Challenge 5
It's Overlay Time!
Welcome to Tokyo Disneyland!
As you may know, it's November, so the parks are getting ready around the world for the holidays!
Tokyo isn't any different.
Jack does his overlay.
And the Country Bears.
Even Dreamlights gets some fun stuff added to it.
So, we're doing a little
"Experimenting" with an attraction that hasn't really had any type of overlay before. With some awesome technology, I must say.
You get to work with
Pooh's Hunny Hunt!
The goal is to do a nice little christmas overlay of the attraction.
Based on a special or come up with your own story.
Go Crazy.
Some sets will be easier then others for the overlay, so I'll wish you guys luck on that.
If you haven't seen it, you'll wish the American Parks had it!
Good Luck Competitors! Due tomorrow at Midnight.
Ok for this week I was given extra time and I thought I was going to need it, however I managed to come up with an idea that I like and think its the best I am going to come up with!
For my overlay of Pooh's Hunny Hunt! I am going to do the Christmas theme with a very, very, very....snowy approach! It might even Blizzard!?

. The ride will open around November sometime and last through the holidays! It will be called "Happy Holidays in the Hundred Acre Woods". The Holiday Overlay will keep most of the ride in tact with a few major transformation and minor changes!
For one the whole audio will have to change to fit along with the story. The new story is inspired by a classic Winnie the Pooh tale where Tigger bounces too high and gets stuck in the tree!
I decided to create a new version of this story. The story is its Christmas Eve in the Hundred Acre Wood and Everyone is getting ready for the big party and everyone is home except Tigger. And with a blizzard on the way everyone is getting worried. Tigger has gone out to get Pooh's present which is a batch of Hunny for Pooh from the Hunny tree. When Tiiger bounces up to get the hunny he realizes he bounced too high and is too scared to come down! So Tigger yells for help. All the gang get really worried and go in search for Tigger during the peak of the Blizzard! They find Tigger and Pooh Climbs the tree to help Tigger down but Pooh falls inside the honey tree! Which is ok in the end because Pooh gets his Christmas Present early. The End.
The queue and entrance will also be getting new additions plus a winter snow overlay to keep the holiday theme!
So The changes to ride will be that the whole ride will get a Snowy overlay. Right in the beginning Pooh dressed in Holiday gear and Christopher Robin talk about the Christmas Party he is throwing! So the Fall look will turn to Winter and All the AA figures will get scarfs and hats and mittens on! In the beginning section pooh will come down from the balloon and a NEW AA figure of Kessie, the bird featured on a few new adventure of Winnie the pooh episodes!
Also the dialogue will change and everyone will be talking about the big party and towards the end you here Rabbit asking where Tigger is? (The Wind will be blowing around signaling that a blizzard is coming.
The next scene takes you to the part where Tigger jumps too high. He talks to the rides saying watch how high I can jump and jumps straight up into the Hunny tree. Snow falls on guests (fake foam snow) from the branches Tigger jumps on and yells for help.
The Next scene is in where the Heffalumps and Woozles usually are. This will get a new overlay as another woodsy scene but much darker and colder with much more wind and blizzard effect. The whole hundred acre wood is found in the forest searching for Tigger and Then you eventually come Upon Tigger and Pooh is climbing the Tree. The next scene shows Tigger down and Pooh stuck in the tree. Then the final scene stays the same with Pooh in the Hunny Tree saying he loves Christmas!
The Snow effect is similar to this from FJ
I don't describe anything too in detail here but in short here are the changes
1.snowy look (winter)
2.Kessie bird
3.Story Change
4.Heffalumps scene now additional Hundred Acre Woods search for Tigger(Heffalumps covered by new themed walls)
5.Snowing effects
6.New dialogue with narrator explaining whats going on in between scenes
7.New themes of winter snow in the queue and entrance signage
8.New title for ride
Hope you guys like it!