Embarassing Moments at Disney


Original Poster
What is the most embarassing thing that has happened to you or someone in your group while at Disney?

I know there is an old thread on this topic, but it got so off topic, I thought it might be better just to start a new thread. If you want to see the old thread, here is the link: http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?t=58225 I thought it would be interesting to see what new stories our members have.

I'll start off. I have been pretty lucky- not too many embarassing things have happened to me at Disney. The one I can think of right now is when I was at TL with my senior class, on our class trip. We were walking through the wave pool (near the edge) and a wave came through. My shoes floated off my feet and went several feet into the pool. Needless to say, everyone noticed as I went chasing my shoes, as they kept floating further and further in. I was trying to not make it obvious, but that did not work.

Another story that happened the same trip to a friend was actually on the plane ride home. They were very tired, so they took a nap while the plane was at the gate. They were still asleep when we took off. This would not be a problem, except that they had their water bottle in their hand, without the cap on it. Needless to say, when we took off, the water went everywhere (and they woke up). No one noticed in time to say anything.


My most embarassing story would be when my daugher was just under two and potty training. She only needed a diaper at night (or so I thought:confused: ). Anyway, we were standing in line to see Figment and I was holding my daughter and all of a sudden I felt very warm............and very wet. She tinkled all over the side of me :eek:!!! I thought everyone around me was going to "______" themselves laughing at us!!! I don't ever think my husband has turned quite that shade of red before!!!

A few days after that, we went to BB. My son and I were going down that large slide (that gives you a wedg.) and my husband and daugher were waiting for us, when all of a sudden, she spread her legs and tinkled right there on the side, next to two college students. Again, my husband was mortified!!! Of course when he told me what had happened, I couldn't stop laughing. :lol: :lol: Oh well, now she's 11 and doesn't appreciate this story too much.


Well-Known Member
About six years ago when my wife (my girlfriend at the time) and I were staying at the beach club, we went down the long slide into the pool. When she got to the bottom, her top flew up and she was exposed a bit. Happened pretty fast and we don't think anyone saw, but embarassing for her none the less.


Well-Known Member
iheartdisney91 said:
when i held hands with a complete stranger lol

I've called a complete stranger "Mom" at WDW before :(

I've told this story on this board many times before in similar threads to this one:

I once crashed into a glass door at the Animal Kingdom Lodge. I didn't even know it was there! Darn Disney custodians with their outstandingly clean glass doors! :cry:


Well-Known Member
Going way back on my Honeymoon I was walking next to my new wife in MK and she had stopped to pick up something but I kept on walking and talking thinking she was still right next to me.I was not paying too much attention that I was walking next to a guy and put my hand out to hold her hand.I was looking at a vendor cart and said "honey why wont u hold my hand?" to hear my wife about 10 feet behind me saying"Shaun OMG what are you doing?????".At that point I looked over and saw the guy giving me the evil eye thinking I was trying to hold his hand.:eek:
I was in the Magic Kingdom by myself one day, and I needed to go to the bathroom. I was wearing a skirt, and accidently tucked it into my bright yellow underwear....I walked like 20 feet before some woman called me over and told me...:eek:


New Member
i was sitting by the ToT and i was eating a ice cream oreo sandwich and i felt something on my head. and sure enough there was a bird sitting on top of my head trying to get the pony tail holder out of my hair. i freaked out and startin shoo-ing it off and everyone was looking at me weird. it was deff. embarassing. :eek:


New Member
At the ABC Commentary in MGM, I was getting some packets of sauce. I told my dad (or who I thought at the time was him) to grab a few forks. Then the guy said "I'm not your dad" and then I was embarrassed.:eek:


Active Member
The yr I turned 16 and got my drivers license my brother wanted me to take my niece to disney world for the day, magic kingdom to be exact anyways I told him sure but it was summer time so I told him I wanted to leave about 7 ao we could get a decent parking place etc., so I told him to bring her on over that night so we could just leave from my house so he agrees and at 9 pm that night he comes in and not only did he bring my niece but also brought his best friends 2 children. I go OMG what are they doing here, you have to understand at this point those 2 kids were the devil incarnate the had horrible behavior, so after arguing for about an 1hr with him he guilt tripped me into doing it. Now here I am 16 I had only driven on I-4 about 3 times previously so I was still a little frightend, I have a 10 yr in my passengers seat, as well as a 3 and 9 yr old in the back. So eventually we get there and I park the car and all 3 of them are screamin with excitement and I am trying to park the car I park it and then back it up to straigten it out and I didnt look I trying to get the background noise out and I backed into one of those guest cart thingys I started freaking out but the CM got out looked at the damage I ran up crying and was like O im so sorry and then he saw the 3 kids in my car and he was like its ok Ms accidents happen I felt so bad all day I spent like 50 on each kid that day in addition to tickets in hopes of trying to pay for my damages to the cart non the less it didnt make me feel better:cry:


New Member
cdunbar said:
The yr I turned 16 and got my drivers license my brother wanted me to take my niece to disney world for the day, magic kingdom to be exact anyways I told him sure but it was summer time so I told him I wanted to leave about 7 ao we could get a decent parking place etc., so I told him to bring her on over that night so we could just leave from my house so he agrees and at 9 pm that night he comes in and not only did he bring my niece but also brought his best friends 2 children. I go OMG what are they doing here, you have to understand at this point those 2 kids were the devil incarnate the had horrible behavior, so after arguing for about an 1hr with him he guilt tripped me into doing it. Now here I am 16 I had only driven on I-4 about 3 times previously so I was still a little frightend, I have a 10 yr in my passengers seat, as well as a 3 and 9 yr old in the back. So eventually we get there and I park the car and all 3 of them are screamin with excitement and I am trying to park the car I park it and then back it up to straigten it out and I didnt look I trying to get the background noise out and I backed into one of those guest cart thingys I started freaking out but the CM got out looked at the damage I ran up crying and was like O im so sorry and then he saw the 3 kids in my car and he was like its ok Ms accidents happen I felt so bad all day I spent like 50 on each kid that day in addition to tickets in hopes of trying to pay for my damages to the cart non the less it didnt make me feel better:cry:

Don't take this the wrong way, but using some puctuation might make your post a little easier to read. BTW, that sounds like a nightmare of a day.


Well-Known Member
My dad got wasted at Chef Mickeys and got into a fight with the manager because he wouldnt let my dad buy a mickey painting off the wall for $2000.


New Member
Several years back I took my two best friends to MK when I was on Spring Break. As we were leaving for the night, they start yelling at these group of girls who all have shorts, well, short and tight enough for everyone to see part of their buttocks and to know they weren't wearing any underwear. I couldn't believe how obnoxious my friends were, but they stopped after a few seconds, and there wasn't a scene made on the street. We stopped in at the Lost and Found to see if we could find one of my friend's sunglasses that he had left who knows where during the day. Two of the girls from the group followed us in and made a scene by yelling at the security guard that he needed to do something as my friends and I had been harassing them throughout the fireworks. Nothing was said to us, but we left quickly, and under a lot of glares from parents in the room.

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