August Information


New Member
I finally finalized my trip, August 14-23 at the Polynesian Resort...YAH!!!
For that time of the year what are the park hours usually like? What are the crowds usually like? I imagine that the weather is going to be brutal, but what are you going to do?
And any other comments or tipsabout going at this time of the year would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
I make a solo trip to WDW every year at that time, and it's my favorite time of year to visit!

Use the fastpasses for every ride you can - it will save you hours of standing around in the heat. Be prepared for afternoon thundershowers, even if there isn't a cloud in the sky. Bring lightweight ponchos for everybody, or plan on buying the Disney ones - either way, it's inevitable that you're going to need them. Scotchguard your sneakers - I am NOT kidding! :D Do what the guidebooks suggest, because the summer really is crowded - go early, get out of the parks in the afternoon for a swim or nap or whatever, and go back later.

One thing that might really work for you - the kids in Florida go back to school much earlier than other areas, so you will probably see the crowds decrease those last 2 weeks of August. (I live in the northeast, so I can't say for sure exactly what date the schools reopen, but I'm sure someone else here can tell you!) The parks have always been open long hours when I've been there in previous years, but I don't know how things will be this year.

Anyway, have a great time!:animwink:
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Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
The crowds will be big, but not Spring or Winter break big. And you are right the weather is a killer, remember to keep hydrated and periodically go in to the Air Conditioned areas. Also one of those water fans are a must.
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Well-Known Member
The heat is almost unbearable. Lots of cold water are a must. Take advantage of staying at the Poly; enjoy the resort when it gets too hot.
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New Member
Having lived in Orlando for five years, we've become used to heavy summer crowds. Definitely use the Fast Pass system. It only taKes a couple of minutes to pick up these passes, and they can save lots of time. As soon as you use a pass for one attraction, head off to get another pass for another attraction. This may seem hectic, but it will really save you a lot of time. It will also save you from standing in long lines, in the humidity. As for the weather it is not that hot, but is VERY humid. If you are not used to the humidity, it can be a killer. Use some form of moisture (iced towel) around your neck. Have a great time in Orlando!!! :)
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New Member
I was there that exact same time in 2000 and loved it. It was crowded, but not too crowded. Our longest wait for a ride was about 20 minutes without fast pass. and most waits were about 10 or 15. It definately was hot, but not unbearable. Plus, we were there for a week and it did not rain once. Very lucky! We are staying at the poly this summer july 20 to the 30th. I cant wait! If I had the choice I would go when you are, but I dont. I have never gone in late july, I hope its the same size crowds.
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New Member
My wife and I went to Disney in April and stayed at the Contemporary, it was absolutely wonderful, now we are going back with friends at end of july that live in Orlando and say the the parks are crowded, but not to bad. They also said the weather varies, sometimes it will storm in the afternoon and sometimes you catch a break. So hopefully we will catch a break, if not we are use to it, we have been going to disney for the last 20years, NO JOKE! By the way i am new to this Forum, just wanted to say HELLO!!!:wave: :wave:
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New Member
I go down to Disney every year in August, I think it is the best time to go. The lines are very small and it is just the right temperature to go. Test Track is the longest line usually and its only about 20 minutes to wait in line!
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New Member
Thank you "figmentmom" I am glad to be here!!! Yeah i am excited to go back to Disney. I can't believe i get to go again, when i just went in April. Now i have all my friends into Disney and all excited. :sohappy:
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We've gone the last three years for the third week of August -- we are Vacation Club members and the point values go down after the second week of August because all the Florida kids go back to school. In my experience, the parks really aren't that crowded and if you know how to use fastpass well, you'll have a great time. The weekend days are definitely worse than weekdays, especially at the water parks, because the locals will still hit these to cool off. The one thing we do miss by going this time every year is the fireworks at Islands of Adventure, which I love, and some of the later park times at Disney.

Overall, we found this week to be a pleasure, with reasonable waits and HOT temperatures.
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