disney world blues


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has anyone been on this websight?
i was on last night and was quite disturbed about what i saw.
ive seen some quality drop over the years but some pics i did see made me sick.just curious if anyone has seen the sight and what their feelings were after seeing all the pics of the neglect of the wdw resort-some are really bad. its www.disneyworldblues.com

i do realize that its a small percent of neglect but some thigns were REALLY neglected


Yes, I've been to the site before. It is sad when you see how things used to be. That's why I love WDW so much, because of the first impressions it made on me way back then. It was like nowhere else (before the others jumped in to mimic them and capitalize on their success).
I still love it, even though I lament the loss of some great rides and attractions.


New Member
I agree that some things have changed and aged at WDW but I think this site is too negative and nit-piks but I usually see the world with rosey glasses unless I am having a really bad day.

15 days and counting.


New Member
Yes, I've been to the site before as well.
It is sad when you Know how things used to be. That's why I love WDW so much, because my first impression was of a pristine place back on my first trip there at the first Holiday season back in 1971. It was like nothing else before , Since then others have jumped on the bandwagon to copy that success.

I still love it even though I am upset at the loss of some great Minds at Imagineering and instead goint to off-the-shelf rides and attractions which looses the originalty that Walt had and loosing that "special" quality WDW had in the first ten years.

I am not sure poohbear of you exact POV on the site but I really don't agree on them nitpicking. If you know any of Walt's pholosphys about how he wanted his park to be Clean, compared to the disgusting places he took his children when they were young you may understand that they might be disgusted at the lack of pride in the upkeep, That is why "Walts Place as it has been refered to was built, To give the Guests a place that had pride in it self, But that level is slowly being attained with how the maintence has suffered in the last 15 years. In the first years of DL and WDW, worker "elves" would come out at night , Find and fix or replace worn details and be ready to shine the next day, as if nothing was ever worn out ever. That level it seems to not be there. I enjoy the site and would like to see a grass roots effort to get Disney to realise hod bad that looks to a dedicated person like myself.


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on a scale of 1-10-10 being the best what would u rate disney parks in cleanliness and upkeep?

i say lately about a 7-one time id say 10 but not lately


Ok...here's my $0.02:

Nobody wants to see the bad side of something they have great affection for, right? I mean, it's like finding out that your grandmother's a drug dealer or something. It's a big let-down. But, on the other hand, if someone shedding light on her problem causes her to straighten herself out, then it's a good thing, right?

I say that to say that while I hate to look at the pictures at www.wdwblues.com maybe the maintenance people are browsing that site, too. Think about it...you live in your home every day and as it slowly deteriorates, you don't notice the subtle changes. One day, you look at an old picture of the house and realize, "wow, those shutters need paint!" or a friend you haven't seen in a while drops by and says, "did you notice that your shingles are looking pretty worn?" Well, no, I hadn't noticed because I've seen them nearly every day since I moved in and they looked the same as each previous day.

Let's all hope that WDW Maintenance is looking at the site and WDW's "old friends" (us) are pointing out what needs work.


Well-Known Member
I've been to the site and it seemed real nit-picky. A piece of peeling paint on Peter Pan never ruined my vacation. Some people have way too much time on their hands... Maybe they should try making WDW look perfect every moment when thousands of tourists are walking through it every day.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Well... it all depends...... It's not half as bad as DLP..
I never walk through the parks with my binoculars, although I'm very picky...
Comparing to other parks, WDW is still in better condition than
most other (non-disney) parks.

To keep the magic, one sometimes has to repair while the
parks are open...

Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
I've seen that site before. Even thought they are reporting the neglect and less than perfect conditions in the parks , they do report that they are taking care of the problems. We all expect Disney to be top notch, perfect with no visible flaws, but this just goes to show that when Disney laid off a lot of workers because of 9/11 and the effects it had on attendance, they obviously got rid of a lot of their maintenence people. I think that this site is good with the way it lets people know how to let Disney know that there is a problem. (with anything)



Well-Known Member
I'd have to agree with meeko_33785, yes there there but do you really care unless your sitting there being forced to look at it. I mean I probably have never noticed any of those problems that they showed on the site. I'm there to have fun not nit-pick. I mean yeah they should take care of it but does it really matter when there that small? I mean if the whole park were in disrepair and everyting needed a paint job then it would be a problem but it's just things here and there.


New Member
Originally posted by meeko_33785
I've been to the site and it seemed real nit-picky. A piece of peeling paint on Peter Pan never ruined my vacation. Some people have way too much time on their hands... Maybe they should try making WDW look perfect every moment when thousands of tourists are walking through it every day.

the things like pealing paint and the rotting wood being left there with out any maintence would make Walt roll over in his grave, He would be horrified at the lack of maintenance at the parks today, he never wanted to let a guest see this kind of wear ever and he was a perfectionist but he also knew that is was a bad show to let things get into disrepair where the guest would see them, he didn't want his parks get to be like the rat holes he took Diane and sharron as children, he wanted to have a park better than that. I an wondering that if walt didn't creat DL if there would be a SF or US ever??????????

so in keeping with how walt would have done things there not being any worse that walt would have been about the upkeep


Well-Known Member
Everyone is entitled to their own views and opinions. You can take whatever you want away from Disney .. meaning that if you're looking for inadequacies, you will find them. But if you're looking for magic, you will find that. If life has taught me anything it's that happiness is not so much a result of a situation, but rather your reaction to it :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Glasgow
Everyone is entitled to their own views and opinions. You can take whatever you want away from Disney .. meaning that if you're looking for inadequacies, you will find them. But if you're looking for magic, you will find that. If life has taught me anything it's that happiness is not so much a result of a situation, but rather your reaction to it :animwink:

Couldn't have said it better myself. :sohappy:


New Member
Original Poster
i know there is a couple of custodial cms in here-what r ur thoughts of the sight and have u noticed a decline in standards in ur daily jobs?


Active Member
I like the site -

For me part of what made Disney so very special was the attention to detail...

The neglect was already becoming apparent before 9/11 - I shudder to think of how things look now :(


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by cymbaldiva
I like the site -

For me part of what made Disney so very special was the attention to detail...

The neglect was already becoming apparent before 9/11 - I shudder to think of how things look now :(
And the Disney detail is what really caught my attention last time we went. As I rode rides or visited attractions, especially through the queue areas, I was amazed at the detail and the great lengths that Disney goes to make it as real as possible. I have a son bugging me to death about going to Six Flags and my mind keeps going to their attractions--about as lifeless as I can imagine. Disney has been and always will be head and shoulders above all others in their detail. Sure, things may need touching up every now and then, but it gets taken care of. No one is perfect, but the overall quality of the park lies in the eyes of the beholder. Personally, I'm not paying $50+ a day to walk the parks and critique them and take away my enjoyment.

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