and bringing in Darth Maul). The stage is also constructed so that it has a full 180 degree viewing area for the audience, allowing Parents to really get up close to the action, and bystanders to enjoy the show. The current show stage has about a 120 degree viewing area (guessing here, I haven't gone up on it and measured with my protractor).
In addition, the current sign up process is scrapped, and replaced with online sign up through the My Disney Experience App or through a computer kiosk located inside Bespin Boutique.
Show times stay approx. 20 minutes, but are increased to twice an hour, allowing a 20 minute break for the performers between shows. 25 children can participate in a single show due to the new stage size, with two Jedi Instructors playing off each other for laughs from the audience, and to keep control of the kids / pacing of the show. Of the 25 children, many slots will be filled by those reserving through the My Disney Experience App or the "Become a Jedi", however slots are monitored and at least half (pulling a metric off the top of my head) should be reserved for kiosk signup to ensure that walk-up guests get a chance to participate.
Guests will be required to show up 10 minutes early for any show at the new backstage prep area (instead of lining the kids up along the side of the stage, as they do now), and if they do not, then their slot will be offered to any children standing in the Audience (Imagine a CM going onto the stage pointing at a random kid and saying "I feel the force is strong with this one", and inviting them to join the show!). Guests who miss their booked appointment will be offered a kiosk pre-reserved slot for later in the day, if they so choose.

The Force
I debated long and hard about this internally. Should the ride be an indoor coaster (my gut feeling) or use the KUKA setup like Harry Potter at Universal?
I decided to go with an indoor Coaster. Though I could be convinced otherwise.
This is actually two attractions in one, as the ride will consist of two indoor Coasters, one the "Light Side" and one the "Dark Side".
The two tracks would intertwine, and should be designed so that the two ride vehicles on separate tracks cross paths often, and guests can literally see the competing coaster as the race through the ride.
The dark side coaster would be themed off of Empire based Tie Fighters, and the light side coaster would be themed off the Millennium Falcon. With the speakers in the headrest of the ride vehicles, guests would hear custom commentary. So, for example, on the light side, you'd hear banter between Chewie and Han Solo. On the dark side you'd hear a cold, snarky Imperial Officer taking orders from Darth Vader.
Utilizing the same technology as Rockin' Roller Coaster, both ride vehicles would line up next to each other before "engaging hyperdrive" (with an appropriate breakdown for the light side coaster, with Han yelling at Chewie). The ride vehicles and mechanics would be nearly identical in function to Rockin' Roller Coaster.
Inside the ride, large models would be constructed to give the appearance of racing through space and looping around and avoiding things like Star Destroyers and the Super Star Destroyer, as well as a chilling scene where the ride loops around the Death Star. Lasers and lighting can also be used to project the image that you are participating in a space battle.
I hate to duplicate a ride, especially in the same Park, but as RRC is so fantastic, and the theme is so different for this version of that same basic ride mechanic that I feel it's worth doing, and would make a fantastic experience that people would want to ride...at least twice (to experience both "sides" of the force).

Indiana Jones and the Hidden Labyrinth
Ok, I'm not a fan of Dinosaur at Animal Kingdom, and I personally think the "jerky jeep" is a bad ride vehicle, based on my experience there.
However...having now done Indiana Jones at Disneyland California, I get it. The ride there is fantastic.
However, I don't think they should clone it for Hollywood Studios. Instead, I think this ride should be done with the KUKA setup that is used at Universal for Harry Potter and Spiderman. However, instead of being rather jerky as the Universal Rides are, I think this ride should vary between slow and fast paced excitement, centered around Indiana Jones and his newest adventure, finding the Labrynth and solving the mysteries of Crete.
Of course, there should be Nazis...I am thinking they seek the Minotaur in order to create super soldiers. But, really, I haven't thought the story through. I just would like to see an Indiana Jones ride, and this is what I came up with.

Clone Wars - Save the Republic
Based on the Cartoon Series, this is another ride where I have to say is a nearly direct clone to other rides in terms of mechanics...but it's a very popular mechanic (er...no, I don't mean the magazine).
This will be a mixture of classic dark ride presentation and a shoot up gallery similar to Buzz Lightyear where you can join Obi-Wan and Ahsoka on an adventure to stop General Grievus and the Trade Federation from building a new super-weapon which would change the course of the war (sound familiar?).

In a Galaxy Far Far Away - Tribute to George Lucas
A walk through exhibit with a short movie about George Lucas, similar to One Man's Dream.

Jedi Encounters
Located in part of the building that houses the Mos Eisley Cantina (hard to see on the map I drew, since I used light grey...but I was running out of colors)...this is a Meet and Greet, similar to the Character Spot in EPCOT.
Regular characters would include Darth Maul, Darth Vader, Luke, Leah, and Chewie. These can be alternated out with characters from Clone Wars. The only character who is not invited to the party is Jar Jar.

Ok, not really an attraction...per se. But, this will be a new walkaround character for this section of the Park. Using the same technology as PUSH, guests can interact with R2D2 as he wanders around. A Jedi Padowan will accompany R2 as he wanders through the Park in order to translate what R2 is beeping...er...rather...saying.

Closures / Relocations / Other Changes
Gerty the Dinosaur will stop serving Ice Cream and be converted into a Gyro Stand, serving Dino meat of course!
Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular (Closed and Demolished)
Sounds Dangerous (Already Closed)
American Idol Experience (Closed)
Backlot Express (Closed and Demolished)
Jedi Academy Stage (Demolished and moved to new location)


Well-Known Member
Wow! I think you guys missed your calling!;) You have some wonderful ideas!:D I love the Swedish Chef, and I used to watch Fraggle Rock all of the time!:D But, I'm not too sure the Sesame Street idea will work, as Busch Gardens owns that theme park in Pennsylvania.
I do think some of your ideas about Star Wars may actually happen. We'll see...;)


Well-Known Member
I really like the exhibits you are including throughout the park in each land. If you go on the Imagineer forum and search Hyperion Avenue, you will find WED99's wonderful concept for an enchanting new Hollywood section. I think One Man's Dream could move there and a new exhibit could open on Hollywood Boulevard called 'The Citizens of Hollywood: How the Industry Began".


One Little Spark...
Original Poster
I really like the exhibits you are including throughout the park in each land. If you go on the Imagineer forum and search Hyperion Avenue, you will find WED99's wonderful concept for an enchanting new Hollywood section. I think One Man's Dream could move there and a new exhibit could open on Hollywood Boulevard called 'The Citizens of Hollywood: How the Industry Began".

I will certainly check that out!


One Little Spark...
Original Poster
Wow! I think you guys missed your calling!;) You have some wonderful ideas!:D I love the Swedish Chef, and I used to watch Fraggle Rock all of the time!:D But, I'm not too sure the Sesame Street idea will work, as Busch Gardens owns that theme park in Pennsylvania.
I do think some of your ideas about Star Wars may actually happen. We'll see...;)

Well, as I said, I know there are IP issues...

Sad, really, as Henson put so much effort into Sesame Street. It really should be included in anything that involves him. I think a reasonable offer to obtain rights for Disney (based on the design I posted) would be to cede all profits from that area to PBS...that would build some political pressure to allow for it to happen.

Though, I doubt they'd do that...I would love to walk down Sesame Street and do a meet and greet with classic characters (not have the whole thing overrun by Elmo)...

Considering kids who grew up with the show (as I did) are now parents with money to spend, it seems the nostalgia factor is worth it, as well as attracting our kids.


Well-Known Member
Sesame Place in Pennsylvania is a cool place for the kids to visit. It's a water park and a theme park in one! I wish Disney could think of a way to do something like that!;)


Well-Known Member
I think you need to go on THE MOMENT and tell them you've always wanted to be an Imagineer.:) You have some awesome ideas.

Would Mos Eisley Cantina have STAR WARS characters meeting and greeting guests at their table for autographs and photos?

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Taste of Hoth
Nothing beats the Florida heat like frozen concoctions straight from the Hoth system! This venue will take the place of the current location of the Jedi Academy stage.

Shaved Ice (basically...Sno Cones)
Mickey Ice Cream Bars
Light Sabers (Fruit bars)
Wampa Bites (chocolate covered ice cream nuggets with a random mix of flavors)
Awesome. But let's call it 'Hoth Ice'! ('And I thought they smelled good on the outside')

American Graffiti Diner / 50's Prime Time Cafe
No changes to menu, however the exterior lower floor will be refurbished to appear as if it's a 50's diner, stainless steel and all. Also, the interior waiting area / bar for 50's Prime Time will also be converted to appear as a 50's diner. The Prime Time Cafe will not change at all, outside of adding a new character as your "big brother" playing a 50's "greaser" as one of the waiters.
<Fonzerella> Can I get a "Ehhhhhhhhh" </Fonzerella>
Yay, one for the connaisseur! I'd so eat at an American Graffiti Diner!


One Little Spark...
Original Poster
I think you need to go on THE MOMENT and tell them you've always wanted to be an Imagineer.:) You have some awesome ideas.

Would Mos Eisley Cantina have STAR WARS characters meeting and greeting guests at their table for autographs and photos?

I did always want to be an Imagineer. I ended up working for the wrong Mouse. And yes, I don't see anything wrong with Mos Eisley being a character dine!


One Little Spark...
Original Poster
Awesome. But let's call it 'Hoth Ice'! ('And I thought they smelled good on the outside')

Yay, one for the connaisseur! I'd so eat at an American Graffiti Diner!

I like the term "Hoth Ice", by the way. No royalties will be paid!


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