DTD's Marketplace Complete?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Of course we know that with Disney these things are never completed as new ideas are implemented and tastes change which lead to more changes.

With that said though and with the opening of the amazing Lego store, I think it is safe to say the Marketplace is now close to where they envisioned it. If you have not seen the pictures here they are....


The energy and crowds are exactly what Disney had in mind and I am sure this will continue with HW and changes to the Westend. Video of the new store proves Disney is right on track with the reimagining of DTD.

Kudos to Disney for sticking with Lego and congradulations on the amazing results.


Active Member
Of course we know that with Disney these things are never completed as new ideas are implemented and tastes change which lead to more changes.

With that said though and with the opening of the amazing Lego store, I think it is safe to say the Marketplace is now close to where they envisioned it. If you have not seen the pictures here they are....


The energy and crowds are exactly what Disney had in mind and I am sure this will continue with HW and changes to the Westend. Video of the new store proves Disney is right on track with the reimagining of DTD.

Kudos to Disney for sticking with Lego and congradulations on the amazing results.

yes it's complete. end of thread.


Well-Known Member
If you don't like it I know it is good. Also judging by the buzz of the crowd in the videos I have seen. It isn't just a home run, they hit a grand slam. And they are just getting started.

Just getting started? I thought you said it was complete?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Just getting started? I thought you said it was complete?

Only the "marketplace" which makes up about a third of DTD. Expect this success to spread to the rest of DTD in the next couple years with the completion of Hyperion Wharf and plussing of the WestEnd.

It will be great!

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
If you don't like it I know it is good. Also judging by the buzz of the crowd in the videos I have seen. It isn't just a home run, they hit a grand slam. And they are just getting started.


I was talking about your post. But we both knew that.


Well-Known Member
If you don't like it I know it is good. Also judging by the buzz of the crowd in the videos I have seen. It isn't just a home run, they hit a grand slam. And they are just getting started.


If it's a grand slam - and a grand slam means all bases score - wouldn't that mean that all of DTD is now complete, in your opinion?


Well-Known Member
So what's so amazingly different about the Marketplace now? They've expanded the Lego Store, swapped out Pooh Corner for Little Miss Matched (a downgrade IMO), and forced out the very popular McDonald's for chicken restaurant that probably won't be there in two years. I'm not seeing an amazing transformation here.

btw, if rumors are correct, they aren't done: Ridemakerz is moving into the Team Disney location (oh wow, the invasion of third party retail into the Marketplace – I'm overwhelmed).

The Marketplace has always been the most successful area of DTD. I don't see how any of these changes have added anything substantial. :shrug:

Master Gracey

Well-Known Member
...Expect this success to spread to the rest of DTD in the next couple years with the completion of Hyperion Wharf and plussing of the WestEnd.

It will be great!

Not if the demo team accidentally disturbs Merriweath Pleasure's "failsafes"! Personally, I would rather see Pleasure Island gently sinking beneath the waves of Lake Buena Vista than Disney to ever profit from that land again. Not that Hyperion Wharf will ever bring in any money with grass lawns anyway.

Some days you eat the mouse.
Some days the mouse eats you.
But never give into the mouse without a fight!



Well-Known Member
Not complete...still need to replace Art of Disney, Mickey's Pantry (well, it's half-replaced with that spice shop, may be good enough), Mickey's Christmas Store...3rd party vendor space still available!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jt04
With that said though and with the opening of the amazing Lego store, I think it is safe to say the Marketplace is now close to where they envisioned it.

Originally Posted by jt04
If you don't like it I know it is good. Also judging by the buzz of the crowd in the videos I have seen. It isn't just a home run, they hit a grand slam. And they are just getting started.

just getting started? I thought you said it was complete?



Active Member
If disney wants to add third party vendors why dont they do it somewhere else they do have ALL that property. DTD needs to be disney not other places JMO.

WDW Vacationer

Active Member
If you don't like it I know it is good. Also judging by the buzz of the crowd in the videos I have seen. It isn't just a home run, they hit a grand slam. And they are just getting started.


I'd hate to burst your bubble.

Well, actually, I'd love to.

Disney has very little to do with what happened at the Lego store. Lego paid the bill, and it was probably their idea.

Kudos to TDO for keeping the lease low enough for them to stay. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'd hate to burst your bubble.

Well, actually, I'd love to.

Disney has very little to do with what happened at the Lego store. Lego paid the bill, and it was probably their idea.

Kudos to TDO for keeping the lease low enough for them to stay. :lookaroun

Yeah right. And I was thinking those giant Lego creations were based on Disney characters. How silly of me.

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